31. My First Kiss Went A Little Like This....

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Patrick Stump:

"Come on, it's not much further from here." Patrick pulled you down the path leading deeper into the woods.

"Where are we going?" You asked for what seemed like the third time in the past five minutes.

"I already told you it was a surprise." He tightened his grip on your hand and pulled you along faster.

You made a face. "I don't like surprises. You know that."

Patrick smiled back at you. "You're gonna like this one, I promise."

You shrugged, but followed him anyways. Not that you really had a choice since he was eagerly dragging you towards the mystery spot.

He stopped right in front of a tree and looked up into the leaves, smiling.

"A tree?" You asked, following his gaze.

"Not just a tree, the tree." He said with intensity.

"Ok, I'll bite." You said. "What's the tree?"

Patrick turned towards you. "I used to have a treehouse here, before it got knocked over during a storm. I still come here sometimes, just to sit in the tree and think. It's important to me."

"Does anyone know about this?" You asked, gazing up at the tree with new appreciation.

"Just my parents." Patrick said. "And Pete." He added. "Wanna go up?"

"Climb a tree?" You said.

Patrick smiled. "You first, I'll catch you if you fall."

"That's a big commitment, since you know that it's likely I will." You crossed your arms over your chest.

"Go, I'll be right behind you...well under you." Patrick coaxed.

You groaned, but started to climb the tree anyways. "I'm stopping at the lowest branch." You called down to your boyfriend and carefully climbed higher.

"Fine by me." He steadily climbed behind you. "I never went much higher than that one."

You shakily climbed out onto the branch. You sat down facing Patrick, who was leaning against the trunk.

"It's pretty." You said, looking around. "Do you know how old it is?"

Patrick shrugged. "Pretty old, since it was the tree that my parents shared their first kiss."

"Really?" You asked.

He nodded. "I guess that's why it's important to me. And why I wouldn't really bring anyone up here that wasn't special to me."

"So, you're saying Pete and you kissed up here once?" You said jokingly.

Patrick turned red, looking down. "You're important to me (Y/N)." He said, not really answering the question. "I think- I think that I might love you."

Well that declaration effectively knocked the wind out of you, and made you forget all about Pete....for the moment.

"You do?" You asked.

Patrick closed the distance between the two of you. "I've felt this way for a while, I just, I guess I needed the perfect way to tell you."

"By climbing the kissing tree?" You joked.

"Like I said, it's a very important tree to me." He pressed his lips to yours quickly and softly. "There." He whispered. "Now we can tell our kids our first kiss was in this tree too."

"Patrick Stump, did you just ask me to marry you?" You joked.

"Sometime in the future, for now, I just wanna be your last first kiss." He kissed you again.

Andy Hurley:

"Popcorn or chips?" Your long term best friend Andy, called from the kitchen.

You put the movie in and pressed play. "Why not both?"

"I like the way you think (Y/N)." Andy walked into the room carrying two bowls. "What movie are we watching?"

"Captain America 2." You answered and sat on the couch.

He handed you a bowl, the one with popcorn. "Are we only watching it for Bucky?" Your friend grinned at you.

"Maybe." You said sheepishly and ate some popcorn.

"You're obsessed." Andy leaned back against the couch.

"Am not."

"You named your goldfish after him." Andy argued.

You gasped. "Loki James Ren is a testimony of my love for Bucky, not my obsession."

He chuckled. "Ok (Y/N), whatever you say."

"Shh." You hissed as the movie started.

You both settled in as the movie started. Andy wrapped an arm around your shoulders in a brotherly way. Or at least that's what you told yourself.

All throughout the movie, Andy kept stealing glances at you, but you were too absorbed in a movie you'd seen a thousand times to notice.

He was Flynn Rider and you were his Rapunzel.

Of course, both of you had no idea that the other harbored feelings, you just thought that you were so deep in the friend zone they might as well call you Gale Hawthorne.

So I, as the narrator, due to untreated ADHD, am getting increasingly impatient with your lack of perspective, I have decided to break the fourth wall and speed up the process.

The doorbell rang then, startling you and Andy.

"Were you expecting someone?" You asked Andy.

He shook his head. "I'll go see who it is."

Andy answered the door, with you following behind me.

"Hello, hello." I waved, stepping into the apartment.

"Who are you?" You asked, staring into at me in shock.

"Lemme get right to the point." I pointed at Andy. "He likes you and you like him."

"What?" You and Andy said together.

I held up a finger and pulled a CD player from behind my back. A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me" started playing.

"She said what are you waiting for? Kiss her, kiss her." I sang, slowly pushing you two together and dancing out of the house, leaving the CD player.

"Hey! Do not throw away your shot!" I yelled.

You and Andy looked at the CD player, which was still blaring music.

"Was what she said true?" Andy asked nervously, running his hands through his hair.

You nodded. "Do you like me?"

Andy gulped and nodded. "So uh- should we um. I guess we should, maybe um-"

You cut him off by standing up on your tip toes and kissing him.

He wrapped his arms around you and smiled.

Well look at that, my job seems to be done here. And done successfully. Yay me!

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