Problems ..

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•°•°4 weeks later •°•°•°
{11:40 p. m.}
I laid in the bed waiting for Chris who was supposed to be back 3 hours ago. He better have a good explanation ,because some shit August has done and I didn't get into a relationship with Chris to go through the same thing.
When I heard the door open I stood up standing in front of Chris with my arms crossed.
"Chris where have you been ?"
" look baby I got caught up ."
" yea right what's that on your cheek ?"
I seen a red smear of lipstick , this isn't what I need right now everything was going so perfectly not its starting to slowly fall apart. Jus when I think a nigga different he jus like the rest of the assholes in my past.
" Chris jus get out ."
"Niya its not what you think."
"So you wasn't with another bitch? This the second time you've came home late."
"I'm sorry Niya. "
I couldn't help the tears that fell down my cheek. Chris tried to touch me but I wouldn't let him I only yelled forgetting that Royalty & liyah were still here.
"Mommy are you ok?"
"Yea go lay back down."
Liyah obediently walked out the room going to hers.
"Chris you should Leave ."
" Niya I never meant to hurt you."
" yes you did now I see why Karruche don't want anything to do with you ."
Chris looked at me like I slapped him in the face. He didn't dare say a word he jus walked out of the room taking royalty and leaving. I sat on my bed crying even though I shouldn't be stressing over peoples stupid mistakes. At times like this I wish August was here to comfort me and rub my stomach. I don't know if I should even call him, but then again I need someone to vent to it's not healthy for me to keep things all bottled up inside. I picked my phone off the nightstand.
As I tossed and turned in my bed I heard my phone ringing.. I don't know who could call me st this damn time of night. It must be important because nobody call this late. I picked up my phone sliding my finger across the screen of my phone hearing Niya's voice .
(Phone conversation)
" hello."
" hey August."
" are you ight?"
" no August I need you ."
" what's going on?"
" Chris cheated on me."
I sighed in frustration, I told that nigga not to fuck with her heart and he does or any way.
" I'll be over quickly as possible stop stressing I'll be there baybeh."
(End of phone conversation)
I jumped out of bed pulling my white wife beater on sliding on my Nike socks with my elite socks. I grabbed my phone and car keys getting into my foreign driving to Niya's house. I texted Niya telling her to open the door.
~3 minutes later ~
Niya finally opened the door , I seen tear stains all over her face and her makeup smudged. All I could do was pull her in a hug. I could tell she needed it .
I sat on the couch next to Niya still holding on to her.
" Niya I'm sorry this happened to you again even though we ain together anymore that don't mean I'on care fa ya jus know Im'a always be there every step of the way."
" thank you August."
" no problem."
I rocked her in my arms rubbing circles on her stomach. I could feel the movement of the baby every few seconds. I know I shouldn't be trying to do anything stupid but Im'a beat Chris ass for hurting Niya. She should never be hurt ,because of my mistakes. The last thing I would want for Niya is to think every nigga the same because of Me and Chris dumb decisions.
"August I still love you ."
"Ya what?"
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Why ?"
I signed putting my Hand on her thigh looking her straight in the eye.
"I've always loved you I just wanted to do what's best for you but that wasn't even good enough. I didn't wanna leave I felt that I had to but leaving ya was a big mistake ...I beat myself bout it every day."
" but why your with Krissy."
I shook my head .
" only for pretend."
Niya smiled .
" there's dat gawgeous smile I been dyin ta see."
Niya cheesed even bigger hugging me, I hugged her back not wanting to let go but I had to unless she wanted me to stay.
" it's getting late so..Im'a head back ta tha bat cave.".
"You can crash here August liyah misses you and it would be great for her to see you around a little more."
" ya know ya miss me too ."
" I do I know I do but there's things we gotta figure out before we start 'talking ' and tryna date again."
" ight I understand dat where am I sleeping tonight ?"
" in the guest room I need some time to myself."
" ight how's my son doing ."
Niya looked up and grabbed my hand placing it on the right side of her stomach ,I felt a sudden movement. I jumped back a lil feeling like it was my first time doing that but it wasn't and I'll do it as many times as I have to.
" he missed you as well August ."
" we naming him Anthony."
" ok ."
" can I at least get a kiss ?"
"Sure August."
I leaned into niya feeling her soft lips touch mine. I've been missing her lips for the longest and now that I have them back I don't wanna stop kissing them, but niya pulled back.
" Aug that's enough I'm tired so Im'a go to bed thw guest room is down the left hall ."
" ight ma."
I kissed her forehead walking to my room laying down on the thinking about every thing Niya and I talked about. I couldn't think straight all I could think about is when she said she loved me. I got up going to liyahs room seeing her laying in her bed with her curly hair all in her face. I brushed her cheek with my finger lightly . Niya was right I was missing out on a lot of details with liyah. I need to step up and be the father she needs me to be. Liyah was growing up whether I wanted to hear that or not . when I was bout to leave liyahs room I seen niya standing there when our eyes met I connected my lips to hers running my fingers through her hair while she wrapped her arms around my neck. When we pulled back all we did was look in each others eyes.
" August please stay with me ."
" I won't let you go."
Niya smiled
" come on let's get some rest."
Niya followed me to her room taking off her shirt going into the closet.
" some habits don't change ."
I raised my eyebrows.
" what ya mean ?"
" you still a perv."
" I can't help it your so damn pretty."
" well ...I know that ."
I smiled at Niya's cockiness.
Even with a baby bump she was still sexy.
I watched as she put on one of my long shirts on , then she accompanied me to the bed. I laid facing her running my hands through her long strands of hair.
" I love you ."
" I love you too."
After we said that we fell asleep.
Next day
When I woke up august was still sleep. I kissed his face brushing my fingers through his curls and then I heard him groan.
" see na ya playin too much."
" I'm sorry baby."
" so I'm ya baby now."
I nodded my head smiling, august sat up kissing my lips pulling me on top of him.
" niya ya know god wanted us to be together that's why he brought me back ta ya ."
" I know ."
" good."
August spelled his name on my neck making me clutch the pillows .
" August stop I gotta go to work today ."
" you still modeling ?"
" yea ."
" I'll take ya ."
" nahh it's good chyna said she would plus I need to talk to her.
" ight I'm bout to check on my other favorite girl."
I slid out the bed putting my shorts back on walking into liyahs room. I seen her on the floor coloring I dat next to her.
" that's a pretty drawing liyah."
" thanks daddy."
" can daddy get a hug and a kiss."
Liyah jumped in my arms hugging me as tight as she could kissing my cheek. I loved my daughter this bond we share is something I'll never give up with my daughter.
" y'all having fun without mommy."
Niya said smiling liyah got up hugging Niya
" liyah be good for daddy ok mommy has to go to work but when I get back we'll have some fun."
" ok mommy."
I watched as Niya gave liyah a kiss on the cheek.
"Can I have a kiss too."
Niya rolled her eyes walking to me planting a quick peck on my lips. I hugged her putting my lips to her ear .
" ya know that wasn't a proper kiss I want one when ya get back."
" ok August."
I watched as niya walked out damn her ass and body was getting thicker. Wait til after the baby born Im'a throw it down on her.
-Niya -
Soon as chyna came and got me she smiled .
" your glowing ."
" yea how do you think they're gonna take me having a baby bump?"
" honestly I don't know ."
" I hope they will still let me model."
" they should ."
We drove to the agency in silence. Once we got there my photographer gasped.
" oh my your pregnant is it a boy or a girl ?"
" its a boy."
" wow I wanna get a couple shots this would be something great."
" ok."
I looked back at chyna smiling.
We departed being rushed into hair and make-up. I took a couple of pictures doing different poses.
" yes I love it Niya keep it up."
After I took the last few shots they let me look at them .
[A/N: pic is in the media ☺]
I smiled .
When I got finished with work I went straight home smelling August lord knows I missed him and his cooking.
When August turned from the stove he seen me hugging me .
" how was work baby ?"
" it was great they actually loved the idea of me being pregnant."
" that's great. "
I showed August the picture.
" you looked beautiful."
" thanks ."
" you still do."
I smiled at August then he leaned in kissing me. I pulled back noticing how quiet the house was
" where Is liyah ?"
" she at mel house with kyron."
" oh."
" I just wanted ta spend some alone Time with you ."
" good."
" go get washed up baybeh I made dinner.".
" ok."
I went upstairs going to the bathroom letting the shower water run. I went into the closet picking out a dress that fit my new body. After I did that I got in the shower letting the water splash in patterns on my body.
Once I got out the shower I seen August on the bed with a rose in his hands.
" August-"
" Niya I jus wanna show you how much you mean to me."
I stood there listening to his every word but he was talking too much so I straddled him kissing his lips . when he pulled back he smirked .
" ya know if ya keep fucking with me I'll still give ya tha dick."
" boy please.. Get out so I can get dressed."
" I've already seen that beautiful body naked before ."
" august."
" fine but you can't blame a nigga fa tryin."
" bye August."
Once I got in my dress I jus decided to be barefooted, I mean this is my damn house. I put on my favored perfume letting my hair hang. I walked to the kitchen smelling the strong aroma of food which made my mouth water by the minute .
August pulled my chair up for Me . I was liking where this was going already. As me and August we talked about small things then he placed his hands on mine.
" niya I know we started back getting things back on track but there's something I wanna ask you something."
" what is it ?"
August got on his knees holding my right hand.
" Niya Yasmina Iverson will you marry me?"
I love august with all my heart and to have him in my life was great but should we really try to get married ? ... I sighed before answering.
" yes August Anthony Alsina I'll marry you."

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now