The Day

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I woke up next to niya she was still sleep so I got up quietly so I wouldn't have wake her. We don't have to be at the interview until 5:30 so we got enough time.
I didn't hear the TV on so my brother and my nieces still must be sleep. I went to the kitchen seeing kelsi in a silk bra and panty set. I had to look away before I said or did anything I would regret.
" hey August" kelsi said
" look can you please put some clothes on?" I asked trying to stay loyal.
" fine" she said.
When I looked back she put on a robe .
" thank you." I said on relief
" Welcome wouldn't want to cause trouble."
With that she was off to where ever she was sleeping. Then I remembered where I know her.
•°•°•flash back•°•°•°
|3 years ago|
-Michael party-
I smoked in the section with my name niggas and I spotted shawty.
" why you looking at her ya not gon get her." Dresean said laughing
" nigga Im'a get her." I said getting up
"Whatever." Dresean said taking another puff of his weed.
I got up the walking over to her , when I got closer I seen her twirling her hair.
" hey I'm August."
" I'm Kelsi."
" I was thinking we could hangout sometime." I said smirking but in a charming way
" that's cool " she said smiling at me in a sexy kind of way
" so how old you is ma?" I said leaning against the wall" before we go any further "
" I'm 16 how bout you?"
" 10+6"
Kelsi giggled at my charm , I smiled looking back at Dresean who jus mean mugged me.
" anyways Kelsi wanna get out of this party?" I asked wrapping my arms around her
" yea" she said with a sly grin
" ight"
We walked out the club then -
My flash back was interrupted by Kelsi's son crying.
I watched as Kelsi ran to attend her son.
I fixed me some cereal going in the living room watching ESPN.
- Niya-
When I woke up I seen that August wasn't with me. I put my hair in a messy high pony tail  walking to the living room seeing August eating cereal and watching ESPN.
" good morning beautiful." August said looking up at me
" morning " I said sitting next to august
" you have want something to eat?" August asked turning his attention back to me
" yea but not no damn cereal." I said
" ight I got something for that." August said
" boy what you talking bout?" I asked raising my eyebrows
" Louie" August yelled
I turned around seeing a servant
" OMG " I said amazed I know this nigga ain got a butler ... Damn I was dead asf !
" I told you I was gon give you better." August said smiling at me
" I know." I said kissing August lips tasting the cocoa pebbles he was eating 2 minutes ago.
10 minutes later
I ate what the butler made for me it was good by The way. Anyways after I ate I took me a long shower after I got out I wrapped the towel around my waist drying off. I brushed my teeth , lotioned my skin, put on a a tank top & shorts since August got me a stylist. I'm pretty sure she's picking out my outfit.
Later on
" baby the stylist here " August said yelling halfway through the house
" ok" I said walking down the hallway.
When I saw the stylist she looked halfway through her 40s but she she was a pretty dark skin women , with short hair.
" hello ms. Iverson I'll be your personal stylist from now own I'm ms. Davie." She said shaking my hand
" nice to meet you ms. Davie." I said smiling
" well Im'a bring the rest of the crew here to do your hair, makeup, & nails."
" ok."
When she walked out August held my hand smiling at me.
" my baby gon be looking pretty."
August sang swinging my arms.
I laughed at how stupid he looked but at the end of the day I couldn't help but to love this nigga.
When ms . Davie came in I saw 3 other people behind Her they carried bags unloading them. They sat me down to do my makeup , hair ,& nails .
When I was done I looked in a nearby mirror inspecting my body , for a pregnant girl I looked great I didn't really look too much pregnant. Ms. Davie picked me out a white chained halfshirt with a black pencil skirt with chains on them. I also had some Louis Vuitton heels on. I really looked good.  I needed to surprise August since he left because he claimed it was boring watching them glam me up.
" august" I said calling his name out
" yea " August said running Into the living room.
When his eyes landed on me his mouth dropped to the floor.
" how do I look?" I asked twirling
" you look great" August said still in a daze
" thanks august." I said
" you should model."
" August I'm not fit for that and I'm pregnant."
" so"
I only laughed at August, who jus rolled his eyes at me which only made me laugh more.
" well bae Im'a be back I'm bout to get glowed up." August said walking to the den.
" ok."
" thank you so much this is amazing ." I said to the crew
" no problem." They all said smiling
I hugged  the crew, then I saw my nieces.
" hey girls."
" hey aunty niya." They said hugging me
" what y'all up to?" I asked smiling at them
" nothing yet ." amaya said as if the boredom was killing her
I laughed at her
" you look really pretty" Chay said cheesing
" thanks so do you ." I said putting my arms around her
" thanks aunty" Chay said
" where are you and uncle August going? " kaykay asked
" we're going on a interview."
" can we go?" Kaykay asked
" I don't think so but we'll be back I promise."
" ok"
" well go behave yourselves your uncle will be done getting dressed in a lil bit go bug your father for me."
They laughed running to their fathers room.
When August came out I couldn't help but to find him sexy. He had on a black button up shirt with a white bowtie and some bleached jean joggers and a gold chain hanging from his neck. Then for his shoes he had on a fresh pair of jays.
" you look great bae."
" thanks" August said putting his arm around my waist.
" we leaving out yet?"
" yea" August said
" wait " mel said
" what mel." August asked kinda annoyed
" I wanna get a picture ." mel said " why?" August asked rolling his eyes
" nigga let me take the picture."
" fine" August sighed
Me & August posed looking bossed out and mel took our picture.
" ight Im'a let y'all go have fun at the interview and turn up fa me I'll be tuning in." Mel said hugging me and August.
" ight mel" me & August said together
We walked to the limo waiting out front. As we sat in the limo August new music played through the speakers.
" August this sounds really Good."
" yea I know." August said a little too confidently
" shut up."
"Bet you can't make me." August said taunting me
" you wanna bet?"
" bet"
I sat next to August who kept taunting me and that's when I kissed him falling on top of him , that shut his yellow ass up.
" haha I made you shut up ." I said smiling
" that's not fair." August said pouting
" whatever august." I said finding it funny how he was pouting
When we got to the building the adrenaline raced through me. I suddenly became nervous
" you nervous?" August asked holding my hand.
" yea" I said admitting the truth
" don't be you with me ." August said .
" alright." I said taking in a deep breath
Me and August walked in sitting down on the love seat side by side seeing Bowwow & Vanessa Simmons.
" hey August we see you brought a guest who is she we want the details ." Vanessa said smiling towards the audience.
" this is my life ,my girlfriend niya." August said holding my hand
" y'all smiling  Bow wow said smiling at us
" how long y'all been together?" Vanessa asked
August looked at me I smiled back at him.
" we've been dating for 4 months ." I said smiling looking at the crowd." But I think we will last longer."
The whole crowd awed , August held my hand tighter.
" we have some questions from the fans you don't have to answer them but if you do keep hunnid." Bow wow said making everyone laugh
" ight" August said laying back against the chair.
" question number one  from  jay Jay224 .. Is your girlfriend pregnant or is that a rumor?"
" she's pregnant with my daughter liyah." August said rubbing my belly
" awww " Vanessa said
" question #2 from Lenka_bhoo.. When is the album going to drop."
" I think Im'a drop in 2 or 3 weeks it ain ready yet but when it do jus know its bout my old life and how I had to start from the bottom ."
" ight vanessa you can ask these questions." Bow wow said
Vanessa and walked closer to the screen .
" Well niya these questions are for you." Vanessa said turning the attention towards me.
" ok." I said a little nervous
" How is it being with a celebrity?"
" um... Well its very busy I can tell you that."
Everyone laughed
" but its very exciting I'll have to say you never know what he's going to throw at you but it's a cool experience once you get used to it."
I looked at August who jus laughed .
" good answer." Vanessa said reading the next question
" do you plan on getting married with August?"
That Was a pretty good question.
" well that's a question August gotta answer." I said looking at him
" well I was gon do this later but I think now is  a good time." August said getting on his knees
OMG was this nigga about to propose???
" niya Iverson ever since I met you I loved you don't let nobody tell you different I guess what I'm trying to say is will you marry me."
When I saw the Satan box with a big diamond ring inside I felt tears slide down my cheek.
" yes August I'll marry you." I said kissing August as he slipped the ring on my finger.
" wow congratulations y'all now it's time for August to preform."
The crowd went crazy for August as he sung. When the show was over we talked to Vanessa and bow wow and then we decided to go back to the crib to see how everyone holding up.
" hey we're home." I yelled
Everyone ran to us
" OMG you and uncle August getting married?" The girls yelled
" yes we are ." august said putting his arms around me
" congratulations y'all." Mel said hugging us both.
" you look great." Kelsi said hugging me as well
" thanks "
" well me and Kelsi going out ." mel said grabbing Kelsi's hand walking out the door.
August went to the room and I sat next to the girls taking my heels off.
" what y'all think about Kelsi?"
" ion like her." Chay said
" why is that?"
" she doesn't seem right."
" how about y'all ?" I asked the two other girls
" same with Chay." They both said
" she's a good person you just haven't gotten to know her yet."
I said trying to convince them
" maybe" amaya said
" well y'all go get ready for bed." I said
Then I heard kyron crying, I went to his room picking up the baby patting his back softly making him stop.
" your really good with kids bae." August said standing in front of the door frame
" yea I guess ." I said
August laughs taking the baby out my hands and holding him.
He seemed to like August then that's when I noticed they share  a similarity of looks. That couldn't be her baby. Could it ?? I jus brushed the thought of that out my head.
" August I'm going to to the room."
I walked to the room taking my outfit off and washing over the remainder of makeup. I put on one of August t-shirts going to sleep.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now