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I wonder where cherasonto is he didn't come home last night . he wouldn't even pick up the phone   I had royal asking me where his father was. Him and that girl never came back.  I cooked me and royal something to eat.
" royal come in the kitchen its time to eat" I yelled
" coming mommy" royal said running down the hallway
When he came in the kitchen he sat in his booster seat ready to eat . then the door swung open. I seen Cherasonto & his lil girlfriend walking through the door smiling and holding hands.
" daddy!" Royal screamed running to his fathers arms
"Hey buddy" cherasonto said holding royal kissing his head
When he put royal down he looked at me but he could tell I pissed off so he didn't say anything.
I walked out the room going into mine.
I heard a knock on my room door seeing cherasonto standing there.
" what do you want?" I asked annoyed
" what's wrong with you?" He asked sitting on the edge of my bed
" why would you leave here  not saying that you not , coming back people in this Inglewood area crazy and your the biggest drug dealer they could have broken in and killed me and royal ." I said showing the rage I had in my eyes.
" I'm sorry ma" he said giving me a sad look.
" yea whatever" I said rolling my eyes.
" what else you mad at me for?" He asked looking me in the eyes.
" it don't matter please leave" I said looking at my phone
Cherasonto took my phone
"Give me my phone back cherasonto" I said trying to grab it out his hands but he pushed my hand away
" what else you mad at me for?" he asked
" you barley there fa ya son you left us for young girls & the streets" I said getting the anger off my chest
" look i didn't you told me to leave" he said sighing frustrated
" your right and that's because you were always bringing hoes in the house getting high I didn't want that around my son" I said having tears at the brim of my eye.
" I'm sorry Chylie, I've changed but I'm still working on a few things with my life" he said laying his eyes on the ground
" I forgive you " I managed to say " Im'a take royal out later" he said " I wanna reconnect with him its been awhile since we got to hang out alone "
" That's fine jus don't have hoes & drugs around my son" I said staring straight in his eyes.
" I won't I promise"
" well Is that all you wanted to talk to me about? " I asked
"  you look really good to be honest " he said scaling my body with his eyes
" thanks cherasonto but don't you have a girlfriend ?"
" yea and all I said is you look good ma" he said smirking
" boy you a mess " I said shaking me head.
" well I'll talk to you later then" cherasonto said
When cherasonto walked out the room I started feeling the old feelings I had for him.
Damn I'm starting to fall for Chylie again. Ion know what IMA tell Niya. I sat on the bed looking at niya who was sleeping. So I walked out the room going to the kitchen seeing my son eating.
" what you eating lil man?" I asked sitting across from royal
" food" he replied laughing at me
" you gon give daddy some?"
" nope"
I got up tickling my son . Then I left him alone so he could finish eating.
" royal when you finished wash up I'm taking you out" I said smiling at my lil glo twin
" ok" he said smiling back at me
I went to the room going in the closet picking out my zoo gang baseball⚾ shirt with my leather jeans & timbs. I laid it out on the bed grabbing my towel  & boxers getting in the shower. When I got out the shower I grabbed my towel putting it around my waist.
I put on my deodorant then putting on my clothes. I put on my Ralph Lauren cologne . when I walked into the living room I seen royal already dressed. I swear his momma be keeping him fly.
" ready to roll out?" I asked my lil glo twin
" yea but can mommy come?"
" if she want to" I replied
" I'll go ask mommy" he said running in the room
His mother came out the room
" yea I'll go" Chylie said
" ight let's roll out then" I said picking up royal
We  all walked out the door together. I put royal in his car seat , & I opened the door for Chylie.
" thank you cherasonto" she said finally smiling at me
When I woke up from my nap I realized how quiet the house was. I got out of bed going in the living room looking for cherasonto he wasn't there ,there was no sign of royal or Chylie either.
Niya❤ ⚠- wya?
Chëråsøntö❤✌- I'm out with royal & Chylie
I jus read it , I didn't know what to say . I was feeling so many types of emotions I know they still have feelings for each other and for them to go somewhere without me who knows what they doing. I couldn't take this I put on my yellow halfshirt that says 'Trouble' with black stripes and sequence & my black skinny jeans and my black & yellow js. I let my hair out which was Wåvŷ. I put my mascara on bringing out my eyes. I walked out the door calling my best friend tori.
Phone conversation
"Aye can I hang with you today I'm bored as hell" I said sighing
"Yea I was bout to call you up anyways " tori said
" you gon pick me up cuz cherasonto got tha car"
" yea shawty I got you"
" ight"
End of phone conversation
I sat on the porch waiting for tori when she finally pulled up she came out the car with a fine light skin nigga he had the gold grill  shinning too. Let me stop because I'm with cherasonto.
" hey tori" I said hugging her.
I noticed the light skin nigga checking me out.
" hey niya , this my cousin August" she said pointing at him
" hey" I said shyly
" don't be shy ma ion bite" he said in his thick Louisianan accent
I only blushed I don't know why but he intimidates me jus by looking at me. He's jus gorgeous.
We all go to tori crib  when we get there tori goes in her room leaving me and August Alone.
" so where ya from ma" august asked me smiling at me
"Inglewood" I replied proudly
" that's what's up ma" he said licking his lips
" yea"
" you should hit me up sometime"
" tempting but I have a boyfriend" I said feeling upset about what I was thinking earlier
" you don't seem to happy ma" august said coming closer to me
" its jus that his baby momma came in the picture she lives with us now and they all went out together today and he didn't tell me I know they still got feelings for each other"
" well shawty tell him that you a one in a life time and he better recognize what he got"
What he said was not a bad idea my thoughts were interrupted by tori coming out the room
" I see y'all already friends" tori said eyeing us suspiciously
" yea I'm getting to know ha that's all cuz" august said  smiling back at me
" that's cool " tori said
"So what we doing tonight" I asked looking in my phone
" I was thinking we could go to the club and jus hang" tori said
" I'm down I ain got nothing better to do" I said sighing
" me either Mel said he coming down tomorrow" August said
"That's cool I missed my older cuz" tori said smiling ear to ear
"Anyways who tryna go to the club?" August said clearing up the dead silence
" we are !!!" Me & tori said at the same time.
" ight then let's go then" August said grabbing the keys off the coffee table.
My phone vibrated when I got in the car.
Chëråsøntö❤✌- you mad @ meh??
Niya❤⚠- y Yhu say that ?
Chëråsøntö❤✌- u ain text meh back
Niya❤⚠- well you need to know I'm a once in a lifetime choose who you wanna be with I know you have feelings for that Chylie girl jus be real with me and stop fronting say the words and I'm gone
Chëråsøntö❤✌- look shawty I really like Yhu bud I got a lot of feelings for Chylie I ain breaking up with you but I'm jus telling you the truth
Niya❤⚠- man fuck you ✌✊
Chëråsøntö❤✌- this why I don't tell you shit
I jus read the message I ain gon continuously get hurt over and over. Im'a jus  do what I wanna do Im'a get me a job buy me my own house and stay to myself for awhile.
" you ok doll" tori asked me looking at me
" yea I'm fine jus had to put someone in the past"
" damn" tori said shaking her head
August looked at me in the mirror then back on the road. When we got to the club August wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Aww look at y'all all bossed up" tori said pointing at me and August
" ion know about that " august said looking back at me
" y'all cute y'all should date"
" ion mind cuffing shawty its up to her" August said
" Im'a wait for awhile I wanna get to know you" I said being honest
"Well there it is" tori said
We laughed then the DJ started playing my song
Somebody come get her
She dancing like a stripper
Somebody come tip her she
Dancing like a stripper some
Body come get her she filling
Up on the liquor
I couldn't help myself I started grinding til I felt someone behind me.
" o my god August you scared me" I said laughing
"My bad niya I had to dance with you" he said whispering in my ear
I giggled feeling a strange tension between us.
" how old you is ma?"
"18 what about you?"
"19" he said over the loud music
I nodded my head as i glanced and seen cherasonto holding hands with Chylie.
When he seen me he looked hurt but obviously I didn't care. Chylie looked over rolling her eyes at me.
I should've known not to trust that bitch she always seemed fake.
" you know them niya?" August asked
"Yea that's my ex & his baby momma" I replied dryly
"She look like a hoe" August said in disgust
I jus shrugged my shoulders .
When I glanced around the club j seen tori dancing with some light skin dude with tattoo's on his neck and arms. He wasn't ugly
I started dancing with August when I felt a tap on my shoulder when I turned around I seen cherasonto.
"What cherasonto?" I asked starting to get annoyed
" whatchu doing with this nigga?" Cherasonto said referring to August who got tense
" look we jus friends and we done you obviously want her" I said not giving two fucks
" you right I do you just a girl I needed to help and yes I used you by having sex with you"
When he said that the words cut deep. I felt tears falling down my cheek. I ran out the club .
"Wait niya" I heard August yelled out
"What do you want " I said angrily
"Look I wanted to check on you what tha nigga did was low I'll fuck him up for you" August said balling up his fist
" you don't have to" I said  looking in the stars that formed the sky
" don't even cry he ain the nigga " August said 
"It jus hurt because I thought he cared about me"
" he probably flexing cuz his baby momma here trust me he'll want ya back"
"Yea right"
"Look ma how about I take you to my crib and you can crash there I got 3 separate bed rooms you can choose which one you want " August said
"You wanna go back to the club or you wanna go home with me?"
" I want to go home with you"
"Ight "
We get in the car
"How tori gon get home?" I asked "Chris will take her home "
" ok"
As we drove around we stopped at a small nice condo. It was beautiful .

Dangerous love Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now