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- august-
After a week if being in the hospital it sucked because I couldn't do much now I'm back at home with the fam and its great . I missed everyone and everything. The fans are very excited to her that I'm back and that I'll be dropping the album soon.
" August." Niya called out
" yes ."
" come here."
I went to my room seeing Niya laying down.
" what's wrong ?"
" I don't feel so good ."
" what you mean?"
" my stomach hurts and I think Im'a-"
She stopped dead in her sentence.
" niya what's wrong?"
" August I think my water jus broke."
" what's that mean?"
" the baby is coming get me to a hospital." She yelled throwing a pillow at me
" oh shit I'm on it ." I said grabbing a towel helping Niya to a car. I laid her across the towel in the back seat rushing to the hospital. I immediately got a nurse to come with a ♿ wheelchair . They came helping niya into the seat rolling her to her room . they put her on the stretcher telling her to breathe but she was doing the opposite she was yelling and screaming.
" baby calm down."
" I can't this shit hurts." She yelled
The doctor makes her calm down by breathing . when they finally made it to the room they laid her on the bed carefully. I held her hand and they helped her push.
" 1..2..3.. Push."
Niya pushed with all her might she held onto Me tight .
" come on niya we almost there ."
I said still holding her hand
She nodded her head but then she slapped me . I stepped back rubbing my cheek.
" what was that for?"
" she's going through things its jus hormones."
" niya you right no more babies."
The doctor chuckled at my statement.
" come on niya jus breathe." The doctor Instructed.
Niya took in long deep breaths.
Then we heard a baby crying I saw my baby girl.
The doctor cut the umbilical cord taking the baby to another room. When they cleaned the baby they handed it to Niya.
" aww she's so beautiful." Niya said brushing her hand against our child's face
" what are you going to name her ." a female nurse asked.
" Liyah." I said smiling at niya and our lil liyah.
" that's so cute I'll bring the birth certificate in a minute."
Me & Niya nodded.
" she's looks jus like you niya." I said gazing at liyah
" yea but I see some of you In her."
" me too."
" you wanna hold her?"
" yea that's my princess you talking bout."
Niya smiled before handing liyah to me . when I held liyah I felt everything a father should feel when he holds his princess or its first born child. I know that Im'a always look out for my princess and I won't let any nigga hurt her period. They would have to get through me first and trust me they don't wanna don't wanna do that.
I rocked liyah around seeing her put her tiny thumb in her mouth.
" hey princess daddy here." I said kissing her small little head.
" I'll call the crew ."niya said
I jus nodded my head turning my attention back to my daughter.
- Mel-
My phone started ringing I seen august caller ID.
" what's up bro?"
" come to the hospital."
" why ? What's wrong?"
" nothing niya jus had the baby."
" ight we on the way."
End of phone conversation
I can't believe my niece was born today .
" aye everyone get dressed aunty niya had the baby."I yelled excitedly
" what!?" Kyndall asked
" niya had the baby."
" OMG that's great!"
We all got to the hospital going to see August , niya , & the baby.
" aww the baby is adorable." Kaykay said rushing to see the baby
" is this my sister?" Kyron asked
" yes its your sister." August said smiling
" you the big brother now ." niya said
" really?"
" yea so that means you have to look out for your sister and help her out." August said
" what you name her ?" Kyndall asked looking at the baby
" liyah." August said
" congratulations y'all. " I said
" you wanna hold her ?" Niya asked
" yea ."
I sanitized my hands before holding liyah. She looked jus like her mother and father couldn't even deny it. The rest of the crew filed in.
" is that aunty nicki baby?"
" yea it is."
" she look jus like both of y'all ." DC said
" thanks " august & Niya said at the same time
" she gon be hustling daddy out his money." Adrian said laughing
" you probably right." August said shrugging
" me & Morgan have a gift for the baby at y'all crib." Michael said wrapping his arms around his girl.
- Niya-
" thanks so much ." I said
" you know we got you." Morgan said hugging me
"How you feel now momma?" Kehlani asked
" tired as ever."
" I bet all that yelling and screaming you was doing."
August said laughing
" August be quiet." I said warning him
The nurse came in the room
" let the new mom get some sleep the father of the baby can stay ."
" ight we'll see y'all later."
Everyone except August & kyron filed out the room.
" She's going to be so pretty when she gets older."
" yea Im'a have to busy these youngins up ." August said sounding like a old ass man
I couldn't help but laugh
" I'm serious "
" I bet."
I put the baby in her lil bed next to mine drifting off .
Next day
I woke up to crying
I picked liyah up rocking her trying to quiet her down.
" shh don't cry momma got you."
Liyah continued to cry.
" you hungry? "
I breast fed liyah
" dang ma ." august said smirking
" you so nasty ." I said rolling my eyes
" my bad."
" this is a way of feeding my baby."
" our baby."
" yep."
August kissed my lips and the babies head
" this is how it should be ." august said
" he took a picture of me with liyah posting it on the gram the fans went crazy over the new baby. Likes and comments started to roll in and they were good too. I can already tell that liyah is going to be big when she gets older. I can't wait to see her grow up and live the life I couldn't have.
A couple of days later
They let me out the hospital. August has been very supportive and protective lately. It was cute tho.
" Hey liyah its daddy." August said smiling and raising her up in the air kissing her chubby little cheeks.
I had to take the picture and post it on IG. I tagged August in the photo he looked at it when he put liyah down in her crib.
" you stay snapping pictures."
" you know I do."
August chuckles wrapping his arms around me.
" niya you look thicker ." August said smirking
" that's what breast feeding & Exercising do ." I replied popping the p
" Well you look sexy as always ."
August said kissing my neck
" no August we're in front of liyah."
" well we can go to the bed room ok."
" what about kyron?."
" he's taking a nap jus like liyah ." august said moving his hands down to my zipper.
" fine but if liyah wakes up it'll be your turn to make her fall back asleep."
" deal now let's go I've been missing you."
" ight August."
August carried me to the bed room laying my on the bed taking my shirt off kissing my neck making me moan .
I wrapped my arms around mel kissing his neck .
" I love you but you better stop." Mel said moving the hair out of my face and caressing my cheek

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now