42. See You Again- Joe Trohman

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Eight Years Ago:

"Baby please stay." His voice cracked. "I need you."

The bus driver rolled his eyes and honked the horn. "Come on."

"(Y/N)." Joe's eyes watered. "I'll do better this time, I promise you. I'll do whatever it takes. Please don't go."

You wiped your eyes and turned back to him. "I love you Joe." You kissed him quickly and wrapped your arms around him.

He hugged you back tightly. "I love you too." He mumbled into your hair and kissed your forehead.

"Take care of yourself." You kissed his cheek and mounted the bus.

You chose a seat on the other side of the bus and closed your eyes so you wouldn't have to see Joe as the bus pulled away from the station.

So this is what it feels like to say goodbye. You thought as you leaned your head against the window and cried silently.

Present Time:

"Come on Joe, it's been eight years. Don't you wanna know what happened to her?" Pete thrummed his hands against the window of the tour bus.

Yes. He thought.

Instead, he shook his head. "No, not really."

"He's lying." Andy sat down on the couch beside Pete. "He's doing that squinty thing with his eyes."

"You're right, he is." Pete noted.

"Ok, so what? Maybe I do wonder what happened to (Y/N)." Joe admitted. "But like you said, it's been eight years. And with the way things ended between us..."

"You know, you never really can be certain about anything until you try." Pete said quietly.

"But what if she moved on? What if she's married or dating someone or-"

"And what if she's not?" Andy interrupted. "What if she wants to start talking again, but you're too much of a coward to make the first move. What if you throw away you're only shot?"

Joe bit his bottom lip as he thought. "How long are we gonna be in Columbus?"

"Three days." Pete said. "And it's just our luck that two of those days are a free day."

"Ok fine, I'll go see her tomorrow." Joe said. "Happy?"

"Not as happy as you'll be when you finally talk to her." Pete muttered.


It was one of those insanely slow days at the café where you worked. Honestly, if you weren't watching over the store for your boss, you wouldn't even be there.

But alas, it was policy, stay open rain or shine 6 a.m. to 6p.m. not a minute earlier.

It was a good job, it was easy, paid pretty well and your boss was amazing. She'd let you bring Jolie to work with you whenever you needed to.

Today, Jolie sat at the high top counter in front of you coloring. She was very meticulous about staying inside the lines, a quality that was strange for a seven year old child. But maybe she just got that from her father.

The little brass bell hanging over the door tinkled, drawing your attention away from the paperwork you were doing in the back office.

"Welcome to Lyn-Z's coffee." Jolie said, her grin showing her missing two front teeth. "It's Way out of this world."

"Hi, um, I'm looking for someone named (Y/N)," Joe smiled back at her.

"She's back there." Jolie pointed and went back to her coloring.

"Right here." You rushed into the room. "How can I help y- Joe?"

"(Y/N)." He said nervously, running his hands through his hair. "Hi."

Your daughter looked between the two of you confused. "You know him?"

You nodded in a trance-like state, still staring at Joe. "We were friends once."

"A really long time ago." Joe said quickly.

You knelt so you were eye level with Jolie. "Hey Jo, why don't you go grab your stuff from the back room and when you come back we can go get ice cream. Sound good?"

She nodded and hopped down from the stool. "Be right back."

Joe chuckled as he watched her run behind the counter. "She's cute, is she your niece?"

"My daughter actually." You looked down at the tile floor.

He looked shocked. "Your daughter?" He repeated. "Oh."


"How old is she?" Joe asked quietly.

"Seven." You nervously fiddled with your hands.

He may have looked calm, but on the inside his brain was pretty much like that one episode of SpongeBob where all the mini SpongeBob's were running around as his brain was on fire.

"Holy shit." Joe whispered.

"That's a bad word." Jolie said as she came from behind the counter, carrying her backpack. "Mommy, is Joe gonna come get ice cream with us?"


"Sure." Joe answered for you. "Besides, it looks like we've got a lot of catching up to do."

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