long days

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7:00 am
When I woke up I seen chyna next to me I kissed her head getting out the bed putting on my white t with some jeans and my 5's on my feet. I grabbed my car keys going to my mommas house.
I knocked on the door waiting patiently for her to open the door. When she opened the door she smiles at me hugging me.
" I'm glad it was you instead of that fast lil girl you impregnated."
" ma she not a bad girl ."
" why she dress like a slut?"
" ma she a model she can't help that ok and how she dress is how she dress ."
" fine ..come in ."
" where my lil king at ?"
" he's in the kitchen eating he's a energetic one "
" I know I can't get him to keep still."

When I woke up in Michael's bed I called his name out but I didn't get an answer. I know this nigga ain  fuck and duck me . I called Michael, he picked up on the 3rd ring.
" hello."
" nigga where you at why would you fuck Me and duck me you fucked up I knew you didn't change."
" chyna chill I didn't do that I'm at my momma house with king , king say hey to ya momma."
When my sons voice filled the phone I felt better.
"I'm so  sorry Michael."
" it's cool ."
" you sure ?"
" yea I'll see you when I get back."
" ok."
End of phone conversation
I feel so bad for flying off the handle like that towards him. I know I can't be the only one to act like that. I went to bathroom taking my shower and when  I got out I started  doing my daily routine . I flat ironed my hair having a bang in the front.
(A/N: Hair style in the pic above)
When I heard the door swing open I went straight to the living room seeing king and Michael.  I hugged king kissing his lil cheeks.
" what about meh ion get a kiss ?" Michael asked crossing his arms
" boy you need to quit ."
" I'm serious tho ."
I stood on my tip toes kissing Michaels lips. King looked at us running to his room. I guess he know what happens .

" Niya I wanna get some more of that sweet love ."
"August no we don had a lot fun now its time for it to end."
" baby don't be like that ."
" nigga i ain playing with you."
" fine be that way."
" ok."
" what you wanna do today tho ?"
I sat up in the bed pulling my chin hairs.
" umm... I don't know ."
" you wanna go to to the studio ?"
" yea ."
We both went to the closet picking out matching outfits. When we ate we got in my lambo driving to the studio.  We seen Chanel In there I seen Niya's eyes narrowed eyes. Before we went in I grabbed Niya by her arms making her look me in the eyes.
" before we even go in der don't beat ha ass don't say a word to her or you will get ya ass beat by Mr. Alsina when we get home ."
" ok." Niya said sighing
" ok what ?" I asked leaning towards her
" daddy."
"That's right ." I said before I pecked her lips.
We locked hands as we entered the studio. When Chanel seen niya and me she out on a fake smile walking over to us.
" hey august & niya ."
" hey ."  I said rubbing Niya's arm
" hey." Niya said looking at the floor
" what brings ya here ?"
" I'm supporting one of my cousins she's here to be one of your artist ."
" oh yea I haven't met her yet ."
" she's good I promise you ."
" good where is she ?"
Just as the door opened I seen esha . please lord don't tell me this my new artist ... I swear I won't smoke no More please she can't be my new artist. Niya ain gon like this fa sho.
" hey Chanel ." esha said
" what's up cuz ."
Aww shit this gon be a hell of a studio session .
" August I'm going to go get some air."
Niya walked out mad as hell , damn...
" so your my new artist ?"
" yea August you inspired me to do something for a chance for my self."
" oh..that's good."
I bit the inside of my cheek standing awkwardly between them two.
Then Niya came back she jus held onto my shoulder.
-Esha -
I know it drives niya crazy to see me Here but she must be out her mind to think we wouldn't meet again.
" so August when can we start ?"
" not today ."
" why not?  I've been wanting you to hear my music ."
" I'll listen to it I promise but I can't work with you today I uhh..gotta pick my kids up."
" niya can do that while we world ."
" sweety I'm right here ."
August held niya by her wasit calming her down.
" anyways .. Esha I'll work with you first thing tomorrow at 12:25."
" that sounds good."
" ight well let's go so I can  Lock. Up ."
Me , Chanel, August and the birch left the studio exiting to our cars.
Me and Chanel road together.
" how does niya know you ?" Chanel asked me
" I dated August and she didn't like me ."
" wait! You dated him ?"
" yes he has a big dick too."
" you hoe going after my leftovers ."
" what ever ."
- Niya-
" August Im'a be honest with you I don't want you working with that girl."
" look baybeh ion wanna work with her but business is business."
" Im'a  be honest with you I don't trust you and her together ."
" niya I know I've fucked up with you in the past because of me being with her but I don't love her I don't want her I want you and only you if your too blind to see that then something wrong with you ."
" fine but If you fuck up I'm done ."
" ok baybeh I won't now can I have a kiss ?"
" no ."
" no?".
" yea nigga I said no ."
" you gon give me a kiss ."
" no I'm not ."
"Fine then when you get horny no supa long dick fa you ."
" I'll get it from some one else."
August eyes got wide and he grabbed me.
" you don't needa play with me like that and the only dick you will be getting is mine you understand that?"
" yes daddy." I said biting my lip
" good."
He leaned in like he was bout to kiss me but he let go of me letting me fall on the bed.
"So you gon play me like that ?"
" yes ."
" fuck you ."
" what time baby girl ?"
" uhh... You get on my nerves ."
" but you love me tho."
" sadly yes ."
" keep paying and Im'a beat that  ass."
" damn nigga I was playing ."
" yea girl you better be."
" I am ."
" now give me a kiss ."
" but I'm mad at you ."
" I don't care what I said ."
I sighed kissing August lips when he let go he bit his bottom lip making a small moisture pool between my legs.
"I know that face ." August said
" what you mean ?"
" your wet ."
"No I'm not ."
" your not lying to me are you ?"
" maybe ."
" I knew it ."
" shut up it's your fault "
" I can't help that I'm sexy ."
" boy if you don't shut up ."
" can't make me ."
" oh ."
" baby don't be like that ."
" nah nigga ."
August snatched me up
"girl keep playing with me and Im'a give ya this dick."
" oh."
"You asked for this ." august said through  his gritted teeth.
Mid way through sex August  Phone started ringing. He sighed getting off me answering the phone.
"Hello..what!... I'll be there ....yea ...ight ...I'll tell her...ok.."
August looked at me he now had tears in his eyes.
" August what's wrong ?"
" somebody took liyah ."
When August said that I felt myself start shaking and I couldn't help but break down.
" baby calm down ."
" I cant calm down somebody had our baby ."
By this time I was putting on some clothes taking a gun from my purse putting in the wasit band of my jogger's
" baby what you doing ?" August asked
" I'm bout to put some rounds in a body ."
August rubbed his eyes smiling a little.
" that's right baby and we doing that together ."
August grabbed two straps putting them in a big black body bag. We called the crew as sling for help an back up . They agreed to help out so we was having a little reunion.
" damn it Niko make that baby shut up."
" what am I supposed to do?"
" I don't know ....jus do something."
Niko picked her awkwardly rocking her she stopped crying and she actually fell asleep. He laid her on the ragged chair.
"  how are we going to feed her we need her alive!"Niko yelled
" look I can go out and get her so food and something drink you jus stay with her make sure nothing happens to her."
" ok."
I don't know how we're going to manage to pull this off. Knowing august and that hot headed broad he's with their out looking for their daughter and I'm one of the first people on the list of being a  possible suspect. I went to car driving to the store finding baby items for liyah. I wouldn't be bad to keep her she was a pretty baby. Once I was done I went straight to the hide out .
" so what's the plan now ?"
" if they figure out we have her then we can see if we could send threats and get money out of this ." I said
" true ."
" we could split the money ."
" how much we asking for ?"
" fifteen thousand  ."
" not a bad price ."
" thanks but we gotta keep this down I gotta be around August tomorrow and he might keep a close eye on me so don't send text messages yet."
" understood."
" good."
-August -
Who could take my baby ? She has nothing to do with anything . she's jus 5 months what could she do to anybody? If something happens to my baby I swear the kidnapper will pay . I found niya crying on the curb.
" baby stop crying we can find liyah I know we can ."
" its hard August I jus want my little girl back we don't even have a single trace of where she might be."
" I know it looks bad right now but we can only hope that it gets better ."
Niya just wiped her tears getting up sitting in the car. I hate seeing her like this , I would do the same but I have to be strong or where would this whole mission go?
" aye boss who would you expect to do this ?" DC said
" man ion know I've had crazy how's in and out ."
" name one ." adrian said .
" esha ."
" tell us about her ."
" she was lazy , she was money hungry."
" anybody else who had beef with you or niya ?"
" Chanel but I know she didn't do it she's too sweet for that I know her but she might know something."
" who else ."
At the back of my mind I thought back when me niya , liyah , & kyron went to Chucky cheese there was a boy who caused a problem . I just couldn't get my finger on the niggas name so I walked to the Car.
" niya what was that boys name who was flirting with you at Chucky cheese?"
" Niko why ?"
" there might have been a chance he took liyah ."
" maybe somebody try to get as much information on all possible suspects."
" I'll get the info ." Morgan said
" thanks m ." I said
She jus nodded walking to her black camaro.
Michael came up to us .
" y'all good ?"
" if you want an honest answer ..we're not we want out daughter back ."
" I know..  we gon try to get liyah  back we got  the crew all over the city searching plus Morgan new boyfriend drew works for the government he can help us find dirt on the suspects ."
"Good thanks mike I can always count on ya ass ."
We did our handshake before going separate ways. I got in the car with niya looking at her tear stained face.
" baby stop crying I know its hard but trust and believe Im'a get our daughter back."
" ok ...we can do this ."
She clutched my hand looking Mr in my eyes.
" good ."
We drove to mel house , when him and kyndall hugged me and Niya. I seen tears in both of their eyes.
" sorry we let this happen it was our fault she was here and now she's gone I'm sorry lil bro." Mel cried like I've never seen him before
"Look mel its ok but tell me how it happened?"
" liyah went to sleep so we laid her in one of the rooms it was 2:30 in the morning so I went to bed and when i woke up kyndall was freaking out saying liyah was gone."

" its not your fault ." I said
I looked at niya who looked kinda pail then she fainted.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now