82. Love Me Like You Do pt. 4

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"Harley," Patrick whispered, shaking your shoulder. "Wake up."

Your eyes fluttered open slowly. "What?" You blinked a couple times as your surroundings came into focus.

"Did you sleep well?" Patrick's smiling face appeared in your line of vision.

You nodded, rubbing your eyes. "As good as sleep can be when you've been curled up in a ball in a car all night."

Patrick wrapped an arm around your waist. "The best heists take time to form. We have to wait for the right moment."

"Yeah," you sat up. "Well, patience has never been my strong suit."

He kissed your temple. "I know that."

"I've gotten better." You shrugged and cuddled into his side. "How long do you think this will take?"

Patrick peered out the window. "Well, right now we're just waiting for Andy to give the signal. Then we storm the building wipe it out and get to the roof, where Joe will pick us up with a helicopter."

"Where'd Joe get a helicopter?" You raised an eyebrow.

Patrick looked at his phone. "He should be stealing that right now."

You chuckled. "So what's our signal again?"

A large ball of fire burst into the sky.

"That would be our cue," Patrick grabbed his gun.

You pulled your leather jacket on. "Andy's not one for subtlety, is he?"

Patrick grinned and gestured to your brass knuckles and bedazzled jacket. "Are any of us?"

"You have a point." You hopped out of the car. "Ready to do this?"

Patrick laced his fingers through yours. "Always babe."


"Where is Joe?" You paced the length of the edge of the roof.

Patrick sat with his legs dangling over the edge, counting the contents in his duffle bag. "Relax, he'll be here soon."

You looked over the edge. "We may not have a lot of time," you said, as sirens filled the air.

"He's gonna get here in time," he stated nonchalantly.

Police cars swerved in front of the building, surrounding it.

"They'll be up here any minute, we gotta find a way out," you warned frantically.


"Patrick!" You yelled. "The police are coming, they're going to come up here and arrest us if we don't find a way off of this roof-"

The sound of helicopter blades slicing through the air interrupted you.

Patrick looked up at you, a smirk on his face. "There's our way off."

Joe flew the helicopter towards the building.

"We're gonna have to jump, he can't land." Patrick yelled over the noise.

You cracked your knuckles. "Okay, well this won't be the craziest thing we've done."

Patrick chuckled. "No it will not."

"You jump first?" You suggested.

Patrick held out his hand. "On three. Together."

You nodded. "One."

"Two." Patrick squeezed your hand.


"Freeze!" Somebody yelled behind you. "If you move, I'll shoot!"

"Jump!" Patrick yelled.

Your knees bent, ready to jump, but you hesitated.

"Harley, we have to jump now!" Patrick said.

"Don't do it!" The officer behind you yelled.

"Harley!" Patrick yelled.

Your knees buckled. "I don't- I can't-"

Patrick turned you towards him and pressed a bruising kiss to your lips. "Goodbye Harley."

"But, Patrick-"

"I'll come back for you, I promise." Patrick kissed you again and jumped.

"Patrick!" You yelled, your voice raw from tears as the helicopter flew away. "Patrick!" You fell to your knees.

The officer pulled you to your feet. "Come on." He handcuffed you roughly.

But you offered no resistance as you watched the helicopter become a blimp in the sky.

Patrick never did come back for you, at least not yet.

It had been five years since you heard from him.

And though everyone had warned you to just let it go, you couldn't. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get him out of your mind.

The Joker who played with your heart.

After 4 parts "Love Me Like You Do" is done! I really hoped you liked it! I know I did!

Thanks for all the reads and comments!

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