No worries

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Its been a long month and August still hasn't woken up yet. I'm starting to worry that he won't wake up. I really hope he does because I'm lost without him . Then my child is going to have to grow up without a father. That's something I would never want my child or any child to go through.
" you ok aunty Niya." Chay asked
" yea I'm fine "
" you sure ." yea
Chay jus rubbed my back laying her head on my shoulder.  Somehow she seemed to comfort me without even using words.
" you can go with your sisters I'll be fine ."
" ok." Chay said kissing my head walking out the door. I swear her and her sisters are like angels from August . they guide me and make me stronger  than I thought I could ever be.
I cried and cried myself to sleep.
- Mel-
I opened the door to Niya's room I heard her crying but when I got in there she was sleeping peacefully. I hate that she going through this and then she's pregnant with his baby . she's taking This harder then anybody else and I don't Blame it. It got to me the day it happened. I cried and cried while my daughters and kyndall comforted Me. I closed the door heading back to my room.
" you ok?." Kyndall said running my back
" yea I'm cool , its jus niya been stressing and crying a lot lately and it bothers me a lot because she my sister now and I don't ever wanna see her or anyone like that."
" I know but sometimes its better to let things happen because we can't control everything."
" your right."
" yea ... But let's do something tonight to keep your mind off things."
" sounds good."
" we can bring the girls too." Kyndall said smiling
" great I think they'll like that."
" yea."
I kissed kyndall's lips placing my hand on her thighs. She was a great distraction that's why I love her.
- Inside August head-
I can't move I wanted to tell her that I love her too and I don't want to be with anybody else but I can't do anything to be closer to her. I wanna see my son kyron and let him know that I'm here for him and I won't leave him.
I really fucked up , I don't know what even made me collapse. I don't even do hard drugs the only one I really do is smoke weed but I know it wasn't it. It jus couldn't be I hope I wake up and talk to my Baby. I know how bad she need me I wish she knew how bad I needed her .....
- Niya-
I played in kyrons beautiful curly hair.
" I love you kyron."
" I love you too momma."
I smiled brushing my thumbs against his cheek. God has blessed me with this amazing child whether it came from my womb or not. I'm glad that he considers me as a mother . it makes me happier than I was before. Wait til liyah is born Im'a spoil her but I really hope I don't have to raise her without her father I swear it would be painful.
I heard a knock on the door.
" aye niya we going out to have fun everyone going do you& kyron  wanna go with ?" Kyndall asked putting on a smile
" I wanna spend some time alone but kyron can go."
" ok."
I put everything in kyrons diaper bag , put his clothes on and his shoes then I handed him to kyndall I watched her carry him out of my sight. I heard the door slam shut and the ignition of the car running out side. I got out of bed turning the TV playing on the music station. A song by August played on the radio. I cried listening to his beautiful voice. Then they spoke about how august collapsed on stage the other night, and how fans are tweeting and posting  August can make it . it was sweet of the fans to encourage that it kinda brightened up my day but him still being in a coma didn't make it better. I laid in the bed the rest of the day eating ice cream & watching TV. Everything has been a blur I can't keep up with it all. When the door opened I heard mel & kyndall's voice.
I got up putting my hair in a pony tail walking in the living room.
" hey y'all had fun?"
" yea." Everyone said smiling big.
" that's good ." I said fake smiling
" yea girls go play." Mel said
The girls obediently walked out the room.
" what's up?" I asked sitting in the expensive couch
" nothing much me and kyndall have been talking about you actually we see that your very depressed by this and you have a right to be but you shouldn't be he's got possibilities of waking up he might if god came through for me he can come through for August as well." Mel said resting his arm around my shoulders
" we got your niya so talk to us and tell us how you feel so we can try to make things better ."
" I'm fine really ." I said defending myself in a calm manner
" not talking to anyone and barely eating good ain healthy niya it's not jus you anymore it's about you & the baby."
" I know but its like without August I'm a mess if it wasn't for him I would probably be with my abusive ex again but he helped me get through everything when I needed someone he's all I have ." I said  finally confessing my story to them letting tears fall down my cheek.
" Niya don't cry its going to be alright."
How can they tell me its alright we're halfway through this month and August still hasn't waken up yet. I kept that  thought to myself and continued to sob.
Then I heard Mel's phone ring.
He got up walking 10 ft. away  answering his call.
" hello... Really...ok...we'll be there... Thank you so much.. Ok ... Bye bye."
" who was that?" Kyndall asked
" that was the hospital  ."
" what did they want?" Kyndall asked biting the tips of her nails
" august... He -"
" tell us already." I snapped
" damn what I'm trying to say is they said August is awake." Mel said smiling
" OMG ..OMG." I yelled jumping up pacing around
". Let's get your man shawty." Kyndall said smiling big.
We called the crew telling them everything and we all went to the hospital. on Instagram I seen nicki taking pics with august. I smiled liking the picture. When I walked into the room seeing August frail body I was in tears instantly.
" don't cry ma." August voice croaked
I walked over to August seeing the tubes connected in his body. I touched his hand softly.
" I love you August."
" I love you too ." August managed to say
I felt his arm brush my hair out my face.
" come here." He said in his thick accent best he could
I came closer to him and he kissed me I kissed him back craving every last bit I got. When I pulled apart I start blushing because we had a audience.

"We'll leave y'all alone." Adrian said chuckling
Everyone trailed out.
" how you been?" August asked his voice seemed to get a little better
" I've been ok."
" that's good."
" yea... August I know we left off on a bad note  but I'm willing to forget that and be together "
"baybeh girl I can't see myself without you anyways."
" so what's this mean?".
"We back together with no lies, cheating, or anything that can hurt us." August said kissing my neck
" auggy stop it."
"Wait til I get out of this hospital Im'a tear that ass up." August said licking his lips
" I'm pregnant remember?"
" that still don't mean I won't tear it up." August said laughing softly
" whatever."
"Anyways... You starting to get bigger.".
" I'm due soon.".
August smiled rubbing my stomach and lifting my shirt kissing my stomach then he jumped back.
" what's wrong?" I asked Laughing
" I felt something in your stomach move."
" that's the baby she's kicking."
" aww she already kicking you out the spot ."
" boy plz ."
" I'm playing with ya dang."
I smiled at how August was when he felt happy so did I.
" I know."
" niya ."
" yea."
" I need to talk to shaniya and tell her she fired."
" we took care of her." I said with  sly smirk
" what you mean?"
" the crew merked her ass she's long gone."
" damn why tho?"
" she poisoned you & she kidnapped kyron but we got him back."
" damn and I gave her dick that night I wish I didn't ."
" me too you I was thinking about killing her anyways."
" stop being a gangsta bae I like you better as niya."
" ight August I should retire anyways since I'm bout to be a full time mom."
" good so are we having another kid after liyah?"
" I don't think so we already got kyron and liyah on the way ."
" ight I guess that's cool."
" yea ."
" I missed my lil man where he at?"
" I'll go get him."
I carefully hopped off the hospital bed texting mel to bring kyron in the room .
4 minutes later
Mel brought kyron
" hey daddy." Kyron said rushing to his father's side
" hey son." August said rubbing his hands through kyrons curls." I missed you buddy."
" I missed you too dad."
" you been behaving for mommy?"
" yes."
" good now give me the wiggles."
Him and kyron did their lil hand shake and I smiled looking at Mel.
" I'm glad your up bro." Mel said smiling
" thanks bro."
" no problem."
" I'll see you later I'll let y'all catch up.
" mel said letting go of august hand
" ight ."
Mel left out the room .
" when you getting out." I asked
" in a week they wanna observe me and make sure I eat since its been bout almost 2 months ."
" yea .."
I was excited that he's awake but it still feels as if he were a million miles away.
" what's wrong Niya?"
" August I'm scared to loose you I jus don't know what I'd do without you ." I said feeling hot streams of tears
" baby don't cry baby I'm here and I promise you I won't let you go ." August said wiping the tears off my face and caressing my cheeks.
I looked in his eyes feeling our lips connect. When we broke apart I looked at kyron who was now sleep. Me and August smiled at each other genuinely  happy.
" I love you niya."
" I love you August."
August pulled out the engagement ring slipping it back on my finger.
The doctor came in with a female that looked familiar
" hey Stacey." August said
" hey August."
" Niya this is my manager ." August said putting his hand on mine
" nice to meet you." I said shaking her hand
" nice to meet you too." She said politely
" anyways .. August is going to be here for a week for observations and we have to test him for other things and make sure he's physically, mentally, & emotionally stable."  The doctor said before checking his clip board
" when will he be able to perform?" Stacey asked
" maybe in 3 weeks ."
" that's good."
" yea."
" well we bout to bring his food so he can  eat and get proper nutrition. "
" ok " we both said
The doctor walked out the room .
" Aug I'll see you later I gotta check on my mom." Stacey said
" ight thanks for coming to see me Stacey."
" no problem kid I'll see you later ."
" ight "
Stacey walks out of the room and the nurse returned with August food . The nurse the doctor brought with him looked young she had her cleavage showing too much. This bitch ain slick but August wasn't paying attention to her so I wasn't tripping . Then she tried to feed  him that's where the jealous girlfriend came out . I wasn't about to loose August to any one any more .
" I'm August fiancé I'll feed him."
The nurse gave me a stank face before giving the spoon to me to feed August. It made me smile inside to know that she was mad.
When the nurse left august started laughing at me.
" what's funny?" I asked
Raising my eyebrows
"  you."
" what you mean ?"
"Why you jealous I don't want her niya I'm serious this time you the only I wanna be with."
" good." I said pecking his lips
After he ate I ate something from McDonald's and went to sleep in August arms .

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now