speeding up

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•°•A month later•°•
Mel hasn't woken up yet I really hope he do all I can really do is have faith in him and believe that god can heal my broken life.
I need to start going to church ⛪
Because my life a mess and I need some fixing.
I remember when I surprised niya for her birthday she was very Happy I bought her a Lamborghini & a Mercedes Benz. Then I bought her a channel bag ,a Mk watch, Victoria secrets lingerie set with some of they perfume, the crew was there and it was amazing . But I go on tour next week. I hired DC, adrian, & Michael to protect my girls while I'm gone and I hired tori to watch the girls. Everything is all planned out so far. Time is Speeding up a lot I remember when I first met niya. It seemed as if it were yesterday. I don't wanna leave her especially when she still pregnant. Im'a miss her a lot. She promised to Skype me everyday and call and text me . I don't even know if I should even go on tour anymore. When I told niya I was thinking about declining the tour she almost slapped me.
" August ya mom is on the phone" niya called
I ran in the room taking the phone out her hand.
" hey mom"
" hey august I miss you a lot " my mom said almost crying
" momma don't cry"
" I'm sorry Aug its jus I haven't seen you since that fight and I'm sorry for kicking you out without you giving me an explanation."
"Its fine ma"
" you sure?"
" yea"
" where's Mel? he hasn't been answering the phone."
When she asked about mel my heart sank
" he's In the hospital."I said almost whispering
" what ? Boy speak up." My momma said yelling into the phone
" he's in the hospital."
" why is he there?"
" momma he was shot "
" what how that happened to my baby ?" My mother asked I could tell she was crying now
" me and damri got in a fight he tried to stop it and damari shot him"
" I'm coming to Inglewood now I have to why didn't you tell me ?"
" honestly I wasn't thinking I was wrapped up in everything ma I jus-"
" August its fine I'll be up there but please tell me he's not dead"
" he isn't... He's in a coma" I said feeling my spirit drop
" that's even worse how long has it been?"
" a bout month" I said feeling guilt creep up on me
" ill call you later I'm bout to catch a plane ✈ to Inglewood."
" ok ma"
She hung up the phone I sat on the bed looking at the blank wall.
"August what she said?"
" nothing she jus coming to Inglewood"
" that's great" niya said trying to cheer me up
" I guess  I'll be back " I said grabbing my blunt off the dresser walking to the back yard.
I lighted my blunt smoking it relieving The stress that's been hanging onto me for weeks.
When I finished I went back in the house brushing my teeth and putting on cologne.
" baby " I heard niya say
" yes  niya?"
"What's going on because you smoking blunts a lot lately ?"
" I'm stressed niya"
I sat on the bed only feeling Niya's hands massaging my shoulders.
" then let me help you out" niya said kissing my neck
" damn bae " I groaned" stop because I really wanna fuck you but you pregnant and ion wanna hurt the baby because I get pretty rough"
"Fine " niya said sighing
" I love you tho" I said kissing her lips
" I love you too baby" she said kissing me back
Niya took my shirt off running her hands across my tattoos it felt good so I let her continue.
I wrapped my arms around her waist connecting my lips to her neck making her moan with pleasure.
" Augie stop " she Moaned
" augu-ust stop playing"
"Fine" I sighed
She played in my  hair  while i was laying my   head on her chest
" One day Im'a wife you " I said breaking the silence
" are you for real or is you high?"
Niya asked
" both but I mean it for real tho" I said looking up at niya
" ok August we'll see " niya said
" ight"
" IM'A miss you when you go on tour "
" Im'a miss you too specially in times like this"
" I know"
" august what are we going to name the baby?"
" uhhhh ion know" I said thinking
" we need to know now August"
" if its a boy Amell I'll let you pick the girl name ."
" liyah " niya said smiling.
" ight its settled then " I said putting my hand on Niya's
" yea I guess so"
" you know you got pretty eyes?." I asked gazing in her eyes
" yea you know you a pretty nigga?"
" yea I've heard" I said smirking
" shut up with ya conceited ass" niya said laughing at Me
" it ain my fault I'm sexy" I said
" whatever nigga"
" what I told you bout calling me a nigga I'm August Anthony alsina Jr. Baby girl "
" I'm sorry Mr. Alsina" niya said playing in my curls.
Ion know how Im'a tell Michael I didn't wanna believe it myself but I gotta stick with the facts . it explains a lot actually.
Michael walked through the door.
"Aye bae" Michael said kissing me
" aye" I said weakly
" what's wrong M?"
"Michael sit down "
Michael sat down next to me looking me in my eyes.
" what's up?" He asked
" look I didn't want this to happen but-"
" you cheating on me?" He asked raising his voice a little
" hell no Michael sit yo crazy ass down and listen to what I gotta say"
He sat back down
" continue" he said calming back down
" Michael I'm pregnant"
" you can't be "
" I am "
" it ain mine"
" nigga how dare you say that? you we're the only nigga I was fucking"
" I told you I don't want no kids Morgan I already got a baby with chyna "
" so that's not my fault so what you gon leave me because I'm pregnant? "
" I don't know Morgan " Michael said finally " I need to think "
With that he walked out , I got so mad I started throwing shit and I ended up sitting on the floor wishing I never fell in love with Michael dumb ass.
I decided to call one of the girls .
I ended up calling niya .
" aye niya I gotta tell ya something. "
"What's going on chica?"
" Michael might leave me."
"I'm pregnant and he doesn't want another kid"
" IMA fuck his ass up if he leaves you." Niya said getting angry
" you don't have to but I'm thinking about aborting the baby."
" don't do that or I'll kick yo ass and his that baby shouldn't be killed because he scared to face responsibility." Niya said in a stern tone
" your right thanks I gotta do some thinking."
"Ight I'm glad I could help."
"Me too love you bye."
I hung up slumping down against the wall .why is he doing this to me when I need him the most?
I can't believe I got that girl pregnant. I like her a lot but I don't know if I'm ready for another child. I'm scared that I'm gonna fuck up being a father that baby needs then Im'a loose her for good jus like my last girl chyna.
When I got home I seen shit all over the floor and morgan was against the wall crying.
" Morgan stop crying "
I helped her up carrying her putting her on my lap.
" look the reason I'm not ready for another child is because I'm scared I won't be good enough to raise the baby and then you'll leave me that's what happened with my last girl."
" I'm nothing like ya last girl I've known you for 13 years Michael I know you can raise this baby you a good person when you not acting crazy."
" ya think so Morgan?"
" yea "
" ight that's all I needed I don't wanna leave you alone and pregnant."
" so you staying for good?"
" yea"
" I love you light skin nigga."Morgan said kissing my lips
"I love you too thugga"
I'm glad I straightened things out with my girl because I would hate to see her be down because of a nigga like me . then if the crew found out I did something like that they wouldn't treat me the same and I don't want that.
I need to start making shit right specially if I'm bout to be a father again.
I laid next to august watching him very intensely.
" why you looking at me like that girl?"
" Im'a miss you"
"You act like I'm gone now"
" I'm sorry its jus I'm tryna cherish every moment I spend with you"
" I know baby girl " August said pushing the hair out my face.
" so what we gon do?" I asked looking at the ceiling.
"Im'a take you out to dinner so go get dressed." August said getting up
" ight." He got his clothes out the closet going into another room
I stripped down out my clothes sitting on the stool by the mirror applying makeup up on. I curled my hair and when I finished I went in my closet picking out  a blue denim dress knee length with my diamond studs and my Mk flats. I put on some jewelry looking at my self in the mirror.
When I felt I looked good I walked in the living room seeing my baby in a white button up shirt with some Hollister Jean's and some white retros & a gold chain.
" you look beautiful" August said kissing me
" thanks you look handsome as always " I said kissing his cheek
" thanks baybeh" August said caressing my cheek
August grabbed my hand leading me in my lambo. I was kinda mad that he got to drive my car before me .
" your gonna love this baby girl" august said putting his hand on mine
" I bet" I said blushing
August smiled looking at the road driving.
•°•°The date•°•°•
August pulled up in front of this big restaurant it was beautiful.
"August you shouldn't have this must have cost you a fortune ."
"Baby don't worry about that jus enjoy this "
" alright"
He walked me in when ✋ paparazzi saw us they snapped pictures asking question's but bae and I walked through them like it was nothing. We sat at the table In the back of the restaurant it had rose petals on the table and it had candles lit around it and our food was waiting for us with a waiter.
August pulled the chair up for me sitting across from me.
" champagne?" The waiter asked
" yes " August said tipping the waiter.
I smiled and giggled quietly seeing how August trying to impress me.
" a toast to us" August said easing his cup
" a toast to us" I said as we clanked our glasses together.
August got up talking to a man and then that's when music started playing he came back holding his hand out.
" come dance with me" August said
" ight"
I took his hand putting my arms on his shoulders moving in the same pace with him. I laid my head on his chest .
" you know I love you" August said whispering in my ear
" yea " I said whispering back
We danced until the song came off he ordered our food we ate talking about goods things. It was as if the bad things that's happened vanished for the minute.
"I got something for you " august said pulling out  a box
" August you really don't have to get me anything else you've done enough"
"Nah niya this about you so let it be that way I got you jus accept every gift." August said in a soothing tone
" okay August" I said sighing
When I opened the box I saw a gold chain with me & August initials in blue diamonds it was beautiful.
" OMG August this is beautiful"
" jus Like you"
I kissed August and he kissed back asking for an entrance I allowed but we had to stop because the public was staring . when we pulled apart I blushed smiling at august.
We went home cuddling up with the girls in bed with us since we had a queen size bed . I felt like how it's going to be when me and August have our child.
I closed my eyes falling asleep.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now