63. Making Out With Joe

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- These sessions tend to start with Joe touching you in public

- I mean like under the table fondling here guys

- So anyways, he touches your thigh, smirking at you the entire time

- And you play hard to get, glaring at him and smacking his hand away

- But eventually, you can't take anymore and he's got you right where he wants you

- So you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and Joe follows, not even caring what people think. (I mean come on, he's not Blurryface, so it's not like he's obligated)

- Joe roughly pushing you up against the wall as his lips attack yours

- Definitely some hair pulling and lip biting

- An insurmountable amount of grinding (*Where Did The Party Go Patrick voice* Oh dear Lord)

- Hushed moans and dirty talk from Joe

- Hickeys in places nobody but him will see

- Pulling away abruptly as someone walks by you

- Trying to make yourselves presentable

- Joe knowing how worked up you are and just giving you a knowing smirk

- "Wait till we get home. Think you can do that babe?" He whispers in your ear as you walk back to where your friends are sitting

- Literally everyone knows the nasty things you two did and no one is surprised when Joe makes up a lie as to why you two are leaving early

- Reckless driving as Joe drives home to finish what you two started

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