67. Sleepy Trohman

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Ok Ok, but imagine this:

Having a really long day at work so you call Joe and tell him you'll be home late.

So the entire night he's just occupying himself by taking care of the kids until you get back.

After he gets Ruby and Nate all dressed and tucked in (cranky 3 year old Nate refused to go to bed for the better part of the evening so Joe just gives up and watches Stranger Things while Nate rests his head on his chest and chews on Joe's cell phone).

So you come home (finally) to find Joe and Nate asleep on the couch. Joe with his arm lazily slung over Nate's back and snoring quietly.

You smile, because let's be honest, Joe is already adorable, now add a baby and the cute factor is up by a thousand percent.

And you're debating whether or not to wake them up and move them to bed when Joe slowly opens his eyes.

"Hey." He says groggily. "When did you get home?"

"A couple minutes ago." You answer, still smiling.

"So you just watched me sleep?" Joe sits up, making sure not to wake up Nate.

"Well you guys looked really cute. Be happy I didn't pull out a camera." You tease and lean over to kiss his lips chastely.

Joe drags the kiss out a little, pressing soft, small kisses to your lips and cheeks. "Taking care of kids is hard. I don't know how you do it."

You took little Nathan Trohman from Joe and carried him to the room he and Ruby shared.

"Our kids are little demons. But they sure are cute when they're sleeping." You agree and lay Nate in his crib.

Joe wraps his arms around your waist from behind and kissed your shoulder. "I missed you." He says quietly. "I hate when you work late."

You turn to face him and wrap your arms around his shoulders. "Yeah, it's not my idea of a great night."

Joe rests his forehead against yours and closes his eyes. "I'm tired." He whines. "Will you tuck me in?"

You chuckle under your breath. "I suppose you'll want me to double as a teddy bear so you can cuddle?"

"Of course." Joe scoffs.

You tug on his arm and pull him  towards the room you two shared.

Joe sits on the bed, eyes sleepily following your every movement as you change into one of his shirts and some boxer briefs.

As soon as you're within arm's length of him, he grabs you and pulls you into his arms.

You smile at his childlike behavior and run your fingers through his curly hair as he rests his head on your chest. 

Joe releases a quiet purr and you feel his body relax onto yours.

"Good job taking care of the kids and not burning the house down." You say jokingly.

Joe looks up at you, his signature glare clouded by sleepiness. "Thanks." He says sarcastically.

"I love you Joey." You whisper, still running your fingers through his curls.

"I love you too baby." He mumbles sleepily.

And just like that, he's off to dream land.

Hey guys so I am currently writing this at 12 am from my bunk at camp. So that's why I haven't updated. I'm so sorry I'll be back when all this is over. I hope your week is going great.

Love you!

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