10. Late Night, Date Night (Andy Hurley)

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A/N: Sorry it's been like two weeks since I've last updated, so to apologize here is the Andy Hurley imagine I talked about in my last post

Andy could not take his eyes (and hands) off you the entire evening; often you would look up from your dinner to find his eyes locked on you as he slowly bit his lip.

"Are you ready to go home?" He asked, pushing his food around his plate lazily.

"Babe we just got here." You said puzzled; he'd been wanting to come to this new vegan restaurant for weeks, so why was he in such a hurry to leave. "You haven't even touched your food."

"I'm not hungry." Andy shrugged.

"What? You said you weren't gonna eat the entire day so you could have an appetite." You took a bite of your food. "How can you not be hungry?"

"Well I'm hungry." He looked up at you with a little grin on his face. "Just not for this." You felt his hand start to creep up your thigh.

Flustered, you looked at your almost empty plate and blushed. "Oh."

"Oh?" Andy's hand rubbed small circles on your upper thigh slowly.

Your breath started to come out in little flustered puffs as your boyfriend continued, enjoying the goosebumps he was raising on your skin.

He held your gaze as he daringly started to move his hand higher.

"I uh." You stood up suddenly, knocking his hand from your thigh. "I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."

Andy watched with a smirk on his face as you fled to the restroom.

Once inside the shelter of the restroom, you took a moment to compose yourself and find some way to slow your heartbeat down to a somewhat normal pace.

Five minutes later you walked back to the table you and Andy were sitting at.

"I paid." He held up a receipt.

"You are in a big hurry to get home." You observed and bent over to retrieve your purse.

Andy walked over to you, his hand discreetly and briefly resting on your hip. "You have no idea." He whispered just barely loud enough for you to hear him.

You shivered slightly and he chuckled, leading you to the car.

To say he drove like a maniac was an understatement. Usually Andy was a great driver, but tonight he was dodging cars, switching lanes with no thought and all the while his hand was glued to your upper thigh.

"Home sweet home." He served into the driveway of the little house and in two quick moments had the key out of the ignition and you out of the car.

"Andy put me down!" You hit his back playfully.

"Nope." He carried you into the house. "You're mine now."

You were set down in the front hall and were given about two seconds to breathe before a very worked up Andy was picking you.

He pressed you against the wall. "Damn dress." Andy mumbled into your collarbone, his fingers pushing the thin fabric of your dress up.

You ran your fingers into his hair and he pressed gentle kisses up your neck, across your jaw and finally kissing you with bruising force.

"But you looked so hot in it tonight." He said in between kisses, his hands bunching up the material. "Which makes me not want to tear it, so that you can wear it again." Andy said out of breath. "But I really want to- I need to get to you." He pressed you up against the wall more, holding you there with his own body.

"I don't care." You half whispered, half moaned and tugged on Andy's hair, eliciting a quiet groan from him.

"Whatever." Andy tore the back of the dress, ignoring the zipper he could have so easily pulled down.

He peeled the dress off of you and carried you up the stairs. With a grunt, he tossed you on the bed and climbed on top of you.

Clothes were discarded, tossed everywhere without aim and your evening began.


Andy collapsed on top of you, his hair a mess and his body covered in a sheen of sweat.

"I love you." He mumbled into your neck and kissed the skin softly. "God I love you." Andy rubbed your sides slowly.

You, on account of how amazing your last half hour was, could not speak. You just nodded in agreement and ran your fingers through his short hair.

Andy continued his gentle assault as you began to trace one of the many tattoos that spiraled down his back.

"(Y/N)." He mumbled quietly. "Say something please, you're scaring me."

"I love you too, Andy." You answered, still lazily tracing the colorful pictures on his back.

"That's not what I meant." He said shyly.

"Then what did you mean?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Say something about my performance." Andy's face felt hot on your shoulder.

"Your performance?" You asked clueless. "Oh, you mean..." You trailed off blushing.

Andy nodded, his face still warm.

"It was." You paused, breathing heavily. "Damn."

You felt him grin into your shoulder. "I told you not to wake the dragon." He said jokingly.

"Yes you did." You smiled and continued to trace the small scratches you left down his back.

Andy hugged you closer. "I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really love you (Y/N)."

"And I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really love you Andy." You replied.

But he didn't hear you, his snoring began then, quiet at first but it soon began to rise into a crescendo.

"Goodnight Andy." You chuckled.

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