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- Niya-
As hush was driving he got a phone call which he stopped the whole car .
" what's going on?" I asked confused
" August in the hospital."
" what happened to him?"
" he collapsed on stage."
" get to the hospital we have to see him."
In away I think its my fault why he collapsed. Was he stressed from me walking out on him after he did me wrong? I cried the whole way there. When we reached the hospital I desperately ran to the front desk
" where is August room?"
" look honey you ain getting back there ."
" why I'm not?"
" you jus another groupie thirsty for the money ." the nurse said
I got in her face my nose to her nose.
" listen here you old ass no life bitch I'm not thirsty for his money I was with him before the fame so don't get it twisted now if you wanna keep ya job let me see my fiance ." I was now yelling
I can tell I was scaring the bitch.
Mel came out laughing with his phone.
" damn" he said
" uh my bad I had to put this disrespectful bitch back In her place."
" I see come with me ."
" is he ok?"
When I asked that mel kept quiet now my heart sank.
" Mel why aren't you talking ?"
" he's in a coma." Mel said with his head low
" what ?how?."
" I don't know they think he might have took some drugs before the show but i don't believe that my brother doesn't do that."
" I know I feel like this was my fault."
" what you mean?"
" I called it off with August and he was upset when I left."
" what happened between y'all ?"
" I caught August cheating and I called the engagement off."
" damn but you weren't the reason."
" it feels like it."
" don't beat ya self up."
" I'll try not to."
" come on the whole fam in there."
" ight."
I found almost everyone In there when they seen me they hugged me.
When I seen kyron he was sitting in mama August lap.
" momma." Kyron said
" yes kyron."
" what's wrong with daddy?"
I felt tears fall down my cheek
" he's in a deep sleep baby."
" will he wake up?"
" I don't know."
"I want my daddy ."
" I know we all do."
" how did this even happen?"
Momma August asked
" I really don't know I wasn't there ."
" someone has to know something my August wouldn't do drugs I know my baby."
When I looked in her eyes I could feel her pain her heart ache. Just then the doctor came in with a clipboard.
" he might have had drugs or been poisoned."
" my son doesn't do drugs so don't even accuse him of that." Momma August said raising her voice trying to hold back tears.
" I'm sorry ma'am , but he might have been poisoned ."
The word poisoned seemed so familiar. When the doctor walked out the room I jus sat there thinking.
" who would do something like this to my baby?"
" this sounds like something jalissa would do?" Kehlani said
" it would make sense ." Morgan said
" who the hell is jalissa ?" Momma August asked
" some girl who poisoned one of the children me and August were supposed to have."
" god have mercy on my soul." Momma August said letting a tear hit her cheek
I couldn't take this anymore I gotta keep jalissa from messing with my life.
I called jalissa.
" hello" she said almost too innocently
" hey its me niya stop messing with my life ok I'm getting sick of you always being the problem."
" what are you talking about?"
" August has been poisoned I know you did it."
" I really didn't do it I swear ok but I might have a clue of a suspect but if I tell you who it is you gotta give me some money."
" how about this you don't tell me and I'll turn  You into the crew and let them deal with you."
" if that was supposed to scare me it didn't its gon take more than a threat to scare me."
" ight you just fucked up jus know that."
" what ever."
End of phone conversation
I slumped against the wall crying all over again. Then the door opened.
" ma don't cry." Mel said sitting right beside me i jus got off the phone with jalissa she knows who did it but she won't tell me unless I give her money but I'm not doing that."
" Im'a send the crew after her ass."
" I threatened her with the crew but she didn't seem phased."
" we'll kidnap her ass and beat answers out of her."
" ight I can work with that plan that bitch is gonna pay for fucking with all of our lives."
" damn chill August wasn't playing when he said you a cold hearted killer."
" I'm whatever I need to be." I said wiping tears off my cheek
" jus calm down don't stress trust me we gon get this all figured out."
" good."
I walked back in the hospital room with rest of the family. I seen my nieces crying over August. It made me angry seeing them upset over something that didn't even have to happen. Everyone decided to let me have a moment alone with August.
" August I love you I never stopped I wish this never happened I want you to come back to me I'll stay with you jus don't die on me I'm not the only one who needs you. You have children, a crew , nieces , a mother and a mother who need you hang on as long as you can baby I forgive you ." I said sobbing on his arms . I never wanted this to happen but you never expect the worse.
When I lifted my head I seen how frail August body looks it scares me to see him weak like that.
The girls came in to check up on me .
" you ok?" Nicki said
" no I jus want him back." I said crying
" we all do." Morgan said patting my back
" where is my son?
" he's with adrian & DC." Kehlani said
" good."
" you wanna stay with us ?" Kyndall
" I'll be fine."
" you sure ?" Nicki said
" yea."
They all hugged me telling me it was going to be alright but I didn't feel like it was. I know they were only saying that to try to make me feel better but it made me feel 10 times worse .
" his visitation hours are up come back tomorrow." The doctor said
The girls escorted me out the hospital taking me back to the house August had me stay in.
When I got there I laid in the bed with kyron thinking about everything that happened before this. My last hateful words to August were I hate you ! What if I never see him again? I don't want this to be the end for us  I love him even if he did cheat on me. Its better to forgive then to hold a grudge. I am now realizing I had a good thing Now that its being taken from me.
I should have never left his side maybe there could have been a way I could have prevented the whole situation.
I went to sleep crying.
Next day
I woke up with tear stains in the pillow. Kyron wasn't in the bed with me there was a note.
: if you want to see kyron again you better have my $60,000 I would hate for something to happen to the innocent little baby  plus I would pull the plug on August and I know you wouldn't want that
Yours truly S & J
That bitch is fucking with the wrong person now she's crossed the line but I wonder who S is ? I'll figure that out when I meet up with them when I get the money. I need a time to meet them but she didn't write it on the note.
I called jalissa
"What niya?"
" what time you want me to bring it?"
" 8:00 on the dot at the ware house next to the graffiti shop."
" I know where that is."
" Good don't be late."
" I won't."
End of phone conversation
I was so mad I punched the wall I couldn't feel the pain , because my hand went numb . Mel & kyndall came in my room
" what's wrong?"
They looked at my hand and the hole in the Wall . I gave them the note that was laying on my pillow when they read it their facial expressions changed.
" we not letting you go alone."
Mel said
" if y'all come with me stay on a low profile."
" we got you." Kyndall said
" how did she even get in here."I said throwing my hands up
" I don't know she must have hacked Into the security system." Mel said scratching his head
" we need to kill her but not right away we need to find out who did it." I said pacing around the room
" calm down " kyndall said
" I'm trying mel you have to get your girls out of here I don't want anything happening to them I'll kill myself if something did."
" I might have to send them back to their mother in Louisiana."
" that's the best choice." I said
" Im'a miss them." Mel said
" I know either we can get jalissa and whoever she working with out the picture quick or the girls have to leave."
" that's a reasonable plan."
" I know."
" I'll call the rest of the crew for an emergency meeting."
" good."
I watched as kyndall paced around the room calling each of the crew members telling them to arrive here.
A couple minutes later
Everyone has showed up.
" what's going on ?" Adrian asked
" jalissa and some girl took my son last night they won't give him back until I send $60,000 to them at 8:00 on the dot and they also threatened to pull the plug on August."
" we needa catch that bitch." DC said
" stop cussing loud my daughters are sleep." Mel said
" my bad." DC said
Mel nodded
" so whats the plan?" Morgan asked
" I might let y'all tag along but y'all have to keep low profile.
" how are we going to do that?"
" I don't know yet I'm still thinking but I do need the money in case they keep their word but part of me knows that they won't but you never know."
" I got $60,000 ." Mel said
"Where you get that much money?" Kehlani asked
" I've been saving."
" I can't take that money ." I said
" take it please its worth it."
" fine but I'll pay you back when I earn that much."
" ight ."
Mel gave me the money and I stashed it in my bra.
After a couple hours we came up with a decent plan.
I put on some bullet proof padding especially on my chest where my daughter was. I prayed to god that he would jus help me get through this one.
I put the gun in my purse and my boot.
I had Nicki drive me to the graffiti shop and I walked to the warehouse
I knocked on the door.
" your early" jalissa said
" didn't want to be late."
" you have my money?"
" yea."
I reached in my bra pulling out the money I handed it to her.
" now where is my son, & where is the name of the person who poisoned August?"
" kyron come out Now ." jalissa yelled.
Kyron walked into the room hugging my
" now the girl who did it was August dancer the one you beat the shit out of."
" good to know.. Now!!" I shouted covering kyrons eyes. a gun fired and hit jalissa in the head she fell straight to the ground. I watched the life drain right out of her eyes I quickly grabbed my money. Then I grabbed kyron taking him outside I saw mel & nicki.
" is she dead?Nicki asked
" yea did you find august dance partner?"
" yea she's dead as well."
"Good" I said smiling
" let's go before the cops come." Mel said
We all got into the car.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now