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When I woke up in the hospital seeing tubes sticking in my arms , teddy bears and flowers sitting around my bed. I seen Trevor, cherasonto & his girl, dre & Lashonna. They smiled at me except for cherasonto.
" how you feeling baby girl" Trevor asked kissing my forehead.
" sore" I said softly
" well we're glad ya ok ma" cherasonto said boldly
" yea we got you stuff " lashonna said smiling like usual.
" thanks everyone" I managed to say , I only looked back at cherasonto who had a rather grave expression . I was starting to notice how attractive he was. He was very pretty , had curly hair, sexy brown skin, nice white teeth, and a deep sexy voice.
My thoughts were interrupted by Trevor snapping his fingers in my face.
" Niya!" He exclaimed
" yea my bad Trevor I was jus thinking" I said dryly
" oh well I gotta work and I'll be back later on when I get off"
" ok" I said
Trevor kissed my lips before walking out the hospital room door. His friends left except for cherasonto. His girl left with the others.
" you gotta get out of there ma I didn't know it was you that he would tell me and the guys about" cherasonto said seriously
" what are you talking bout" I asked looking in cherasonto's pretty brown eyes.
" he would tell us how he beat you and you do whatever he ask you to do and your his lil bitch and he cheating on you and he only with ya because you still let him fuck and your cute " cherasonto said
I could tell he was telling the truth about what he said. It broke my heart just hearing it.
Tears came Down my eyes like a waterfall.
" please don't cry ma, your too pretty to cry"
" whatever jus go with your girlfriend I wanna be alone"
" no I don't wanna leave you here like this I want you to stop crying and and think about ya life because what you living can be much better if you jus leave the nigga"
" why you even care? "
" I care because I hate seeing girls like you live like this but if you don't leave that's your funeral shit I tried to help but you keep being stubborn so fuck it!"
Just like that cherasonto walked out the room . I felt bad because he's really trying to help me but I won't let him. Everything he said makes me think about my life especially when he said ' don't listen its your funeral' . he has a point .... I fell asleep because I didn't have anything else better to do. When I woke up I seen cherasonto he looked at me with anger in his eyes.
" what's wrong?" I asked concerned
" kamora cheating on me again" he said balling up his fist. It reminded me of Trevor.
" I'm sorry to hear that cherasonto"
" its whatever but did you think about what I said ?"
" actually I did"
" so shawty what's it gonna be?"
" Im'a leave him" I said making sure I looked cherasonto in the eyes telling the truth.
" good ya finally coming to ya senses ma. I talked with the doctor they agreed to letting you out today so Im'a help you move."
" thanks cherasonto"
" no problem niya , but you know what time the nigga get off?"
" yea 11:30 p.m."
" I think we can get all your stuff out of that house before then " cherasonto said positively
" well I can't move my right leg around much"
"I know Im'a have someone help me get ya stuff out I ain dumb ma"
I loved the way his tongue rolled when he said ma. That was the sexiest thing for me to hear at the moment.
" yea I know" I said snapping out of my gazes and nasty thoughts. I can't believe I'm slowly getting attracted to cherasonto. I hardly know him and I'm starting to catch feelings for him.
" you ok ma I mean I know I'm sexy so ..."
"Nigga ya so full of it" I couldn't help but laugh when I said that
" well I'll bring you some clothes to change into"
" ight thanks chers"
" ight ni"
He smiled at me before walking out. I smiled to myself feeling butterflies. I shouldn't be fallin for him but I am. I love that he's pitching in to save a struggling girl who happens to be me.
1/2 hour later
Cherasonto comes back with a tank top and some joggers and my favorite pairs of js .
" thanks cherasonto you didn't have to bring my favorite pairs of js" I said while looking at them
"No problem ma" he said laughing
" well Im'a get dressed now" I said in a low voice.
" ight well I'll come back when you done"
I nodded my head watching him leave the room I carefully put on my clothes making sure I don't hurt myself. When I was done I grabbed my crutches telling cherasonto to come back into the room.
" you look good ma" cherasonto said smiling at me but it wasn't a friendly smile.
" thanks" I said smiling. I couldn't help it I loved the way he looked at me.
" have I told you , you got a perfect body" he asked me biting his juicy pink lips.
" no " I said nervously
" well you do every time I used to see you walk home I would look " he said being truthful
That was kinda weird but it was good to know that I looked good to most men.
" sorry if I'm coming on too strong its just I- never mind "
I wondered what he was going to say but I just nodded. He helped me get to the car . He took me to the place where all my fears came to life. I didn't see Trevor's car so that was a good sign. We instantly started packing and we successfully got everything out . we moved my things into cherasonto's crib without a problem. When we finished we sat exhausted on the couches.
" thanks cherasonto" I said tiredly.
" you know I got you niya" he said smiling
" I'm hungry"
" want some pizza from lil ceasers ?"
" sure it don't matter I'll eat anything at this moment."
Cherasonto laughs at me rubbing his hands through his small beautiful curls.
" well I'll go pick up the pizza don't open the door for anyone except Me jus relax"
" ight" I replied bluntly
I rested my sprained ankle on the chair. I watched real husband's of Hollywood until Cherasonto came back with 2 boxes of pizza . " nigga hurry up I'm hungry"
"Keep talking to me like that and Im'a eat all this mufuckin pizza"
" well you a fat ass nigga then" I replied laughing
"Sure am" he said flashing that beautiful smile ☺
We started eating the pizza after 3 slices we laid on our backs watching real husbands of Hollywood laughing at Kevin heartt stupid ass and drinking purple kool-aid. When it got late I took a bath making sure I didn't get the mini cast on my foot wet. When I was done I dried off putting on a tank top and some basketball shorts. When I came out I seen cherasonto in the refrigerator shirtless. I stood in the corner staring hard. That nigga had it all from looks, body,& personality.
" still staring" cherasonto said not turning back from the refrigerator.
"I was not" I protested
" yea right niya I could feel your eyes on Me the whole time" he said laughing
" whatever" I said rolling my eyes.
My feet thudded against the floor as I limped to the living room. When cherasonto seen me he crossed his arms and looked at me
" girl you better stop walking on that foot or its not gonna heal better use them damn crutches" he demanded but playfully
" damn " I muttered
He brought my crutches to me sitting them next to the couch I was sitting at. He sat next to me rubbing my good foot. It felt so good nobody's ever done it like that.
" I wanna get you know ma" cherasonto said in a thick deep voice
" what you wanna know?"
" how old you is?"
" I'm 18 I turn 19 next month but how old are you?" I said smiling faintly
" I'm 20 but can I ask a question?" He asked
" yea" I said unsure If i wanted to answer the question ❓
" why would you ever date a nigga like Trevor?"
" he wasn't always like he was... When he started smoking weed and doing other drugs and became addicted he started becoming abusive" I said looking at the floor
I didn't like talking about my past about Trevor.

" oh my bad If it was a personal question" he apologized sincerely
" you Good"
" anyways... What's your favorite color?"
" Blue ❄"
"Mine too but what's your middle name?"
" Yasmina"
" tru what's your favorite food?"
" spaghetti"
" ewww "cherasonto said making a face.
" what's wrong with spaghetti?"I asked wanting to know
" it just taste weird and the meat balls in it make it weirder" .
I couldn't help but laugh at this nigga he was just too much.
We both looked at each other smiling then he leaned into me.
Our lips touched making me feel more than one emotion I could handle. When he pulled back I looked at him confused.

"Sorry I shouldn't have done that" he said facing the TV
" no its ok I liked it" I said being completely honest
" Ight ma" he said smiling.
This time I pressed my lips against his he carefully climbed on top of me kissing my lips, neck, and he lifted my shirt kissing my chest. Then he stopped lifting his weight off me.
" damn " he muttered to himself
" what? "
" I shouldn't be messing with you , you don't need me to be the next fuck up in line" he said looking me in my eyes
" you won't be " I said trying to convince him
" trust me ma you don't wanna fuck with me I ain what you want " he said with his eyes closed and head low
" why I don't?"
" before we met I bet you thought I was sum cold hearted killer you wouldn't want to be like someone like me"
" yea I did and that's because I didn't know you but I know you now you saved me from someone who could have killed me , you offered to let me stay in your house , you offer me rides home, you feed me, and care about me that's all I ask in a relationship to have my back and you always had my back" I said almost in tears
He wiped my tears kissing me.
" I just don't want to hurt you." He said caressing my cheek
" cherasonto I don't care about what you did in the past let's jus get past that and be together I love you ok"
" I love you too I just don't wanna hurt you I care about you a lot"
When he looked at me I seen something that wasn't there before . He looked like he lost his best friend.
I grabbed his face kissing him, not letting go until we broke apart.
" niya I like you a lot my mind made up I want you to be my girl no matter what happens Im'a always care about you ma"
I hugged cherasonto laying my head on his bare chest. I traced my finger over the tattoo that was on his chest. It said 'Rocroyal'
I looked up seeing cherasonto smiling at me.
" bae come on we sleeping in my bed " he said helping me to my crutches. I walked with my crutches to the room with cherasonto. He helped me get settled. When he did he wrapped his arms around me kissing my head.
" Good night ma" he said in his thick accent
" good night chers"
Next day
I woke up in cherasonto's arms he woke up too . he played in my hair then kissing my lips. I couldn't help but smile at this nigga.
" good morning beautiful❤"
" good morning sexy ✋"
He looked me in my eyes playing in my hair.
- Trevor-
When I came back to the crib I called Niya's name , but there was no answer. If that bitch here and didn't answer that's her ass. When I walked in our room it was half empty , all her things were gone. On my bed I seen a note
✉: Trevor I left because I don't wanna keep going through this with you all you ever do is hurt me when I try to make things right and I don't wanna live my life like that. You almost killed me and you don't even care so I'm fucking done. I hope you happy with that bitch you cheated on me with
~ Niya~
I wonder how she figured I was cheating on her but she right I was but Im'a still get her back.

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