Thinking about it

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After me and niya got finished making love I sat up looking at her . She was beautiful without even trying and she didn't ask fa much  I love this girl.
" I love you niya ."
" you sure ?"
" yea girl ."
" positive ."
" ight ."
" I don't get one back ?"
" nah ."
" ight I got you ."
I got out the bed putting on my boxers and my basketball shorts.
I went in liyahs room she was already up , in fact she was slobbering all on her teething ring.
" ewww what I told ya bout that baby girl ?" I said picking her up patting her back hearing her burp. I smiled I couldn't ask for much this was the life being there for my son and my daughter . I almost don't want liyah to grow up she's going to be a head turner for sho'
" want something to eat ?" I asked pinching ha chubby cheeks.
Liyah made  some gibberish sounds so I guess that meant yea. I took her to the kitchen. I sat her in the feeding chair. I took out some  mushed apples feeding them to liyah. She seemed to like them because she didn't waste a drop she greedy jus like ha momma but aye its cool tho.
Kyron wild ass came out the room into the kitchen .
" what's up boy ?" I asked
" nun ."
I chuckled cause he act jus like me too much like me. Ion want him to be a total asshole like me, I almost lost someone I loved because of my selfish ways. Ion know if she completely mine tho because she still has a wall between us I jus got lucky last night . I really hope that we get back on track because we had it all and I'm not letting that go. I wanted to marry her and I still do but I guess I gotta fix things and let it take time to heal before I go proposing to ha.
After I fed liyah I fixed kyron a bowl of captain crunch . I raced back to the room seeing niya putting on some leggings and a white tank with some thirteen's on her feet.
" damn girl where you going ?"
" me & chyna going out for breakfast do me a favor and take good care of the kids. "
" ya know I will ."
" actions speak louder than words ."
" word."
" damn right ."
" ight well I ain gon hold you up ."
Niya nodded she tried to walk out that door but I pulled her back , her ass was against my friend which grew hard by the minute .
" August get ya dick of my booty ."
" or what sweety ."
" nigga don't go there with me ."
" I wanna kiss ."
" no just because we kissed a coupla times last night and had sex that dont mean we back in the clear. You gotta work for all this ."
Damn she had a nice lil frame since I put tha dick in ha life.
" well fine then ." I said pouting
" don't take it personal ya know I got love fa ya ."
" whatever ."
" will this make it better ?"
Niya kissed my cheek wiggling her ass on me she knew what she was doing but since she wanna fucking mess with me I'll show her because she gon wish she ain do that to a nigga but she'll learn that the hard way. I gave her ass a hard smack as she walked out. She turned back mean mugging me but she know she liked that shit.
I followed her in the kitchen area she kissed liyah and hugged kyron.
" bye niya ."
" bye August."
I watched her ass as she walked out the house.
-Niya -
Should I really let August back in? What he did really hurt and I don't wanna go through that again.
My thoughts were interrupted
My phone ringing. I answered through my wireless head set .
" hello... Yea chyna ...I'm on the way now...ok ...ight... Luh ya too bhoo.."
Damn that girl don't like to wait but ya gotta love her at the end of the Day. As I walked in the casual yet classy restaurant I talked to the receptionist telling them about the reservation my friend chyna made. Once he heard the name he escorted me to my table.
" hey chyna ."
" hey niya I'm glad ya could make it ."
" yea I kinda needed a break ."
" from what liyah ain really a hand full."
" I know its not my baby I love her to death its her father I know he means well its just that he wants to get back together but I don't know chyna I don't wanna risk getting hurt again."
" is his d-"
Chyna's sentence was interrupted by the waiter asking us what we wanted to eat.
" I'll take the strawberry , raspberry pancakes with orange juice on the side ." I said
" I'll take the same " chyna said putting her menu down the waiter quickly jotted down the order before walking away to the kitchen area.
" anyways like I was saying is his dick good?"
" chyna !?."
" jus asking I can tell he gave you some because ya glowing ."
" shut up but yes ."
Me and chyna laughed.
" do you love him ?"
" chyna . I do but -"
" girl I don't wanna hear that extra shit be honest do you love that boy ?"
" yea I do he's everything to me I jus don't wanna be hurt again."
I felt a tear drop down my face.
" don't cry maybe its for the best maybe this might make things better between you two I think you should give him another chance jus let him know that everything ain gon be peaches and cream."
" ight chyna ."
As the waiter brought our food we ate making a good conversation.
" anyways how Michael treating ya ?"
" he wants to get together because him and Kylie falling off but I'm not getting in that bullshit because when we start having problems he's going to go talking to her and that's not something I wanna do ."
" I feel ya on that one but I know ya  crazy ass talking to someone."
Chyna blushed showing her pierced dimples off.
" yea...I am ."
" girl cut the bull shit and tell me who it is."
" its future ."
" Ciara ex future ?"
" yea girl he's fine and wants me to be in his video its jus me& him  no hoes , no extras jus us."
" aww ."
" yea I know it  "
My phone vibrated when I looked down I seen August send me a picture of kyron holding liyah.
" aww." I said smiling down at my phone
" what ya lookin at there girl ?"
I showed my phone to chyna
"That must be August son ."
" ya I claim him if he were mine tho but he don't live with me since I didn't birth him so we decided to let august keep kyron ."
" tru ."
" who's watching king?"
" his father has him ."
" oh ."
After we finished our  conversation we decided to go home.
" call me when ya he home bhoo."
" I will ."
" good ."
We hugged going into our separate vehicles. As I was on the way home I seen cherasonto at the gas station. My tank was almost empty so I pulled in getting my wallet.
As I got out the car I heard my name being called , I swung my head back seeing cherasonto he looked depressed and upset.
" hey.. Cherasonto."
" hey niya you look really good."
" thanks ."
" how you been ?"
" can't complain actually I have a daughter who's everything to me."
" a daughter ?"
" yea ."
" wow that's great ."
" thanks how's royal ?"
" oh he's great always keeping me busy."
When he flashed a lazy smile it brought back memories but it also made me think of the hurtful shit he's done to me.
" that's  good nice seeing you."
I turned to walk away but he pulled me towards him.
" cherasonto."
" niya I miss you ok I know I did ya wrong but I wasn't thinking it was stupid to let ya go."
" look cherasonto you did help me a lot but what you did was fucked up and I promised myself I wouldn't let another nigga hurt me I kinda wanna stay to myself because the last nigga I was with , my baby's father he cheated and lied so I wanna be single for a while."
" fine its cool just hit me up when you ready."
" ok."
As he let me go he kissed my cheek walking back to his blue & white camaro.
I  went into the store telling the cashier my pump when I gave her the money I received my Chang going to  put the gas in my car , as I finished I got in my car driving back to the crib. Once I got to my place I seen liyah and August sleep on the couch. They looked so perfect together. I took a quick picture looking at it intensely.
I started to walk away when August eyes shot open.
" hey ma."
" hey August sorry if I woke ya ."
"Its cool."
" yea ."
" how was the breakfast fast with ms. Chyna ?"
" it was chill ."
I know i have to tell him about my run in with cherasonto because it kinda bugged me . why is he tryna get with me all of a sudden? I jus flopped on the other couch next to August looking at the ceiling.
" what's on ya mind?"
" I seen my ex today he wants to get back together."
As I have watched August he bit the inside of His lip making an sour expression. It was kinda cute but somehow I wish I never brought it up.
" so you gon get with him ?"
" I don't know ."
" oh."
By this time August was kinda gritting his teeth I could see the intenseness of his jaw lining.
"August I love you."
" then why you keep playing with a nigga , why you wanna choose between  a nigga  ?"
" august I don't know I jus -"
" man fuck it I'm tired of this shit with ya , I've tried to make us work I've said sorry , I've been trying to give ya tha time of day and this is what I get?".
" August please ."
" man fuck this kyron let's go."
August kissed liyah on her head laying her in the nearby crib. Tears now flooded my eyes and watching August leave made it even worse.
I cried and cried  , liyah woke up I slowly wiped the tears out my eyes Walking to liyahs crib taking her out patting her back gently putting her back to sleep.
I called chyna to come over Here I knew she could tell I was in a very emotional state .
When she finally came I let her in sitting on the couch, chyna sat next to me comforting me.
" what happened?".
" August left I lost him for good, he felt that I was playing with his emotions and I told him about my run in with cherasonto and how I was thinking about taking him back and he got upset taking kyron with him."
" please don't cry everything will be all right he'll come back to you I know he will he jus has to trust me y'all will be back at it."
" no he's not coming back for me he's going to leave me for good I know him."
" whatever I know what I'm talking about jus because me and Michael didn't last because of his irrelevant behavior that doesn't mean you and August can't work through your problems I know y'all can. just give me his address and contact info I'll have the nigga straight no problem ."
" its ok chyna if he wants me he'll come back but I doubt it but its whatever thanks for the talk I wanna -.
I felt the vomit rising up I automatically went to the bathroom locking the door behind me.
" are you ok?"
" yea I'm fine ."
When I got finished I washed my face brushing my teeth I walked back in the room with chyna.
"What's up with you?"
" I was drinking heavy last night when I got home after that shit between me and August."
"Mhmm ...ok ."
I know why she insist on playing with a nigga heart. I know I've fucked up and did some dirt but I didn't think she would do this. She had me hoping that we'd get back together but I guess it was a fucking game to her. I loved her but I guess she wanna be with a nigga who did her dirtier than I did. He didn't really love ha but I did that's the difference between me and ol boy , but I guess it don't matter. I refuse to be  an option.
Aye that chapter was very .. Challenging. I hope y'all don't be mad at me for that but oh well this is all part of the plan. Something ya wouldn't expect is probably going to but I hoped you enjoyed this chapter .

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