49. Happy Father's Day

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Andy Hurley:

"Are you ready to FaceTime daddy?" You cooed to the baby boy in your arms.

"Ugh mom, come on." Mackenzie rolled her eyes. "You know he's only got an hour and you're wasting most of it baby talking Sebby."

You paused what you were doing and looked around the room.

"What are you doing?" Mackenzie looked around confused.

"Oh don't mind me. I'm just look for whoever the hell you think you're talking to. Because it for damn sure ain't me." You said, and hooked up the laptop to your T.V. "There, you happy?"

Mackenzie nodded, as Andy's face appeared on the screen. "Hey guys." He waved and smiled, making you smile as well.

"Hi dad." Mackenzie balanced the laptop on her lap. "Happy Father's Day."

"Thank you Kenzie." He said, leaning towards the screen more. "How's your week been?"

"Good." Kenzie answered. "Nate and I had our six month anniversary yesterday."

You chuckled quietly at the way Andy's mood visibly dampened at the very mention of Nate Trohman. Nevertheless, he kept the smile on his face.

"I'm happy for you Kenz." Andy said through gritted teeth.

Sebastian cooed happily, clapping his hands above his head, as if he were saying "Pay attention to me."

Andy's mod instantly shifted. "How's my baby boy doing?"

Sebby grinned as Mackenzie turned the laptop towards him. "Dada."

Andy's jaw dropped. "No way."

"His first words were dada? On father's day?" Mackenzie raised an eyebrow. "Original."

"I wouldn't talk if I were you. Your first words were Bucky." Andy reminded her.

"Well Technically her first words were daddy too." You corrected.


"She's not wrong." Mackenzie agreed with you.

You pulled your phone out and watched the video you had taken almost sixteen years ago. "Still one of my proudest moments." You wiped fake tears from your eyes.

"You know, sometimes I wonder how you married her." Mackenzie joked to Andy.

He grinned. "I mean Kenz, come on look at her, where else am I gonna find a hot girl who loves Marvel and is as big of a geek as I am?"

"Your dad's right." You set Sebby down on the floor. "He got lucky."

"I won the fucking lottery." Andy agreed.

"Language soldier." You smirked at him.

Andy raised an eyebrow. "Ooh soldier, that's new, I like the sound of that."

Mackenzie stood. "And that is my cue to leave you horny kids alone. Bye dad, I'll talk to you later."

"Bye Kenzie." He called. "Hey, tell Trohman to keep his hands below the North Pole and above the Equator!"

"Dada." Sebastian said, and pointed at Andy.

"I'm right here." Andy smiled again. "I'm right here Sebby." He yawned.

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