Time has come

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•°•°1 Week later •°•°
I have to go on tour, last week WAS crazy I never thought all of that would happen to me but it did.
" uncle August Im'a miss you."the girls said hugging my leg.
"Im'a miss y'all too" I said kissing their heads.
" come here niya"
Niya waddled to me making me smile alil bit . I hugged her for along time and when we broke apart I kissed her lips.
" eww y'all get a room " Mel said
" shut up Mel" me & niya said at the same time continuing the kiss
When we broke apart I hugged her again. This time I seen tears coming out her eyes.
" Im'a miss you August" niya said " IMA miss you too baby girl jus hold it down and take care of my daughter an the fam "
" I promise" niya said wiping tears off her face
I walked over to my brother he looked at me and we did our special handshake then we hugged (bud no gay shit duh)
" Im'a miss ya bro jus hold it down and do what you do don't forget about me while you make that money" mel said
" I couldn't forget you"
" I know"
" well I gotta get going " I said sighing not wanting to leave.
" we'll take you to the airport" mel said
" ight"
I looked at niya who looked as if she lost her best friend.
" don't be sad baby I'll be back before you know it and you my one and only them other girl's  ain  got nothing on ya " I said kissing her lips passionately
" I know August Im'a hate sleeping by myself missing you"
Niya said frowning
" I know but I promise to face time you when I get there"
Niya sighed before agreeing. I hugged my nieces
" be good fa ya daddy , niya ,& tori  lil youngins "
" promise" they all said
" good "
We walked outside getting in the car. The girls sat in the very back while me & niya sat in the middle. Mel drove , I held her hand rubbing her stomach.
" I love you niya"
"I love you too August"
She laid her head on me falling asleep.
Time seemed to pass quick , it was already dark out before I got on the plane. The girls cried and me & mel dapped I hugged everyone saying goodbye. I was gon miss them so much they all I got in times like this.
I got on the plane looking at them from the window. I waved down to them as they waved back they got smaller and smaller as soon as the airplane started going up in the sky. I decided to text people because I'm bored asf on the air flight by myself.
Alsina✌-aye bae I miss you a lot
Niya❤⚠- I miss you too Augie
Alsina✌- ight Ni keep playing
Niya❤⚠- you can't do nun to me
Alsina ✌- wait til that baby born we'll see
Niya❤⚠- boy you funny
Alsina✌- I'm serious
Niya❤⚠- I bet
Alsina❤⚠- ight
Niya❤⚠- I'll text you later I'm sleepy
Alsina✌- ight
Shit I was tired too, I fell asleep.
I missed August so much he's the best I've ever had. I don't know what I would do without him. He's my everything , we're about to have a beautiful baby girl next year but I hope he'll be there to see her be born.
When we finally made it back home I helped mel take the girls in the house. They went back to sleep but aye I don't blame them.
" you ok niya" mel asked
"Yea I'm fine" I said lying to mel and my self
" stop lying tell me how you really feel" he said sitting at the kitchen table
" I miss August I don't like him being that far away, I wanna be next to him" I said feeling tears at the brim of my eyes.
" don't cry ma he'll be back soon I'm pretty sure you'll see him sooner than you think"
" no I won't he'll be gone for 2 months"
" things happen niya" with that mel went in his room leaving me by myself in the kitchen . I walked back in my room grabbing one of August shirts and some short shorts. I took a shower seeing memories of me and August. When I got out the shower I put my night clothes on putting my hair in a high pony tail.
I laid in bed feeling very incomplete. It felt weird sleeping in bed without august then my phone started ringing. August name flashed across the screen . I quickly answered the phone.
" hey baby girl I can tell you missed me" August said laughing a little.
" yea I did" I replied feeling my heart beat faster and faster
" I ain gon flex I miss you too" he said letting his accent roll off his tongue.
" good" I said
" I hate that Im'a be sleeping alone"
" me too"
" can we have another child when I get back ?"
"Maybe August" I said wondering if I wanted another baby
" oh .... Well its no pressure I was just asking " he said trying to make sure he didn't upset me.
" august I'll try again "
" for real?!?" He asked I could hear the excitement in his voice it made me smile tho because it was cute and it made me kinda feel closer to him.
" yea" I said smiling ear to ear
"  wow " August said I could tell he was smiling
" anyways what you doing?"
" laying down  what about you ?"
" the same thing " he said dryly
" my album probably gon drop in a few weeks"
" that's great August" I said smiling and being supportive.
" thanks bae"
" you know I got you"
" right" August said yelling
" damn boy you loud" I said laughing
" I know" he said
" well niya I'll call you tomorrow I gotta get some sleep I gotta be in the studio early ."
" ok August" I said not wanting to get off the phone
" love you"
" love you too" I said sighing
" say it like you mean it "
" I love you August" I said enthusiastic
" good " he said laughing Alil
" we'll I'll talk to you later then." I said feeling sad again
" ight"
Then the line went dead . I turned my phone off  turning my night lamp off falling asleep.
The next day
I woke up alone hoping it would be a dream. I got out of bed going in my closet wearing August black vneck shirt and my black jeans with holes in them. I wore my hair out. I walked in the kitchen smelling food.
" who cooking? " I asked the girls
" ms. Tori" Chay said looking at something on her iPhone
I nodded sitting down at the table.
" do you love my uncle ?" Amaya asked coming from the living room
" yes i do why do you ask?"
" most of his girlfriends don't actually like him they take his money and they leave him." Chay said filling in for her sister.
"Well I'm not like the other girls I love your uncle August for who is not  for what he has. When you girls fall in love one day you'll see what I'm talking about ."
They jus hugged me I hugged them back then tori and mel came wrapping their arms around each other smiling.
" I wish August was here to see this" tori said
" yea " mel said .
Later on
The girls pitched in to come chill with me today since they found out August is on tour.
" I'm planning to have another baby with August when our baby girl is born"
" how you know it's a girl?" Kehlani asked.
" how we found out was devastating." I said remembering the pain me and August felt hearing what we heard.
" what happened?" Nicki asked
" Me & Aug went to Drake party And a hoe started with me over August I sat down and I had me some water August asked me to dance and we did then I collapsed I was rushed to a hospital and the doctor told me I was supposed to have twins my son died but my my daughter survived." I said with tears in my eyes.
I felt the girls arms around me
" I'm so sorry" kyndall said .
" its fine " I said
" who was the hoe?" Morgan asked
" jalissa" I said wondering why she would ask
" she might have done something to you " Morgan said balling up her fist
" how?" She didn't touch me "
" she probably put something in your drink" Kehlani said pulling her hair in a pony tail
" she could've she was staring at me And august for a long time"
Now the girls made shit make sense if that bitch did it Im'a kill ha for taking my son's life. I'll be back.
I walked in the other room finding that jalissa bitch on Facebook.
Nîyä.Sävågë- what did you put in my drink that night at drake party?
Jalissa pretty bishh- I don't know why your talking about
Nîyä.Sävãgë- don't play dumb I know you did something
Jalissa pretty bishh- w.e
Nîyä. Sävãgë-  let me find out you did it and Im'a kick yo ass BC you killed my son
The bitch didn't even respond I bet she feel guilty asf.
OMG I can't believe I did that to her child . I didn't think it would do that much damage , I can't let her find out. Not ever or I'll be arrested and August won't even be mine at all .
" aye sis you ight" trey asked walking through the door
" no I did something terrible"
" talk to me sis"
He sat next to me looking at me but I couldn't look back
" if I tell you this you can't tell anyone"
" what's up?"
" I accidentally killed Niya's baby" I said bursting into tears
" how you do that shit?" He asked almost yelling
" I can't say jus please don't say anything to August or niya please"
Trey looked at me and shook his head
" ight I won't say nothing but when they find out you gon be in a ass of trouble "
He walked out jus like that leaving me in the room .
I have to make sure he doesn't say anything because if he does I might have to put him to sleep . I know he fam but nothing is going to get in the way of me having August.
I rocked silently in a corner in the dark . I needed to think before I get caught in my act.
As I was recording in the studio my phone rang . my producer cut the beat as I answered my phone.
" hello."
" hey this niya "
" what's up bae?"
" I have something important to tell you" .
"What is it bae because I'm in the middle of a session."
" if the session is that important I'll call you back "
" good "
Niya hung up , damn she must be really mad because she didn't say I love you . well she'll get over it.
I finished my  recording session 2 hours later.
" aye Aug you wanna grab something to eat?" Chris asked " me and the rest of the Crew going to McDonalds"
"I'll meet y'all up there I gotta call my girl"
" ight" Chris said laughing leaving out the studio
I picked up my phone dialing Niya's number she took forever to answer. She picked up on the 7th ring.
" hello" she said annoyed
" hey babe"
" what August?" She she asked still sounding annoyed
" what's wrong bae?"
" look August you are thought it was important to rush me off the phone when I had something important to tell you."
"I'm sorry niya but I'm free now tell me what's going on ."
" I think I know what caused the death of our son."
"What?" I asked confused
How could she know ?how long has she known?
" how you figure that?"
" look jalissa poisoned my drink that's why she was staring so she could see if the affect was working." She said I could tell she was trying to hold back tears
" Im'a kill that bitch!" I said almost yelling
" august calm down we'll take care of her when you get back plus ion know for sure so don't do anything crazy our child needs a father in her life."
"Fine.. Thanks for telling me and sorry for rushing you off you , my baby, and my fam are my number one priorities."
" apology accepted" niya said
" ight I'll call you when I get to the hotel baby"
" ok love you"
" love you too"
We hung at the same time (Goals). I know just the thing to get jalissa with . that bitch don't know what's gon hit ha.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now