Hopeless& Reckless

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- August-
Its been 3 weeks And we still haven't found out where liyah Is. I thought esha woulda had something to do with it but we searched her phone , her house and didn't find liyah. We still don't have I formation on that Niko nigga yet so we don't know for sure who has her. Niya Is still in the hospital. The doctor said she had a stress disorder and they keeping her there for observations in case they find something else wrong with her. I haven't been up to see her much , because I've been trying to find my daughter. I can't give up not now not ever.
" maybe we should call the cops and ask them for help ." Nicki said
" hell no I ain never need the feds we can do this on our own."
" ok my bad I was jus tryna help ."
" sorry nicki I'm jus under a lot of stress ."
" its ok man I know this the hardest on you and niya."
All of a sudden my phone vibrated in my pocket I had a message from an unknown number.
Unknown- if you want to see your pretty little daughter alive meet me at dray alley at 2:00 with 15 thousand dollars or she's getting one popped in her head
I was so mad I threw my phone nicki , Kehlani , & adrian looked at me.
" what's wrong Aug ?" Kehlani asked
" some nigga texted me saying If I don't meet in dray alley with 15 thousand dollars or liyahs gonna die ."
" that's fucked up ." kyndall said  pulling at her orange hair
" I know but I'm not giving that nigga nothing Im'a trick his ass and get my daughter back."
" and we gon be there with ya."
" nah I gotta go alone ."
" then how you gon get liyah and distract him. "
" you got a point I need one of y'all  sneak in and take liyah I don't want her to see me kill him ."
" I'll do it ." Kehlani said
" you sure ?"
" yea ."
"  thanks ."
Kehlani jus hugged me when she let go she suggested I go see niya .
I got in my car driving to the hospital. I pulled my shades on going to the receptionist I kept it brief with the lady that I wasn't doing autographs and that I needed to see my girl.
When I went to her room I looked at her she was awake but she looked kinda tired.
" hey baby girl ."
" hey august."
" how you been doing ?"
" they say I've been doing better but there's something else I need to tell you ."
" what is it baby ."
" sit down ."
" ok .."
I sat next to niya holding to her hand.
" what's the news baby ."
" we're having another baby ."
I looked at niya like she was joking but she looked serious.
" that's great baby ."
" yea but did you find liyah yet ."
" don't worry about that I got it covered She'll be back here tonight ."
" ok."
I could tell niya was starting to stress so I kissed her lifting her hospital gown kissing her stomach.
" don't stress baby everything will be alright just trust me."
" I trust you."
" good ."
" Now I gotta go take care of some business so don't worry I'll be back ."
" be careful August
I will ."
I pecked Niya's lips before walking out the hospital. I got in my car driving to the alley. I ran quickly because I was almost late according to my rolex. When I seen a nigga he had dreads and a purge mask.
" you August?"
" yea that's my name ."
" don't get smart pretty boy."
I chuckled adjusting my shades.
" you got my money ?"
" let's go in the warehouse and find out ."
" ight."
As he walked toward the warehouse and wasn't paying attention I sent my signal out. When he turned back I started following him into the warehouse.
" where's my daughter ?"
" where's my money ?"
" I jus wanna see if she's alright ?"
" esha bring the baby out ."
But esha never responded so my plan must have worked. The mysterious nigga ran in the back when Kehlani came back with liyah.
I signaled for her to get out and keep liyah quiet. When the nigga came back he just laughed at me
" your one clever mufucka ."
" so I've heard ."
The nigga chuckled at my response.
" you know we can call it even ."
" nah I rather not see I kill pussy niggas who go after the kids or the fam ."
When I finished my sentence I got closer to him .
" oh word ?"
" word."
" I hope you know I'm not scared
"You will when I put my heat on ya chest."
"  man you too funny ."
He laughed until he pulled his piece on me .
"You ain talking to much shit Now."
" well in that case let me tell ya this partner I know who you are you shoot me and my clique gon be on ya ass trust me everything ain a joke wit me ."
" that's a risk I'm willing to take ."
" go ahead shoot me ."
He put the gun to my head but I didn't flinch nor did I try avoid it ."
" your not gonna try to scream ?"
" nope ."
Jus then a shot rang but I checked for a bullet wound on me and pain but I didn't find any. When I looked up I seen Michael.
" thanks bruh ."
" no problem let's get the clean up crew here ."
" good where Kehlani at ?"
" she went to the hospital she wanted liyah to see her mommy and we need to get her checked out for anything she been a bad condition for 3 weeks."
" true well let's ride to the hospital and don't tell nobody but niya pregnant."
" again ? Dude that's great man I'm happy fa y'all but this time we gon be more careful about the people we have in our lives ."
" that's right ."
As we drove to the hospital I talked to the receptionist again she let me & Michael go to Niya's room without a problem. When we got in there we seen Niya holding liyah .
" August ." niya said
"Yea its me baby ."
I sat next to niya smiling at liyah who was asleep.
" I'm so glad you found her when you did ."
" I know I wish we coulda found her sooner."
" baby don't beat yourself up for this look good things came out of this ."
"Like what ?"
" this brought us closer .".
"Your right baybeh ."
" aye Im'a head out and let y'all spend time together ." Michael said exiting the room.
" Niya if I never met you I don't know where I'd be or what I'd be doing.. I feel that you the reason why I'm the man I am today." I could never ask for a better life than this ."
" that's right bhoo we're a team."
I kissed Niya missing her taste she was what I've been needing .
- Kehlani-
" Ayo what we do with Esha' s body ?" I asked
" the clean up is on the way they had to take care of Niko ." Adrian  said walking towards me
" oh .
" look Kehlani I know we had a bad romance but I hate that you mad at me ."
" nigga you had all them hoes while we dated you made me look like a damn fool ."
" I didn't mean to I just got mad at you ok ..I know it don't excuse the fact that I cheated but I jus got mad when you and Drake met up 12 something in the morning ."
" look it wasn't like that him and nick date ."
" no we don't ." Nicki said coming into view
" oh..."
" yup we were better as friends plus I could tell you had him sprung."
" damn..." I said pacing back and forth.
" well I could tell you had feelings for him still ."
" you right I did and I still do ."
With that adrian walked out the building .
" damn Kehlani why would you say that?  He jus walked out on a mission he might quit because of you ."
" that's not my problem ?"
" well you better make it one ok you know you aim supposed to let y'all drama shit get in the way of the clique yo ass can get cut like that ."
" Your right I'll try to talk to him ."
" you better ."
" I will nick ...lay off ."
I walked around the building looking at Esha . I shot her good in her stomach. I remember I had to clamp her mouth shut so she wouldn't say anything.
When the clean up crew came they took Esha body to their head quarters
I walked outside seeing adrian smoking with some of the crew.
" adrian can we talk ?"
" we don discussed everything I'm done with this talking shit ."
" adrian please ."
" Kehlani get the fuck out my face."
" fine you ass hole when someone comes for you don't count on me to help you out ."
I walked off to my car speeding off with tears in my eyes. I didn't really like drake I do love adrian I just wanted him to see how I felt. Before you knew it  a semi truck was coming my way and I couldn't find away to turn before I could think of something else everything went blank.

-Adrian -
I can't believe she used me as a rebound nigga. I know I cheated on her but it was because I knew what was going on so it wasn't my fault. I couldn't help but to think about what she said to me. She always had my back I remember one time she jumped a bullet for me and it grazed her shoulder.
" adrian aye come quick ."
I ran Into the living area of trap.
" what's going on ."
" Kehlani got hit by a truck ."
" what !"
" she got was in a bad car accident ."
" man she can't be ." I yelled
" calm down bruh ."
" I can't is she ok ?!?"
Everyone looked around at the ground.
" y'all fucking answer me !." I yelled feeling wet hot tears on my cheek.
" she didn't make it ." DC said looking down
I fell straight to my knees the last thing I told her was to get the fuck out of my face. I need her back here it shoulda been me . if it wasn't for me she wouldn't have been in the car accident.
" let's go see her ." nick said helping me up leading me to the car
When we got to the hospital Nicki texted August and he met us up front.
" how did this happen ?" August said with tears in his eyes
" it was because of me we had an argument its all my fault." I said crying all over again
"Man its not all your fault don't beat yourself up about it ."
" I loved her."
" I know you did let's go see if we can see her one last time ."
After 15 minutes of persuading they let us back in the ER I seen Kehlani 's bruised , cut up , lifeless body I cried like a baby. I held her hand wishing I could take everything back.
" Kehlani come back it shoulda be me."
I felt arms around my shoulders I seen Nick & August patting me. Then the rest of the crew filed in while I left out . I heard footsteps behind me .
" can I talk to you for a minute ?" August said
" yea."
" don't beat yourself up I know this hurts but there's a good and bad to this she still loved you I know she did no matter what she said to you jus know she'll always be in your heart we all miss her  but we can't do nothing to bring her back but She'll never be forgotten."
I nodded wiping tears from my face.
" please don't do anything crazy adrian we need you here ."
" I wanna be where she is ."
" please man stop talking like this my kids , my girl , my mom ,my bro & nieces , & the crew is all I got I don't need to loose anymore of y'all."
" I won't but its gon take me some time to adjust to this."
" I know ."
When I went home I took 4 pain killers blacking out.

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