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- August-
Niya been doing great lately she don't have the pains often so everything Gucci. Niya decided to stay home because she said her ankles starting to swell and  she don't feel like doing anything.
•°•° The Trap•°•°
Tinisha was there waiting for me.
" August we need to talk" Tinisha said blocking off the door.
" about what Tinisha?" I said annoyed
" I'm pregnant" she said with tears in her eyes
" congratulations but that don't mean its mine"
" it is your the only one I've been fucking with" she said letting the tears hit her face
" please tell me you joking?" I said getting a lil aggravated
" I'm not August " she said looking me in the eyes.
" damn niya is gonna kill me "
" forget about her we are having a child together"
" you say it like you the only one I impregnated"
" so she's pregnant as well?" She asked curiously
" yes she is stay away from her."
"Ight" she said finally
" that's all you wanted to tell me ?"
" no beware jay coming after you" she said.
" how would you know ?"
" I'm his sister" she replied with a sneaky smirk
" your such a snake" I said in disgust
" so I've heard" she said walking away.
" look I got something to tell y'all " I said taking my shades off.
" what's up Aug?" Morgan said with the crew standing behind her
" watch out for Tinisha she's jays brother we might have to relocate traps because she knows this location and jay is after me again he might try to go after y'all and the people closets to me so be on the look out" I said putting my shades on
" that sneaky bitch" adrian yelled " that's what I said but we need to stir clear of possible outcomes" I said
" so what you want us to do in the mean time?" Kehlani asked
" get all the money , weed , ice , Coke , & pills .Take it to the otha trap on the coast.
" we got got ya August" DC said pulling his bandana over his face
They started boxing up the products putting it in the trucks.
" I'll see y'all tomorrow I gotta check on my girl" I said
"Tell her to call us" the girls said
" I will "
With that I exited the trap getting my foreign going home.
" hey uncle august " the girls yelled hugging me
" hey girls"
Then my baby came waddling out the room.
" hey baby" I said kissing her
" hey Aug"  she said pulling her hair in a pony tail.
" what you want to eat?" I asked
" I want me some KFC " she said giving me puppy dog eyes.
" the doctor said you need to lay off them fried foods baby" I said rocking her in my arms
" you no fun" she said pouting
" how that baby got inside ya then? " when I said that she punched me in the arm.
" owww niya that shit hurts"
" ooooo uncle august said a bad word !" Amaya said
" I'm sorry but I bet not hear y'all say it " I said
" promise " she said walking out the room.
I laughed hugging niya .
" baby there's something I gotta tell you but please don't get mad at me it was way before we dated" I said looking her in the eyes so she wouldn't get upset
" what's going on August? " she said sighing
" my ex told Me she pregnant she claims its mine but I doubt it since she a hoe."
" if it is what ya gon do?" She asked
" ion know niya please tell me ya not mad"
" I'm not august but when you have sex make sure you using a condom because you forever impregnating"
" damn you didn't have to say it like that" I said a lil hurt but I couldn't be mad because what she said was true. But the thing was I meant to get Niya pregnant. shhh don't tell ha!☺
" sorry jus being honest but thanks for telling me" she said flashing a weak smile
" no problem bae this relationship gon be based on trust" I said
" right" niya said smiling flahsing the grill
"Bae where you get that from?"
" Mel bought it for me I wanted to shine wid my baby" she said
" we been shining together" I said locking hands with my future wifey.
" I'll be back I needa talk to Mel" I said
" ok "
I kissed her head walking out the room going into Mel room
"What you want nigga?" He asked texting on his phone
I closed the door behind me
" look Mel it's important"
"What's going on?"
" jay after me again"
"What! I thought we got rid of that nigga" he said putting his phone down balling up his fist
" I thought we did too now I don't wanna leave in two months because I'm scared he might come after y'all and the fam at the trap"
" don't think like that we can jus relocate everything and make sure nobody knows were we go but the fam" Mel said
" it ain that simple Tinisha be lurking around"
" what she gotta do with anything"
" she's jays sister"
" that sneaky fake bitch , I can't believe you fucked that hoe" Mel said
" I know now she telling me there's a chance I got ha pregnant"
" damn August use protection I'm surprised you ain caught nun from Tinisha" Mel said laughing
" shut up nigga"
" anyways how we gon do it?" Mel asked scratching his head
" ion know man but we can't have  the girls involved in this especially since they all we got." I said looking at the floor
" I know man I wish I never let you in the streets you bout to become a father and have to deal with shit like this" Mel said shaking his head
" it don't matter your a father of three beautiful girls and have to deal with my shit I knew I was a fuck up"
" ya not a fuck up bro" Mel said " I am I did the stupidest shit around you and now you picking it up "
" Mel this my fault don't blame ya self" I said
" Im'a help you get out of this even If I die trying"Mel said putting his arm around my shoulder
" Mel you don't have to I don't want anything happening to you especially when you have three girls to watch after I got this I made this mess so Im'a Clean it up" I said
"I can't your my little brother " Mel said
" Mel don't do anything I don't want anything happening to you I want you to be there for my nieces , my girlfriend , &my unborn child." I said
"Ight I won't do nothing but promise me you won't get ya self killed because I wouldn't be able to live with myself."
" I promise" I said giving my Mel a bro hug.
I went back to my room ,when niya saw me she sat up.
"What's wrong August?" She said watching me closely
" nothing" I said
" tell that to someone who don't know you" niya said crossing her arms
"Ion want you to stress " I said
" why would I stress?" She asked
" august what's going on?"
" I'm in some shit baby and you,my brother, my nieces , the fam at the warehouse could be in danger And I need to figure out how I'm figure this shit out" I said I felt tears running down my cheek. I haven't cried since my mom almost killed herself.
" August baby don't cry we can work something out call the crew over maybe they can help" niya said trying to cheer me up.
I texted the crew calling an emergency meeting over at my house.
1hour later
The crew came through
" aye what's going on? " adrian asked
" look I'm worried about jay coming after y'all , y'all the only fam I got down here" I said
"August what we gon do?" Nicki asked she asked with little fear in her eyes.
" I don't know "
" I got a idea" niya said
" what is it baby ?" I said desperate for a plan
"How bout we set Tinisha & jay up and ambush they asses , one question where Mel at?" She asked
" he took the girls to his girlfriend (Tori) house"
" oh"
" bae that plan half bad but what If they have people trying to ambush us?"
" we can have cameras all around the sector of the building we can see who they hiding in there and we can find them and shoot they asses!"

Damn bae a killa I wonder what else  the girls taught my baby. But the ideas she came up with ain bad.
" who in favor for Niya plan?"
Everyone raised they hands
" good" I said rubbing my hands together
" we need to go over the plan so everyone knows what to do during the time and after the time."
Then what Tinisha told me earlier at the warehouse hit me.
"Guys ion know if we could kill Tinisha"
"Why she a sneaky ass bitch"Michael said
" I know but there's  a chance she pregnant by me and the baby might be mine."
" well when we set her up we'll make her take a pregnancy test to see if she really pregnant. Because ion believe that shit" kyndall said filing her red nails
" ight then its settled for now, but when this over everyone gotta leave Inglewood."
"Where we gon go?" Adrian said " cuz I ain going back to Brooklyn, NY again"
"Maybe y'all could move Louisiana with me when I get back from tour since my momma house got 17 rooms." I said shrugging
" that don't sound bad" DC said
" well meek going back to prison so I'm in" nicki said putting her hand in
" Im'a go too " niya said putting her hand in as well
Everyone was down then mel came back.
" aye Mel" everyone said
" aye crew" he said
" we got the plan figured out" Michael said adjusting his last king hat
" that's good " he said
"When the job done we gotta move back to Louisiana Mel" I said
"You think tori will come?" He asked
" nigga ion know but is ya down or nah?"
" I'm down" mel said
" good meeting dismissed"
" ight" they said walking out the door
I walked to niya who looked upset
" baby its gon be ight" I said trying to keep her from stressing
"I know baby its jus I'm nervous I'm not used to this."she said closing her eyes
" I know I'm sorry I'm putting you through this."I said apologizing from the bottom of my heart.
"Its ok baby Im'a jus pray for us & the family " niya said
" ight"
That night we prayed and prayed I even cried in Niya's arm again.
Mel came in to check on us . he talked to us about everything, we got his crew working with us too. I gotta tell that crew about that so they don't get the wrong ideas.
After that Mel left and  we went to sleep.
Next day
I woke up to niya who smiled at me .
" hey baby girl" I said in my thick accent
" hey august" she said hugging Me
I hugged her back kissing her lips.
"What we doing today?" Niya asked
" well I was gon check on the new trap and I'm thinking about moving houses since Tinisha know this location but we gotta get rid of her before we move" I said
" when we go shoot out?"
I sighed not even knowing when I was gon plan the attack and I heard glass shattering and my nieces screaming. Me & niya ran to the bedroom seeing mel already in there. He picked up a brick reading something on it.
" what's that?" I asked mel
" read it" he said checking the girls skins for bruises , cuts , & blood but they were fine..
He took the girls out of the room.
I took the note off the brick .
✉: hello August I'm coming for you and whoever gets in the way of that process so be prepared
I balled the note up throwing it in the trash I punched the wall in frustration. He could have hurt one of my nieces and he's still threatening me I gotta get rid of this nigga once and for all.

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