50. The Carpal Tunnel of Love -Patrick Stump

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The night started out simple enough. You and your friends had gone out to a club, nothing weird there.

And as usual, an hour in, your friends were all drunk off their asses. Again, nothing new there, you were always the designated driver.

But then you noticed him, sitting against the wall, watching people.

He had a mysterious air to him. He sipped from a peach and lime daiquiri as his eyes followed the people around.

Suddenly, his eyes met yours, and he smiled, making you blush and quickly looked down at your own drink, hoping he hadn't noticed you staring. You waited a couple minutes and looked back over at where he was sitting, but he was gone.

Strange. You swirled the ice in your soda around in your cup, captivated by the way the ice sounded rattling against the glass.

"Well." The man you were staring at a minute ago sat in the seat next to me. "You don't seem to be having a great time here."

You shrugged. "This scene isn't really my type, you know."

"This ain't a scene, it's a grope fest." The stranger chuckled under his breath. "But I know what you mean, that's why I typically don't hang out around places like this."

"And yet." You took a sip of your drink and smiled. "You're here."

"More for the music than the dancing. It calms me down." He shrugged. "I'm Patrick by the way."

You couldn't help but notice that Patrick did not stick out his hand to shake yours. Weird, then again, you guessed it was sort of an old gesture.

"I'm (Y/N), usually the designated driver." You grinned. "That's why I'm drinking Coke."

Patrick flagged down the bartender. "Two more Cokes please."

Two glasses of the bubbly brown liquid were slid towards Patrick.

"(Y/N)!" Your friend pulled your attention away from Patrick. "What a catch." She winked. "If you want, (Y/F/N) and I won't come home tonight."

You rolled your eyes. "It's not like that."

"Right." She rolled her eyes. "Have fun."

Patrick chuckled and slid the glass cup towards you. "Cheers."

You tapped your glass with his. "To many nights spent people watching in clubs."

Patrick grinned. He really liked this girl, he just hoped she wouldn't end up like the others, six feet under because they refused to love him.

See, your friend had given Patrick the perfect distraction to slip something into your drink.

"Whoa." You said, suddenly extremely tired and dizzy.

"Are you okay?" Patrick asked, a hand on your shoulder.

"No I-I feel weird." You put your hand to your head. "I'm tired."

"Here, let me help." Patrick support you, just as you passed out in his arms.

Nobody turned a head, nobody asked a question as he carried you out of the bar and to his car. He laid you in the backseat and draped the seat belt across your body, safety first.

Now that he was finally away from everybody, he could become who he truly was. He took the green iris contacts out of his eyes and looked in the mirror. Yellow eyes looked back at him. Patrick grinned and took the glove off of his hand, still smiling, he reattached the hook to his wrist.

You mumbled in the backseat as Patrick pulled out of the parking lot.

This time she'd love him. Patrick smiled. This girl would be the one.

Part Two?


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