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Damn its been a week and everyone knows about Niya & Chris . People are saying that they are a cute couple but I say other wise she belonged with me.
" this is really eating you alive ." Krissy said plopping down next to me on my sofa
" yea it Is."
" you should tell her how you feel ."
" she's not gonna wanna hea that Krissy haven't you seen how happy she's been with Chris ?"
"Yea I have but that doesn't mean you don't have a shot ."
" Krissy thanks for the encouragement but trust Me I know she's done ."
" suit ya self boy ."
Krissy got up grabbing her Car keys.
" where you going?"
" I have a shoot today ."
"Well ya betta kill it."
"You know I will ."
We hugged before she left. I smiled but it quickly turned into a frown. I really let go of a real thing .My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. I checked the caller I. D
" hey stacey."
" hey August you got a interview tomorrow."
" what time ?"
"4:30 with Dish Nation ."
" ight ."
End of phone conversation
I sighed before slouching down on the couch.
Chris and I have been inseparable since we got together he makes me feel special .. I guess it makes up time from August fucking with everything.
" what's wrong baby?"
" nothing jus thinking."
" about ?"
" you actually ."
"Come talk to me ."
Chris pulled me into his lap.
" I was thinking about us ya know.. I'm glad we're together you make me feel things I haven't felt in awhile."
"That's what I'm here for plus you ,my daughter ,& liyah have made me a better person."
" I'm glad we could."
Chris kissed my neck making me giggle, then he rubbed my baby bump . I wonder what it would have been like if this was Chris baby . He's taking this all in well tho, most men can't stand to think about being with a women who already has a child or pregnant but Chris is different and that's what I love about him .
Next day
I seen tabloids about me being being with Chris & then one article caught my eye.
"Niya Iverson the ex- girlfriend of August alsina who has lately been seen with Chris brown is pregnant and it looks like Chris Brown is adding another royal to his family."
I threw the magazine on the ground. August is gonna be furious when he sees that. I know he will. I wasn't wrong because my phone started ringing and his name flashed across my phone.
" hello."
" why the fuck is the tabloids & magazines saying you pregnant with Chris baby that's my baby ."
" look I didn't tell them shit and Chris didn't tell them shit they assumed it but if you know it's your baby why you tripping."
" because its not true ."
" august you don't know how jealous you sound ."
" its because I am."
" why tho ? You broke up with me ."
" I did it because emotionally I was hurting you and I didn't want you to stress over me."
" whatever august so leaving me pregnant with a lil baby boy was any better ?"
" I know it sounds bad but it was for a good reason."
" August I understand that but your leaving me to raise two children and you think that every time something gets tough you can just walk out ?!"
" Look Niya I'm sorry ."
" you should be ."
" I know but I shoulda listened to you when you said you won't be waiting for me."
" August I loved you but you took me for granted thinking I wasn't gonna look for somebody else to fulfill your job."
August sighed into the phone.
" I did and I regret it ."
" I would too your missing a lot of details of liyahs life ."
" I know but I'm trying ."
" well trying isn't good enough look August I gotta go."
" Niya -"
I hung up before he could say anything else. I was sick of him always making excuses. The part I hate in this is I kinda still have feelings for him but I can't keep going back to him , plus I'm in a perfect relationship with Chris and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Chris walked into the room sitting next to me .
" you ok ?"
" yea I'm fine why?"
" you look tense ."
" I'm fine ."
" ight but I was thinking we could go out today all of us."
" yea that's fine."
" cool go pack ya bathing suits."
" ok."
I went into that closet putting on my two piece mini mouse bikini.
I went into liyahs room getting her pink mini mouse one piece bathing suit. I grabbed sunscreen , and the shades . I had even bought Royalty a bathing suit . once we were all set we got in Chris car going to the beach.
Soon as we got there we saw Michael & chyna I swear Chris must have planned this. Me and chyna ran to each other hugging like we haven't seen each other in years. Then at the corner of my eyes I seen August , Krissy ,& kyron. I sighed at the appearance of August. I was tired of this nigga.
" what's wrong?" Chyna asked
" August here ."
" look I didn't plan that Tyga must have did that I honestly didn't know about it."
" it's fine long as he don't start shit."
"Mommy come help me make a sand castle ." liyah said
I looked back at chyna and she smiled.
"Looks like I gotta go."
I walked to liyah sitting in the sand helping her with her sand castle smiling. When I looked up I seen August .
" hey liyah what you doing ?" August said
" making a sand castle ."
" with out me ?" August said picking her up kissing her cheek. Liyah was in bursting fits of laughter. I couldn't say I couldn't stand the sight of them together. I loved that he could still connect with liyah . when he put liyah down he went to go get kyron.
When kyron saw me he ran to me hugging Me.
"Hey kryon."
"Hey ms. Niya I miss you ."
" I miss you too."
When I looked up I seen August smiling. Chris came over to us looking a lil awkward but he quickly changed it when he saw me looking
" you wanna get in the water ?" Chris asked me
" sure."
Chris took my hand leading me to the small ocean waves. The cold water tickled my feet when first stood in . when we got a little deeper into the water he splashed me holding me against him making me laugh and he picked me spinning me around kissing me.
" I love you Chris."
" I love you too niya."
When we got done playing in the water we went back with everyone else we seen Krissy next to August & liyah.
"Hey I'm Krissy ." she said holding her hand out to me I took it smiling shaking it back. I guess she was cool she wasn't really bitchy she seemed really nice.
" kyron go play with king ." August said playfully putting kyron in a headlock.
" ok dad ." kyron said running off to king
Chris and royalty were playing in the sand laughing . I loved the bond he shared with his little girl it was beautiful.
" anyways I invited everyone here so we can have a good time but leave that drama shit alone ." Michael said looking at everyone
We all laughed but I knew who he was talking about. I decided to take liyah into the shallow parts of the water. She really enjoyed it she loved how the tides swept across her feet. The way she loved everything was beautiful. She was a peaceful baby she was always smiling that's what I like most about her. I caught august noticing what I noticed he smiled I smiled back at august. I could see the hurt and pain through his smile. I don't know why it made me feel a certain way but it did. He got up taking Krissy by the hand leading her to the ocean tide. August & Krissy wasn't fooling me I can tell they wasn't together , because if they were he would have acted like it but he doesn't he acts as if they were jus friends. Maybe they don't show their affection in public. Shidd who am I kidding August is all about showing his damn affection. Why should I care ? Its none of my business.
Damn niya looked good . I know I should be over her but I can't be I know deep down even though she still mad at me she still got feelings for me. I jus hope one day she'll be able to tell me that she does.
"August what's wrong ?"
" I miss her ."
" tell her how you feel."
" I can't I don't wanna mess up what she and Chris share."
" my momma always told me if you really want something you'll go after it."
" Krissy it ain as easy as it sounds."
"Maybe your right but you can't keep hiding feelings because she'll never know how you really feel."
" ion wanna talk about this no more."
After me and Krissy finished swimming we walked back to the beach with the others. I seen kyron helping liyah with the sand castle I smiled.
" aye Krissy get my phone."
Krissy gave me my phone and I took the pictures posting them on the gram.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now