7. Insomnia (Andy Hurley)

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Your POV

"(Y/N)?" Andy said sleepily.

"Hm?" You looked over to see him standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

"What are you doing up so late- early- shit, what time is it?" He walked into the kitchen, running a hand through his hair.

"It's only 3 am." You said quietly, sipping from the glass of warm milk.

"Only?" Andy asked and sat at the table beside you. "What's going on? I woke up and you weren't next to me, I got worried."

You put your hand over his lightly. "I couldn't sleep, so I came down here. I thought maybe a glass of warm milk would help but," You set the glass on the table. "It didn't." You shrugged.

Andy lifted your hand, kissing your fingertips lightly and pressing his mouth to your wrist softly kissing the skin there. "This the only night this has happened?"

You shook your head. "Past month or so."

"How come you never told me?" He asked. "We could have done something, got you meds-"

"I don't want to take meds." You snapped, pulling your hand away from Andy. "That's why I didn't say anything; I don't want some pill cocktail. I'm tired of waking up and swallowing pills constantly throughout the entire day." You hugged your knees to your chest. "I'm tired of depending on them." Your voice broke.

Andy pulled your chair closer to him and wrapped an arm around you. You rested your head on his shoulder. "I know you don't want to, but maybe you need to." He whispered, rubbing your side slowly.

You just shrugged. "I guess."

Andy rubbed your arm. "For now, since we're both up, we can do something fun."

You looked up at him confused. "Like what?" Your eyebrows furrowed.

"You'll see." He smirked and kissed you quickly. "Get dressed, wearing something warm...and black."


Your boyfriend put his finger on your lips. "Shh."

You opened your mouth and he covered it with his hand; you glared up at him.

"Just do it." Andy said sternly.

And that's how you ended up in the car, dressed in one of Andy's all black sweatshirts and a pair of yoga pants.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" You leaned back against the car seat.

"Nope (Y/N)." Andy tapped the steering wheel with his fingers. "Just ride."

You huffed and propped your chin up on your hand.

He smiled and turned the car sharply into the parking lot, throwing you against the car door.

"Walmart?" You rolled your eyes, looking up at the bright yellow sign. "You dragged me out of bed at 3 in the morning to go to Walmart?"

"Technically you were already awake, and it's not just Walmart." Andy parked far from the store and pulled two pairs of sunglasses out of his pocket, making you ten times more suspicious. "Here, put these on."

"Are we robbing the store?" You took the glasses gingerly.

"No, we're gonna start a Nerf war, play some hide and go seek, do some milk jousting, and more. Without getting caught." Andy put the sunglasses on. "We don't have to if you don't want to."

You grinned and put the sunglasses on. "No, let's do it."

*Le Time Skip*

Andy tossed you a loaded Nerf gun. "You've got 10 seconds to run, starting now."

You took off down the aisle and made a sharp left, your sneakers squealing on the tile floor; you could hear Andy running after you. You felt a dart whiz by your head and you slid down the next aisle, hiding behind one of the cardboard displays.

"Come on (Y/N), I know you're here somewhere." Andy muttered to himself, and paced the aisle.

You flattened your back against the display and cocked the Nerf gun quietly.

"Come on babe." Andy said, you could see him pacing out of the corner of your eyes.

After a two second pep talk, you jumped from behind the display and shot at Andy, taking him completely by surprise....unfortunately, none of your bullets actually hit him.

Andy smirked at you and you did the only reasonable thing you could do in this situation, you turned and sprinted down the aisle. Andy dropped the gun and chased after you, easily catching up to you and scooping you into his arms.

You squealed, kicking your legs as he spun you around.

"Andy - 1, (Y/N) - 0." He kissed your cheek and set you down.

"So what now?" You asked.

"Let's build a fort." Andy suggested and grabbed your hand. "Come on." He pulled you towards the toilet paper aisle.

*20 Minutes Later*

"Um sir." A man in a standard blue shirt and khakis walked over to you and Andy. "I'm gonna have to ask you not to play with the toilet paper."

Andy peeked over the wall made of toilet paper rolls. "Why?" He asked innocently, making you giggle.

"Because people have to buy that, they won't want to buy it if they find out you used it to build a fortress." The man pushed his glasses up higher on his nose. "As awesome as it is, you're gonna have to take it down, and leave the store."

Andy looked at you, slipping his sunglasses on. "On three." He held up his fingers. "One-two-three! Abort mission abort!" Andy yelled and threw a package of toilet paper at the employee, startling him.

He grabbed your hand and basically dragged you from the store, looking back every so often. Andy fumbled for the keys and unlocked the car door and you both fell into the seats laughing harder than you ever have before.

"Come on." Andy said in between laughs. "You cannot tell me that wasn't the best idea ever."

You nodded vigorously. "Greatest sleepless night ever."

This Imagine is dedicated to @daniecewooten I hope you like it. I'm currently writing two more imagines (at once) so those should be up really soon hopefully :/ I'm also working on a Frerard story, so if you like that be sure to check it out when I post it probably later on today or in the next few days. As always thanks for reading. I love you guys, hope your Christmas or whatever you celebrate was awesome XOXO ~Zoe

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