Bad Timing

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- Niya-
Its been a week since me and August have talked . I think the last tome we talked was when I face timed him telling him how I didn't like that girl all over him. I'm thinking about surprising him because I miss him and it feels like forever since we talked.
I seen kyron sleeping so I sat up in the bed putting my curly hair in a high pony tail taking a picture captioning it  Hate when he's away.
Tons of fans liked and commented but I honestly didn't feel like replying to them. I got up taking a warm shower thinking about the time  August proposed to me. I missed those times where I could honestly wrap my arms around and tell him I love him. When I got dressed I stared in the mirror looking at my reflection. Maybe I should be a model . my thoughts were interrupted by kyrons crying.
I rushed over to him.
" what's wrong?"
" monsters."
I giggled a lil
" aww you having a bad dream it'll be ok monsters aren't real I got you ."
Kyron laid in my arms falling back asleep. I gently put him back on the bed . I finished getting ready. When I was done I knocked on Mel's door.  When he opened it he had no shirt on .
" hol up ma let me put a shirt on."
" ight."
The door closed then when he opened it he was fully dressed.
" sorry bout that Niya."
" its cool."
" what's up?"
" you know where august performing tonight?"
" yea why?"
" I wanna surprise him."
" oh he performing in ATL."
" oh well Im'a surprise him at the hotel after the concert."
" oh that's cool you spending the night?"
" no."
" ok I'll drive you there."
" thanks mel you the best."
I hugged mel .
" no problem sis you know I got you."
" the girls coming ?" Yea they been dying to see they uncle perform
" that's cool I might let him see kyron too ."
" that's good ."
" don't tell august I'm waiting at the hotel Im'a skip the concert."
" ok cool."
" thanks mel you the best."
" you know I got you now get out of here." Mel said playfully
" ight mel."
I went in the girls room
" hey girls."
" hey aunty niya."
" y'all excited about going yo  see your uncle perform?."
" yes."the girls said
" that's good."
" well y'all behave and keep an eye on kyron Im'a go shopping to pick kyron a fly outfit."
" ok." Chay & amaya
I went to the room picking kyron up carefully not waking him putting him in the girls bed. I called  Kyndall to pick me up since I'm not allowed to drive
When kyndall arrived she was happy to see me. She flew up here to see me .
" come on girl."
Me and kyndall go to the store picking out multiple outfits for kyron. Then we bought him some kds, timbs,& forces. We got kyron spoiled. After all that shopping we went to the food court eating.
" so I heard you and August got engaged."
" yea."
" what's wrong you don't sound happy."
" I haven't been in contact with august at all since last week he was kinda upset with me because I was tripping about that girl all over him at the concert last week."
" you did the right thing you better face time that nigga right Now."
" should I ?"
" yes ."
" ok."
I pulled my phone out getting on my facetime calling August. He picked up on the tenth ring my heart started beating fast.
" hey"
" hey niya ." August said in a muffled thick accent
" I miss you."
" I miss you too."
" why haven't you been calling me?"
" I've been busy."
" I know but I know you have time to send at least one text message ."
" please don't start I'm tired ."
" fuck you august."
The connection disconnected. I know this nigga didn't jus hang up on me. I looked at kyndall she looked back at me and walked to the for bar.
I called august back
" did you hang up on me?"
" yea niya I'm sleepy I don't wanna argue."
" well I guess we'll talk later."
" yea can I go to sleep now?"
" yea"
Jus like that he hung up again. I slowly put my phone in MY back pocket.
Kyndall came back sitting across from me.
" is everything ok?"
" not really "
" what's wrong?"
" August being hella rude and he act like he don't like talking to me anymore."
" damn..."
" I know."
" well you need to tell him that if he wants to be with you that he can't do that rude shit."
" thanks kyndall"
" no problem let's get out of here if you want to surprise him."
" ok."
We grabbed the bags putting them in the trunk getting in the car . when we got back to the crib I seen mel holding kyron.
" aww." I said
" yup I'm spending time with my nephew."
" that's so cute." Kyndall said
" yea that's my baby." I said taking him from mel
" hol up that's ya baby?"
" something like that I'll tell you later ."
" ok."
" you going to August concert?" Mel asked kyndall
" I might ."
" you should come ."
"Oh." Kyndall said blushing
" I'm serious ."
" well I'll think about it."
" good."
" you might as well stay here with us ." I suggested trying to help them two get together
" sure ."
Kyndall glanced at mel before walking into the room with me.
I put kyron on the bed.
" he's so adorable he looks jus like August."
" I know."
" so where did he come from?"
" some girl who portrayed herself as my old friend came with him and they tested kyron and August and that's how its August baby but the crazy part Is my friend kelsi is dead so we are wondering who the girl was ."
" damn that's crazy."
" I know."
" so what you wearing tonight?"
" I don't know ."
" you can't be dressing basic you gotta make sure you look sexy."
" I might ."
" what are you wearing  ? cause I know you ain wearing that to the concert."
" I don't know ."
" you can wear one of my outfits ."
" really ?"
" yea."
I helped kyndall pick out a white crop top and some white jeans with holes in them. She wore my white Jordan's.
" aww you look good I'll let you keep the outfit."
" really thanks Niya."
" no problem."
Me and kyndall hugged.
" go talk to mel I know you want to."
" ok."
I watched kyndall blush and walk to Mel's room. I  brushed the tips of my fingers against kyrons cheek. Sometimes I wish I was his mother .
" you ready to see ya daddy?"
" yes." Kyron said smiling
His smile reminded me of his father's smile. I felt a tear on my cheek I wiped it quickly so kyron wouldn't see.
" let's get you dressed I bought you some new clothes."
" yay!"
I smiled at kyron he made me laugh I loved this little boy.
I got him dressed quickly I put some of august cologne on him.
" aww you look fresh ." I cooed pinching his little cheeks.
" I love you." Kyron said placing his tiny hand on my cheek
" I love you too kyron."
" take a picture with mommy."
Me and kyron took 5 pictures posting them on the gram. Of course my baby got them likes and comments.
Mel and kyndall knocked at my door.

" you ready?"
" yea."
I put kyron on my hip grabbing his diaper bag and my phone.
We made sure everyone was in the Car. I texted the girls back home in Inglewood . I missed them so much.
I went to sleep halfway getting there.
I was woken by my nieces.
" get up aunty niya." Kaykay said
" ok I'm up."
Kyndall and mel laugh at me.
I brush the hair out of my face.
" aye niya since you not going to the concert Im'a have hush take you to August hotel now and surprise him.
" ok "
They all got out the car. I gave kyron and his diaper bag to kyndall and she took him .
" bye baby mommy loves you I'll be back."
" I love you too." Kyrons little voice said.
I blew kisses to my baby before the door closed. A tall man with built shoulders got in the drivers seat I'm assuming this must be hush.
" aye I'm hush you must be the fiancé. ".
" yea that's me."
" August didn't leave yet so that means you can surprise him."
" good."
The rest of the way to the hotel was silent. When I got to the note I went up to the front desk.
" how may I help you?" The receptionist asked.
" I'm here to surprise my fiance August alsina."
" I'm not supposed to let you but since I really do know that its cool he's in room 118."
" thanks."
When I reached room 118 I opened the door quietly . I didn't want him to know I was here yet.
When I talked around the hotel room it looked very nice. I paused when I got to the bedroom. That's when I heard moans and bed squeaks. I must have entered the wrong room because I know that ain August.
I opened the door seeing August inside of the girl I was tripping about.
" what the fuck August!" I yelled I grabbed the girl off him punching her continuously in the face then I felt myself being lifted from off the girl. The girl grabbed her clothes trying to run out the room and I kicked her literally out the room.
Then I felt August trying to touch me.
" get off me I hate you." I yelled punching him in the chest .
" I'm sorry I never meant for that to happen."
" how August?" I asked still trying to hit him
" I don't know it was a one night stand that shouldn't have happened."
" well it did nigga and now I'm done with you."
" Niya I'm not letting you go again."
" the damage is done August I'm done with you." I said with eyes full of tears." This the second time you've slept around.".
" I'm sorry niya please don't leave me." August pleaded
" no august its for the best I didn't come all this way for you to cheat on me." I said .
" please don't leave me I'm not gonna let you go until you say you won't leave me ."
" I'm not making that promise."
" please niya ."
" no August get off me."
" tell me that you don't love me and I'll leave you alone."
I couldn't say I didn't love this nigga because I did and I never did stop.
" August jus let me go."
" I don't want you to Leave ."
" I'm not gon let you or any nigga hurt me again ."
I heard multiple knocks on the door.
" August you have a to be at the concert in   approximately 58 minutes ."
" I'm coming ." August yelled.
" look go be you it is what it is August we obviously ain meant to be."
" don't say that."
" look go do your show I'll be fine without you ."
I slipped out his grip walking out the door seeing His manager. She saw the tears on my face and she looked as she wanted to say something to comfort me but she didn't. I walked back to the car.
- Stacey-
I wonder what August did to that girl she was In tears. I wanted to talk to her but that's not my place.
August came out the room dressed in the clothes the stylist assigned him to wear.
" what happened?"
" I don't wanna talk about it."
" you sure I don't want this to affect how you perform tonight august everybody counting on you."
" I'm cool. "
" ight"
We quickly drove to the concert. August was given a bottle of water before he rushed on stage.
I watched as he performed then he jus dropped right on the stage. The whole crowd went crazy in panic. I automatically ran to the stage assisting him. I tried finding a pulse but it was hard .I was starting to panic myself.
" someone please call 9-11" I shouted
I saw a tall light skinned boy who looked like August standing over August.
" August wake up!" He screamed
Then the paramedics came putting August on the stretcher. The boy who resembles to August started crying .
" come on I'll take you to see him."
He followed me to the car.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now