Scheming up

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I woke up going to the bathroom brushing my teeth and my other   daily routines . After that I put my hair in a high pony tail picking out my pink aeropostale crop top , white skinnies , & my pink & white kd7's.
I grabbed the keys to my car going to McDonald's . when I got there I walked in and scanned the place
Ëshä- where are you?
Chëråsøntö- at the back by the TV
As I looked up from my phone I seen a gorgeous brown skin  with pretty white teeth. I walked to the table sitting across from him taking my givenchy shades off .
" hey I'm cherasonto."
" I'm esha so ..this plan ?"
I feel like Evey thing is some what falling into place.
" niya I'm taking you out on a date tonight ."
" August you don't have to ."
" baybeh I'm posed to spoil you so let me ."
" whatever you say bae."
" come hea ' and give me a kiss ."
I walked to August pecking his lips passionately not wanting it to end.
" I gotta be at the studio I'll be back in 3 hours ."
" ok August."
I hugged August as he kissed my forehead leaving the house.
I put on a flower 'thug life ' crop top with my white joggers with gold & black strips on them with my  white converses. I curled my hair putting it in a straight part.
I grabbed my car keys going into my car. I went to chyna's house knocking on the door. When she opened the door I seen Michael.
" hey niya ."
" hey t."
" chyna here ?"
" yea come in ."
Michael let me when I got in the living area I seen chyna holding liyah .
" hey chyna ."
" hey bhoo."
I grabbed my daughter from chyna's arms kissing her cheeks spinning her around.
" she looks just like you ma ."
Michael said smiling at liyah which made liyah burst into laughter with spit bubbles. She was a cheerful baby even though situations are tough. I jus smiled at my mini me.
"Well I came to get liyah since me and August going on a date later I want you to keep her I can pick her up when we get back ."
" that's fine ."
" thanks chyna ."
I hugged chyna & Michael before leaving her house.
-August -
As I got done recording a few tracks I seen esha . damn did I really have to deal with this girl?
" esha what to you doing here ?"
" I came to see you ."
" esha you shouldn't be here ."
Esha gazed down at my lips back to my face letting her small finger trail down my chest.
" why should I be ?" She asked in a seductive voice
" I broke up with you last night ."
" you know I love you ."
" no esha ya love a nigga money ."
" August your being silly ."
" nah I'm being real."
" whatever."
" please get out I don't want security to have to escort you out."
" august don't be like that."
The door opened and I seen stacey walk through the door.
" did I interrupt something?"
" nah esha was jus leaving ."
I narrowed my eyes showing Esha I wasn't playing  with her. She rolled her eyes leaving the studio. Some how I knew this wouldn't be the last time she would try some sneaky shit like this.
" you always fucking with them crazy bitches except for ya baby momma she's cool."
" yea niya she's the best ."
" y'all must be back at it ."
" something like that ."
" I'm happy for you Aug."
" thanks stacey ."
" well I gotta book the rest of your events so I'll call you when I get finished."
" ok thanks stacey."
Me and stacey did our lil handshake.
- Esha-
I can't believe this nigga turned me down again. He knows he wants me. I jus needa find a quick way to get niya out the picture she wasn't even all that. She can't pleasure August like I can she's jus lucky that she has a baby by him she jus got lucky.
I was in the living room vacuuming with the music blasting when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist . I turned back seeing august .
I pecked his lips wrapping my arms around his neck which was filled with beautiful colors.
" I missed you baby."
" I missed you too August."
" did you love me?"
" yes I did ."
August gently pecked my neck
" august stop not in front of liyah."
August turned to see liyah looking at us in her little play pin. August chuckled a little walking over to liyah.
" hey beautiful." August said picking up liyah kissing her little cheeks.
I just smiled at how they connected. I could tell that when sh gets older she's going to have a great relationship with her father.
- Chyna -
" Michael I get sick of this shit with you every time you and Kylie have problems you wanna come back to me."
" I'm sorry chyna I've been fucked go lately, I wanna come back and actually be a family ."
" you gon have to do more than day shit for me to actually believe that and I've moved on."
" with who?"
" don't worry bout it you've moved on so have i."
" man c don't do this bae ."
" nigga I ain ya bae ."
" look I know I fucked up made you sacrifice ya friends for me its the same story out ya diary when nights at the club Turned for me I did you wrong chyna jus know I'm trying to make things right."
" let me ask ya this ."
" wassuh."
I watched as he pulled his hat off rubbing circles in his beautiful honey blond curls.
" are you still fucking around with Morgan and other hoez ?"
" no I stopped chyna I want us back ."
" why you jus now realizing this ?"
" I can't explain it but I want us to be a family again.".
" whatever Michael get king because I have a date tonight ."
" cmon on king ."
King came running down the stairs .
" you pack ya lil bag ?"
I asked stooping down to my sons level.
" yes ."
"Be good for mommy ."
" I will."
I kissed kings head hugging him before he walked out the door with his father . Michael looked back at me but I didn't stare back too long . I closed the door sighing going to my room picking out a short red dress with my red bottoms. I straightened my blonde hair putting on my best perfume, & jewelry. When I was done putting on my accessories I heard a knock at my door.
- Cherasonto-
I paced around my head quarters watching niya cuddled up with her daughter & August. She shouldn't be happy  with that nigga at all. I'ma make sure that happinesses don't last long cuz I want her to myself, Ion share too well.
I called Esha (face time)
" aye did your plan work ?"
" no he's blinded by niya."
"She is a pretty girl and she getting thicker."
" cherasonto I don't care about her ."
" your jus jealous because she's better than you and no nigga want yo hoe ass."
" cherasonto you don't know a damn thing about me so don't say shit like that ."
" bitch I do know your type set you the type of girl to spend a nigga money because yo lazy ass can't get a damn J.O.B."
I jus looked at this nigga like I seen 3 heads on his shoulders. Who the fuck was the nigga to come and tell me who I was.
" I'm out the deal I ain desperate for Niya that bad to sabotage her and august relationship you one crazy ass bitch."
With that he hung up. I threw my phone on the bed .

"Shit !"
Now I gotta figure this shit on my own and make sure he don't shit bout my plans I'm trying to make.
I sat there thinking of ways to keep this all under wraps but I had nothing I gotta make sure cherasonto fine ass don't say nothing. He could mess up everything that I need.
The question is what and where am I starting next?
I gotta warn them about esha crazy ass. If anything happened to niya or her daughter I would feel so responsible because I knew something and didn't speak of anything. I mostly feel stupid for even trying to ruin her relationship with august. I got in my blue & white camaro driving to Niya's house.
When I knocked on the door august opened the door with a baby  in his arms.
"Aye niya here ?"
" she here what ya needa fa?"
" I got some information on Esha ."
" what you mean ?"
" look Esha tried to get me to help her plot against y'all so she can destroy y'all relationship and she was going to start with liyah."
" Esha wasn't getting anywhere near my daughter I'll kill that bitch."
" I jus wanted to let y'all know before something happened."
" thanks man I appreciate it."
August and me dapped
" your daughter a pretty one ."
" thanks man. "
" no problem well I gotta be gone "
" ight ."
I walked out the house getting in my camaro riding to my place. When I got there I seen another car parked in my front yard.
When I got in my house the lights were dimmed. I walked to my bedroom seeing a female like figure standing in the corner.
" who there ?"
" come close to find out ." her seductive voice said
I walked closer to her she dropped her trench coat wrapping her legs around one of my calves.
" Esha ?"
" maybe don't worry about this take your clothes off."
" no how'd you get in my house ?"
" jus my ways let's jus enjoy this ." Esha said trying to unzip my zipper.
" no Esha this ain right I'm still in love with niya but I'm not gon try to mess wid her ."
" fuck you."
" nah bitch get out  "
Esha put her coat on walking out the house .
Damn this bitch crazy ....

Later on
August ' claimed ' he had to go on some errands so I decided to get ready for our date. I blasted moving slow by lil durk. I went in my closet picking out a pink short dress that had no straps . it was long in the front and short in the back. I curled my hair flipping my bang. After I was finished doing my  hair I applied my make up . I went into my closet picking out my white & gold pumps. I put on my gold heart  locket . Then the door opened. I seen August standing in the door way in a black suit. He looked  so cute.
"You look beautiful."
" thanks August you don't look half bad yourself."
August chuckled pulling flowers from behind his back.
" these are for you ."
" thanks August they're beautiful."
I put the flowers in a vase filled with water. I turned to August kissing his perfect pink lips .
" you know I love you right ?"
" yea ."
" come on we don't need to be late."
I followed August to his car we sat in the car listening to the music that filled our ears .when he stopped at this huge extravagant building we held each others  hand walking into the place together. All heads turned  when we walked into together.
Photographers snapped pictures as August walked me to the seats we had reserved. This date ended up being a double date because mel & kyndall were there as well.
" kyndall ."
" niya."
We hugged like we haven't seen each other in years but its been a while since we've actually jus sat there and had a conversation.
Mel & August smiled at me and kyndall .
" hey sis I'm glad y'all worked things out ." mel said hugging me
" you know we can't stay away from each other."
" that's right ." August said wrapping his arm around my waist.
We all sat at the table making a good conversation. Then a waitress appeared at the table with a decorative masquerade Ball mask on . she served us all champagne in out glasses . I couldn't help but smile at august  this date was beautiful
" hello... Yea...I've Already done it.... Yea plan is about to go in mm motion...ok.."
As me and august danced I felt a lil dizzy .
" august I need to sit down I feel somewhat dizzy."
" ok."
August looked a lil cautious.
I sat down then I started feeling my food come up. I ran to the bathroom. I threw up everything I had then I heard footsteps.
Hey ,
Who you think came in the bathroom?do you think her drink was poisoned?? Stay tuned

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