Good Vibes & Bad vibes

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When I woke up all the girls were in my bed . I smiled at it that's something to make  a nigga smile.
My phone started ringing so I answered it , it was my mom.
" August bring everyone to the hospital now!" My momma said
" is everything alright?" I asked worried and hoping at the same time
" you'll see jus hurry up"
" ight ma I'll be on the way"
I seen niya waking up
"Who was that?"
" my momma she want all of us to come to the hospital right Now".
" ight I'll get the girls ready " niya said sliding out of bed.
I watched as she woke the girls I smiled I couldn't wait til our child was born . Im'a try to get her pregnant again ☺ shhh...don't tell her that tho❗❕
I watched as they left out the room . I went in my closet picking out my black vneck shirt with my white true religion jeans and my black and white future Jordan's.
When I came out the room everyone was already dressed and ready to go. I grabbed kaykay & Niya's hand walking to the car. We all got in the car riding to the hospital in silence.
When we reached the reception desk the nurse looked as if she was about to faint.
" your August Alsina"
"Yes I know I wanna see my brother"
" oh he's in room 256"
" thanks"
I walked to the room with my family Hoping to get good news out of this whole situation.
When we walked to the room I seen Mel awake.
" Mel your up "
I hugged my brother I was happy to see this nigga breathing he's my older brother and nobody can ever change that .
" eww get off me boy yo ugly might rub off on me " mel said laughing
" it already has we like somewhat alike"
We all laughed
"Is that my lil princesses ?" Mel asked smiling at the girls
" yes daddy"they said smiling
" come give ya daddy a hug" mel said smiling.
The girls jumped on the bed hugging their father , I wrapped my arms around niya smiling then I heard someone clear their throat I turned back and seen my momma.
I hugged her and she hugged me back and her eyes landed on niya.
" who is that?" My mother asked.
" my girlfriend Niya"
Niya turned around looking at my mother
" is she pregnant?" My mother asked
" yea momma " I said sighing
" is it yours ?"
" yes "
" August ya too young fa babies right now and your career is bout to take flight "
I could see the hurt in Niya's eyes " ma lay off niya she's a good girl and she good with my kids" mel said defending my baby.
" whatever" my Mom said
" Im'a go get some air" niya said walking out the room
I looked at mel who looked at me the girls don't know what was going on they were too busy  playing on they iPhones .
I sighed walking out the room trying to find niya. I seen a nearby nurse.
" aye you seen a mixed girl bout 5'3 pregnant, hazel eyes, & shoulder length silky hair?"
" yes she went by the abortion clinic"
I ran to that way quick when I got there I seen niya filling out papers.
" aye niya stop it you not taking my child's life away because of what my momma said ."
" she don't want me and you to do that what if she hates our child because of me?" Niya said yelling with tears in her eyes
" who gives a fuck about what she think its about us not her abort our child and I'm leaving you" I said looking her straight in the eyes showing her how serious I am
" I won't " she said finally
I wrapped my arms around me letting her cry on me.
" stop crying everything will be fine" I said patting her back
When she got her act together we went back to Mel's hospital room
" y'all straight ?" Mel asked
" yea "
" momma" mel said
" I'm sorry niya I shouldn't have judged you but as a mother I want what's best for both my babies I don't wanna see them get hurt but I'm trusting that you won't hurt my August." My mother said
" I won't " Niya said
" good we'll catch up later"
" I'll be looking forward to that" niya said hugging my mother
A smile spread across my face and so did Mel's .
" aunty niya can we go to  Ms .tori's house today ?" Chay asked
" that's up to ya dad" niya said looking at mel
" tori said she was coming " mel said smiling
" I'm assuming she's a girlfriend" my mother said smiling
" yea I guess I haven't really asked her yet but she on that way" mel said still smiling
Jus then tori walked in the room 
" mel " she said running to him kissing all over his face
" tori" he said smiling
" I'm so glad your alright"
" Me too baby girl meet my momma"
Tori turned around seeing my momma. She blushed with embarrassment
" hey ms. Alsina I'm tori"
" nice to meet you "
Tori smiled awkwardly
" I'll let y'all enjoy yourselves I'll be at my house " my momma said
"Ight love ya ma" me & mel said
My momma hugged me and mel , her granddaughters & me and mel girlfriends then she left.
" anyways mel we got you something " I said
I gave mel 22,000 dollars , tori gave him a chain that has his name engraved in it ,niya gave him a card teddy bears , & some Jordan's she bought . the girls bought him the iPhone 6 and cards they made
"Thanks y'all " mel said " but August I can't take ya money you worked hard fa that and girls I can't take the iPhone 6 I love all y'all ."
" daddy we want you to have it" the girls said
" fine I'll keep it but August I'm giving you the money back" mel said pushing the money in my hands.
" nah bruh keep it you need it please take it I'll make some more money when I get out on the road next week."
" damn I been dead that Long?"
" yea" I said laughing
" well if it mean that much to ya I'll keep it "
" good"
I wrapped my arms around my girl
" you starting to get bigger niya" mel said
" shut up mel " niya said playfully
" its true" he said still laughing
Then the nurse came in
" y'all have to leave we have to feed him and make sure he gets some rest y'all can come back later on or tomorrow." The nurse said
" when will he be out? " tori asked
" in a week we have to keep him for observations"
Tori and mel kissed and the girls hugged and kissed their father goodbye and mel and niya hugged and I hugged my bro and we did out handshake before we left out.
The girls ended up going with tori so me and bae was alone today.
" what you wanna do?" I asked niya
" I don't know " she replied shyly
" well we gon go back to the crib and chill then we going to Drake party tonight"
" sounds like  a plan " niya said smiling
I could tell she was excited about going to that party tonight , I ain bout to flex I am too.
I couldn't help but notice how beautiful niya is.
" baby you should be  a model"
"Yea right "
"I'm serious your beautiful"
" I'll think about it "
" good"
Later on
We got dressed going to drake party. It was lit asf everyone seemed to be having  a good time. People was in the hookah section , people was pouring it up, and others were either dancing or making it rain on a bitch. I looked to my left and seen Michael, Chris , & trey.
"Michael what yo ass doing here?"
" I'm famous too nigga" Michael replied adjusting his shades
" right"
" how y'all know each other?" Chris asked
" we go way back" I said tilting my hat
" is this the girlfriend you've been telling me about ?" Trey asked
" yea"
"What August said about me ?" Niya asked looking at me
" nothing bad he said you a ride or die type chic and he love you"
Trey said cheesing
" aww he should know that" niya said holding my hand.
Then jalissa Came up to us
" what's popping august" jalissa said in a flirt tone
" what's up with her August?"
" don't ask him bitch ask me all I said is whats popping "
(A/N: If y'all watch love & Hip Hop you will know where I got that from but anyways Cardie B gon be jalissa in this story since they kinda crazy asf ! ..TBC)
"Jalissa chill that's his girl you talking to " trey said
" ion give  2 fucks" jalissa said swinging her long braids
" august Im'a go chill she lucky I'm pregnant" niya said
I couldn't say nun for this one it would only cause more drama.
Jalissa smiled walking away.
"Damn" Chris & Michael said at the same time
" yea" I said
" watch out fa my sis she a slick fast one" trey said walking into the crowd.
I wonder what he meant by that but I kinda don't wanna find out.
"Anyways we needa turn the fuck up August go chill wid ya girl before another nigga do." Chris said
" everyone know she mine so who would try me ?" I asked laughing
" I would " Chris said " jus playing ion mess wit niggas girls "good" I said
I cant believe that bitch tried me just then August came walking  I took a sip of my drink.
" hey babe" August said
" aye" I said a lil pissed
" girl stop acting like that forget that hoe you wid me at drake party "
" so go dance with some hoes"
" niya stop acting like that I want you not them so come dance with ya boy" August pleaded
" fine"
When me and August started dancing I noticed that chic jalissa staring at us.
" why she staring August?"
" ion know it don't matter jus ignore her"
" ok"
We danced some more than that's when my body collapsed onto the floor.
" niya wake up !" I screamed
The music stopped everyone was now looking at me .
" somebody her help call 911" I shouted
Michael called an ambulance and people helped me pick niya up and put her on the stretcher.
" what happened?" Drake asked
" ion know we was dancing then she passed out"
" damn I'll give you a ride " drake offered
" ight come on"
Me and Drake rode to the hospital being followed by Chris & Michael.
When we got there I talked to the lady at the front desk and she told me to sit in the waiting room. I wonder what made her pass out like that.
I waited and waited for the doctor or nurse to call me , the more I had to wait the more anxious I got.
°•°1 hour later •°•°
" Mr . Alsina you can come back" the doctor said
I got up and so did the guys
" one at a time" the doctor said
They sat back down and I followed him to the back.
When I walked in she was awake but she didn't look so good. She looked very sick.
"  what's wrong with her ? Is our child ok?"
" Mr. Alsina sit down " the doctor said
I obediently sat down scared of what I was going to hear.
" whats the bad news ?" I asked with my eyes closed
" she was poisoned and she's going to make it but your son didn't make it "
When he said my son didn't make it I felt tears in my eyes. I'm so pissed off I lost all hope for an happy ending.
" what's the good news?" I asked gritting my teeth
" you still have a daughter "
" what you mean?" I asked confused.
" ms. Iverson was going to have twins"
My heart sank when he said that because I remembered that's what I've always wanted now it won't happen .
I felt tears slip down my cheek. I felt Niya's hand faintly brush the tears. I laid my head on her chest she cried with me that night. Whoever did that to me and niya is going to pay. My child's life was taken because of some dumb shit.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now