what ya knew?

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- August-
Ever since niya seen me with kyron she been acting weird. I noticed that he kinda looks like me. I know that he can't be mine,  I never fucked that girl in my life , could I ?? I couldn't have. When I walked in the room I seen niya laying in the bed playing with the engagement ring I gave her earlier.
" you ok?" I asked sliding in bed next to her
" yea I'm fine but there's something that I need to know august." Niya said looking at me serious
" yea what's up?"
" is kyron your child?"
" I don't think so I really don't remember knowing his momma why you even ask that?".
" he looks just like you and I seen how well y'all connect."
" I don't think that child is mine." " whatever August ion wanna talk about it anymore I'm sleepy now."
Niya turned the other direction falling asleep. Damn its her first official day being with me and she already mad at me. What the hell going on? Sometimes ion know why I'm with her I love her to death but she always getting mad at me for shit that I didn't do exactly.
I watched her sleep for awhile then I got up going to the kitchen I seen Kelsi.
" why ya son look like me?"
" maybe your his father."
" he can't be I never fucked you."
" I can't believe that you forgot."
" what are you talking Bout?"
" you fucked at the dance and ducked out."
" can't be I was dating Trina."
" whatever "
When she walked out visual pieces of a flash back hit me.
•°•°•° pieces of flash back •°•°•
" hey August "
" aye Kelsi"
" I was thinking me and you could go to the dance together."
" sure ."
"Ight thanks."
" no problem."
•°•°Day of the dance •°•°
Me and kelsi hung out for awhile then she suggested that we go to a place more private then I was grabbed from behind.
" what the fuck going on?!" I yelled
" see August you must not know who I work for" Kelsi said coming from the shadows
" who you work for?"
" couldn't tell you , you would get me in a lot of trouble."
•°•°end of flashback •°•°•

Now it all make since , she's the one who had took me captive to Mr. ice . I have to tell mel. I texted mel telling him to come to the kitchen. When he came he jus looked at me like I'm retarded.
" why you didn't jus call my name instead of texting me? I mean we in the same room nigga."
"There's something I gotta tell you."
" what?" Mel said looking at me like he's eager to find out what's on my mind.
" kelsi isn't who she says she is mel we gotta get her out of here
" august real fucking funny you jus hate to see me happy."
" tf ! Nigga I'm telling you the truth she the reason ice came after me during my year. "
" yea right August."
Mel walked out the room slamming his door. Now who else mad at me? I heard kyron crying again so I went in his room picking him up out his crib.
" hey lil man don't cry." I said rubbing his back
" its cool lil twin ." I said smiling at kyron.
Maybe tomorrow I might have to go to the hospital and see if he really mine. If he is niya ain gon forgive my ass ,Mel still gon hate me , & Kelsi gin keep playing games. So I gotta  do this on my own then since everyone turning they backs on me.
" is that your baby?." Kaykay asked looking at kyron
" maybe I'm not sure yet."
" oh well good night ."
" night don't let the bed bugs bite."
Kaykay gave a weak smile before walking out well damn half the whole house mad at me. What Im'a do??? After I put kyron to sleep I laid him in his crib gently
Before walking out out his room. I laid in my bed seeing Niya sleep. I slipped in the bed making sure I didn't wake her I turned the light off going to sleep.
Next day
I heard kyron crying I stopped by the door seeing Kelsi yell st kyron
" shut that shit up kyron!" Kelsi said
" don't yell at him like that." I said stepping in the room
" don't tell me how to talk to my son." Kelsi fired back
" I wanna take him to the doctor."
" why is that." Kelsi asked raising her eyebrows at me
" I wanna get a paternity test."
" ok "
" so I'm taking him now." I said taking kyron from her
Kelsi gave me his diaper bag  , since he was already dressed we rolled out
- Niya-
When I woke up August wasn't beside me, I got up walking in the kitchen seeing kelsi.
" hey niya."
" hey kelsi" I said in a more nonchalant tone
" what's wrong ?"
" its you what you got going on with August and where is he?"
" Well He's out getting a paternity test to see if kyron is His son" kelsi said with a smirk
" look kelsi you've been my friend for a long time but your starting to cross lines."
" and if I am? .. Trust me its his baby so there's nothing you can do to crop me out the picture sweety."
" first off bitch don't ever tell me what I cant do because I got plenty of ways to eliminate yo ass."
" I would like to see you try baby girl."
" bitch get the fuck out my face with that shit you just wait." I yelled
She smiled walking out then mel came in.
" what's wrong with you?"
" that bitch getting in the way of me & August."
" who?" Mel asked confused
" kelsi."
" first its August now you ."
" what are you talking about?".
" august said Kelsi the girl who got him set up when he was 17."
" kyron might be August baby."
"That might explain why they look alike I really didn't wanna believe this but Now she really gotta go." Mel said looking at the ground I can tell this really hurts him because I knew he really like her.
" it will be ight mel you'll find a girl who loves you for you."
" Thanks Ni."
" no problem cuz." I said hugging mel
They think they gon get rid of me we'll see , because some people times might run out fucking with me.
I called jalissa.
" hey we might have a problem."
" what you mean." Jalissa asked
" mel &niya starting to catch on that I set august up but they don't know how I made kyron look like August so that's not all a problem but they want to eliminate me."
" I'll work on that part jus stay out they way jus leave for a couple of days leave kyron since we already know the results ."
" ight I'll talk to you later."
" ight."
I hung up the phone sitting on the bed packing my shit.
Then mel came in the room
" I know who you really are."
"What are you talking about ?"
" you set me bro up with ice and he almost died."
" I still don't know what your talking about ."
" keep playing games and I'll kill you."
" stop mel I'm leaving  "
"Don't come back."
Mel let me go making me fall on the floor. He's going to pay for that one jus watch. I grabbed my bags walking out the house calling jalissa to pick me up.
That bitch don't know she fucked with the wrong family. Now I gotta apologize to August for thinking he was lying to me about kelsi dumb ass.  I went to go check on my daughters.
"Hey y'all ok?"
" yea " they all said
" is kelsi still your girlfriend?" Amaya asked
" no"
"Thank god." Chay said
" y'all didn't like her?"
" no she didn't seem right." Kaykay said
" why didn't y'all tell me?"
" we didn't wanna ruin it for you ." Chay said playing with her hands
" she did that on her own when a girl I date or bring home don't seem right jus let me know."
" alright " they said
" good now who's hungry?"
After the doctors took me and kyrons blood they said they'll be back with the results . all I did was look at kyron and see the strong resemblance between us.
When the doctor came back he had the results in his hand.
" so what's the results ?" I asked getting a lil nervous.
" he's yours ."
I was kinda shocked I really don't remember fucking his momma.
" ok thanks."
" y'all look alike anyways." The doctor said
Did I ask this nigga??? I didn't think so.
"Yea I know thank you."
I grabbed kyron and his bag going to my car. I drove back to the crib . I went to my room seeing niya sitting on the bed.
" he's your ain he?" Niya asked not looking up at me
" yea he is." I said with a sigh
" did you fuck his mother ?" Niya asked
"I don't remember if I did it was a long ass time ago I didn't know about that."
"I guess."
" niya please don't act like that so what he my kid I didn't cheat on you to make him , I didn't know about him until now."
" I guess I really can't be mad ." niya said
" you really can't plus we engaged now we posed to over come problems not let them get in the way."
" your right."niya said getting up and kissing me smiling at kyron
" how they found out you set August up & do they still think your Kelsi ?"
" yea & August must have told them."
" damn jus stay low for now."
"Ight what's the plan?."
- Mel-
" August Anthony alsina"
August came running in the room
" what nigga and don't call me by my full name."
" look nigga I called you in here to apologize you was right about ha she ain who she say she is and I shoulda trusted what you said instead of letting that dumb ass bitch get between us."
" apology accepted you my bro no matter what happens Im'a always be by ya side ." August said doing our handshake.
" right bros over hoes."
" bros over hoes." August said laughing
" so you and niya still good?"
" yea she getting over the fact that I have a son ."
What's this nigga talking about?
" what you mean son?"
" kyron is mine."
" damn how that happen?"
" ion even know I didn't fuck ha"
" well y'all do like alike ."
" yea "
" well Im'a take the girls out to give you some alone time with ya fam."
" ight nigga but you and the girls my fam too." August said shrugging
" I know that nigga but yo dumb know what I meant."
" right I ain gon hold you back." August said dapping me up before walking out the room
" ight Aug"
August nodded before walking to the room
- August-
When I walked to the room I seen niya playing with kyron.
" I see y'all getting along." I said smiling and running by hands in my curls
" yea I fell in love with the baby since day one actually."
" good."
I sat next to niya taking kyron out of her hands.
" hey lil man daddy here."
Kyron laughed putting his small hands on my nose. Niya laughed at us I guess I was meant to have a son & a daughter. When we fed kyron he went to sleep I laid him in his crib.
" what did you say your friends name was ?"
" who?" Niya asked confused
" Kelsi."
" she ain my friend no more but her whole name is Kelsi lanae Moore."
I looked the name up and it came up that girl died 3 years ago.
" baby check this out ..is this her?"
I showed the phone to niya who looked as shocked as I was.
" that's my friend if she's dead then who was that ?".
By this time Nîyä started crying
" bae don't cry I'll figure it out just don't stress over it we'll figure it out ."
Wait til I find out who this bitch is once I do she's gonna wish she never fucked with us. But why would she go through all that trouble ?? Who was she even here for?? How kyron look like me?? This is all the shit I need to know before I go to the next state. I have to find that crazy ass girl who portrayed Kelsi.

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now