We Gucci✊

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- Chylie-
There's something about that girl I don't like. I really don't like the way she started getting attached to my son. I don't want royal calling that girl his mommy. She look alil young to me. If cherasonto getting down like that then he Need to find some serious help.
I put royal to sleep going in the kitchen fixing me a glass of water.
I heard someone coming in the kitchen. When I turned I seen that girl . I looked away from her.
" look I don't know why you have a problem with me I haven't done anything but be nice and stay positive about this situation I don't wanna be the enemy Chylie "
I didn't have anything to say to her.... Well I have a question to ask her .
" how old are you?" I asked her getting straight to the point
" 18 I'm turning 19 next month" she said looking at the ground.
She ain that young so I ain gon say nothing, but I knew she was younger than cherasonto .
" I guess we cool but my son better not call you momma or we gon have some issues." I said telling her how it was gon be
" understood" she said walking out the kitchen.
Least she got respect because the last Bitch he had I was bout to fuck her up . I think her name was kamora ion know but she in the past now.
I put my glass in the sink going back to my room. I looked at royal he looks jus like his father the only thing we share in common is our skin complexion and hair texture but he is his fathers child. I wish his father could be in his life more. I know cherasonto means well but what he did in the past was wrong.
Flash back
Royal was asleep I was waiting for cherasonto to come home from the streets . I checked the time on my phone.
11:00P. M.⌚
He walked in the door stumbling but he wasn't alone. He was accompanied by a hoeish looking girl. She wore a half shirt way to high you could the bottom of her breast & shorts that her ass were hanging out of.
"Cherasonto! Who the fuck is this" I yelled
" ma chill out she jus a friend" he said laughing like what I said was funny.
" how she friend when she dressed like a hoe and ya pants unzipped." I said almost crying
"Don't call me a hoe bitch you don't know me and Cherasonto and I did fuck" she said smiling in my face like what she said was cute.
I didn't do no talking I jus beat the fuck out that girl. She tried so hard to fight back but I wasn't letting her go that easy. Then I felt arms wrap around my waist. He yanked me off her
" cherasonto get out!" I screamed.
Then royal came out the room
" are you ok mommy?" his tiny voice said
" yea I'm fine stay in your room don't come out me and daddy and his friend are talking" I said trying not to let the tears fall.
Royal obediently did what I told him to.
Cherasonto tried to kiss me but I pushed him away
" get out or I'll shoot yo ass" I said with anger
" baby its jus one mistake I'm drunk & high "
" that's the problem its been a everyday thing for you! Don't come back until you get ya life right".
Cherasonto & that hoe ass bitch walked out the house.
End of the Flashback
I felt tears hitting my cheeks. I quickly wiped them going to sleep wrapping my arms around my Baby .
I'm really glad that Cherasonto came through for me. If he didn't pitch in to save us who knows where we could have been .
Next day
I woke up to an empty bed. I smelled cooking I put on my silk robe putting my hair in a high pony tail. When I went in the living room I seen royal and his father over the stove cooking. I smiled pulling my iPhone out taking a picture.
When I sent it to cherasonto he turned around smiling.
" good morning Chylie" cherasonto said in his deep sexy voice.
" morning cherasonto" I said sounding happy
" breakfast will be ready in a minute so have a seat" he said looking at the stove
I sat down at the dinner table getting handed a plate of food. I missed his cooking lord knows I can't cook as good as he can.
After I finished eating I ran into my room grabbing my black high waist jeans with my pink crop top. When I got in the shower I let the water fall on my body. After I was done with my shower I dried off putting my outfit on. When I finished I put my hair in a bun .
I walked in the living room seeing royal eating pancakes. He was so adorable. I took a picture of my son putting him as my wallpaper.
Cherasonto came out the room wearing a white button up shirt with some black jeans & his gray & black Jordan's. He grabbed his chain putting it on . damn he looked really Good.
"Where you going ma?" Cherasonto said licking his lips
" me & Royal meeting my mom at this restaurant."
" oh well y'all have fun."he said eyeing my body
He walked in his room
Damn Chylie starting to look good to me again. I need to stop I don't wanna hurt niya again. I saw her sleeping peacefully I kissed her head waking her up
" what nigga?" she said half asleep.
" get ya ass up" I said laughing
" don't make me pull you out of bed wid ya sexy stubborn ass" I said biting my lip.
"Fine" she said carefully getting out of bed.
When she got out of bed I grabbed her waist hugging her from behind kissing her neck.
" I love you niya"
" I love you too cherasonto"
"Get dressed baby" I said smacking niya on the ass.
" ight" she said rolling her eyes.
I walked out the room feeling my phone vibrate.
Kamora➰- look cherasonto we need to talk
Chëråsøntö - about what?
Kamora➰- everything I miss you and I want you back
Chëråsøntö- I'm done with yo thotty ass I'm in a perfect relationship
Kamora➰- you still with that abused girl?
Chëråsøntö- her name is niya
Kamora➰- whatever cherasonto your making big mistake
I wanted to reply but me doing that wouldn't be any good so I jus read it. I wonder what she meant by' I'm making a big mistake' when Niya came out she was wearing a black half crop top with a long sleeve plaid shirt with some black skinny jeans and some blue & white Jordan's. She looked so damn good and she had messy bun. Bae was making my damn day.
"You look real good niya" I said eyeing her body closely noticing that she wasn't on crutches." Why you not on them damn crutches" I said looking for a damn explanation.
" the doctor said I don't need them anymore I can walk better now cherasonto I promise" she said kissing my cheek.
" ight come on then" I said letting go of her hand
She walked perfectly fine to the car.
" ight my bad baby I apologize." I said smiling at my future wifey.
"You forgiven but practice pays off." She said licking her lips.
I pulled her closer to me kissing her biting her bottom lip. When she pulled back she smiled at me.
" what we doing today?" She asked smiling
" we just hanging out" I said
" sounds cool " niya said smiling like usual.
Something don't feel right he being too damn nice. Something around him makes me feel uncomfortable our kisses , our hugs, something bad is going to happen I can feel it.
As he was driving we sat in silence only listened to the radio
I looked out the window thinking about the rest of my life.
"When is your birthday?" Cherasonto asked out the blue
"January 24th" I replied .
" ight" he said smiling
When the car stopped I saw the sandy beaches with beautiful tides of water washing up against the shore. It was beautiful.
" this is beautiful" I said smiling in amazement.
"I'm glad you think that I rented out the beach house and I was thinking we could chill for awhile." Cherasonto said smiling.
"O. M .G.! Your playing right?"
" no shawty its all yours." Cherasonto said hugging me from behind kissing my ear planting butterflies in side of me
When he let me go he led me to the beach letting the water hit our legs as we held each other waist .
"Aye niya there's something I wanna tell you" cherasonto said facing me with a serious look
" what is it" I said getting tired of the surprises.
Cherasonto gets on his knees looking up at me.
" I know being with me is stressful and I wanted to take you out and show you how special you are to me and I got something for you."
Cherasonto slipped a 12 carrot ring on my finger. I looked at the ring amazed no nigga has done this for me.
" o my gosh cherasonto this is beautiful" I said examining the ring
" I buy the best for the best" he said smiling
I jumped in his arms Kissing his lips over and over. When he pulls apart he spun me around kissing me again.
He laid me on the ground taking my shirt off laying on top of me placing sea shells around me.
When he got up he examined my body smirking ..
" girl you so fucking beautiful" he said sighing..
" thanks" I said blushing.
He helped me up putting me on His back taking me to the beach house.
He had spaghetti already cooked and blue flower pedals on the floor.
" cherasonto you didn't have to do this" I said in aw
" baby let me take care of you I have to do this " cherasonto said crossing his arms
He pulled up a chair for me to sit in I sat in the chair getting a plate of spaghetti. When I took a bite I was in love.
" this is really Good"
" ya should know by now my food tha bomb"
I rolled my eyes continuing to eat. When I was finished he took me to our room which was shaped as a heart♥ . we walked in the bathroom which was very pretty it had rose pedals on the floor, Victoria secrets perfume & body wash was sitting on the counter, a sexy blue dress was waiting for me by the shower.
" enjoy your shower baby I'll be waiting for you when you get out"
I nodded my head closing the door slipping out my clothes stepping in the walk in shower letting the hot water splash in patterns on my skin. I lathered my hair with shampoo washing the sand out of my hair. When I was done washing my hair I lathered the body wash on my skin instantly loving the scent it left. When I got out the shower I dried off putting my hair in a messy bun putting on the blue short Lacey dress on. When I walked out the bathroom and into the bedroom I seen cherasonto laying in the bed shirtless in his Boxers with a rose in his hand.
" come here ma ." cherasonto said licking his lips
I walked over to him he sat up pushing me between his legs grabbing my waist kissing my lips passionately . He grabbed me putting me on the bed getting on top of me he slipped on a condom lifting my dress
Later on
I laid on the bed exhausted playing in cherasonto's curls.
" I love ya ma" cherasonto said catching his breath
" I love you too" I said kissing his lips
" promise me one thing" cherasonto said looking me in the eyes
" what?" I said
" no matter what happens you'll love me" he said brushing his hand against my thighs
" promise" I said wondering why he made me promise that.
I started to get bad vibes all over again. I eventually fell asleep thinking about what he said. When I woke up I cherasonto's arms were wrapped around me.

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