8. New Year's Eve (Patrick Stump)

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I decided to write this in first person (oops), I hope it isn't weird for you guys....

I sat at the party my friend had dragged me to, bored out of my ever loving mind. I preferred to spend my Friday nights in the safety of my room, maybe with a good fanfic and some ice cream.

Not in a dress sitting in the corner of a crowded sweaty room alone.

Everyone around me seemed to be drunk out of their minds, even my best friend.

She waved at me from the dancefloor, a dirty marble floor, where she was grinding against a total stranger she had just met that night.

I waved back tentatively and pointed towards the kitchen as I hastily escaped the room.

The kitchen was empty, much to my relief, and I sat on a chair by the kitchen table, the sounds of the wild party could still be heard from my safe haven. The loud bass rattled the liquor filled cups on the table.

I leaned back and closed my eyes, trying to find the peace and stillness in the midst of this chaos.

"You don't mind if I sit here do you?" Someone asked, startling me.

I left my eyes closed for a bit longer to calm my jumpy heart. "You can sit, I don't mind." I opened my eyes slowly.

The boy sat beside me awkwardly, he was my height, meaning he was pretty short; brown hair framed an adorable face and pale green eyes contrasted the black leather jacket he was wearing. He pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose, fixed his fedora nervously, and twiddled his thumbs quickly. "I'm Patrick." He said and stuck his hand out.

I shook it. "(Y/N)." I answered.

"It's New Year's Eve." He blushed as he stated the obvious.

I nodded. "Yup."

"Why are you sitting here by yourself?" Patrick asked. "I mean you're really pretty and um, I thought someone like you would have brought a guy."

I covered my mouth with my hand and stifled a giggle.

He put his head in his hands. "Holy smokes. I'm an idiot" He muttered, which caused me to giggle again.

"It's okay." I smiled. "And I'm not really into partying." I shrugged. "Guess I'm too awkward."

Patrick grinned slowly. "I'd like to challenge that. At my prom, I got pushed into the dance circle and was forced to dance. I'm not the greatest dancer you see."

I groaned on his behalf, knowing where this story was going.

"I uh, well I kind of started doing the windmill." Patrick laughed.

I gasped. "You did not!"

"Oh yeah, knocked out about ten people." He continued his story, shoulders shaking from fits of laughter. "I didn't show my face for weeks, of course, but my friend Pete saved my ass that night. He's a great dancer; I never knew that about him until then."

"Your story sounds bad, but my dance story is way worse." I leaned forward.

"Really?" Patrick challenged. "Ok, let's hear it."

And I launched into my most embarrassing story yet.

"Ok, so this was my first party I ever went to and my last until tonight. Long story short I got hammered." Patrick giggled, interrupting me.

"That's how the best embarrassing stories start." He informed me, before letting me continue.

"Anyways." I rolled my eyes. "I had a little too much to drink and for some reason decided that I should dance. I got a little too...ambitious and hit a few...'interesting' dance moves. And well." I paused.

"Well?" Patrick leaned forward.

"I split my pants, in the middle of the crowd, and I was so drunk I walked around for a full 10 minutes without even noticing it." I finished, dropping my head in his hands.

There was a choking nose, and I looked up to find Patrick beet red as he tried to stifle his laughter. "Oh god, that beats my story any day."

"I've never been to a party since then." I shook my head, heat flooding into my cheeks. "Until now." I added glumly.

"So I guess it would be a bad idea to ask you to dance with me?" My new friend asked, grinning.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. "I don't dance."

"You split your pants." Patrick said, still grinning. "Sorry, that was mean." He said quickly, the smile vanishing.

"Hey don't worry about it." I leaned forward. "It's your turn to tell a story."

And that's how the night went, sharing embarrassing stories and sympathizing until we both felt that we knew each other almost better than anyone.

The conversations turned from those filled with embarrassing anecdotes to those of fondest memories.

"One time, I got into a fistfight with my friend Pete over some song lyrics." Patrick started. "It seems so stupid now but at the time it was so important that my voice was heard you know?"

I nodded supportively.

"That was a tough time though-"

My best friend drunkenly stumbled into the room interrupting us. "The ball's about to drop in one minute guys!" She announced. "Make sure you find someone to kiss." She winked and stumbled back into the living room."

Patrick and I looked at each other, looked away and blushed.

"Y-you definitely do not have to kiss me if you don't want to." Patrick said shaking his head.

From the other room we could hear the shouts as our "friends" counted down. "Ten...nine...eight."

We made eye contact again and I shrugged. "What the hell?"

"Seven, six, five, four."

Patrick nodded and we leaned towards each other, our lips touching lightly.


We pulled away smiling at each other like idiots.

"One." Patrick and I whispered together and kissed again, pulling each other closer.

Happy New Years!!!!!! I hope this year is gonna be epic for you. Thank you much for 200 plus views, definitely one of the highlights of my year. Also sorry for any mistakes with grammar or spelling, I was kinda rushing to get this done tonight... Stay sassy, keep it classy XO ~Zoe

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