100. Supermarket Flowers

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Not gonna lie, this imagine is pretty sad. Listen to the song for maximum pain.

For as long as Sebastian could remember, you'd always been there for him.

His first clear memory was your smiling face looking down at him as he attempted to grab a toy you were holding above his head. Your laugh still rang in his ears.

Your smile, a beacon that lit his way during any dark day he faced; the smile that always seemed to grace your lips. The smile he would never see again.

Sebastian stood in the small, sterile hospital room, staring at the white walls. In all of his twenty years, he had never felt so empty, so wrong. He had never felt a loss so sudden, or hard.

One moment you were alive, talking to him, laughing with him, and the next you were gone, the light behind your smile had extinguished.

Andy had sat their silently, stunned, his sister had screamed until her voice was raw.

He set to work, pulling the cards and flowers from the window sills and dressers and placing them into a box. His fingers brushed over the cracked leather of a photo album his father had brought in.

Instead of lifting his spirits, the crinkled photos seemed to weigh him down.

He didn't realize he was crying until a tear plopped onto the protective plastic.

"Seb..." Andy rest his hand on his son's shoulder.

Sebastian turned into his father's arms and cried, his sobs shaking his entire body.

"I know." Andy put his chin on the top of his son's head and held him closer. "I miss her too."

The woman who was the first to hold him when he was born and the one who held him up in whatever he did. The one who bandaged his scraped knees and stayed home when he had the chicken pox. The person who watched his band concerts and cheered a little too loud during his soccer games (even though he sucked).

His mom, his hero, his biggest fan.

He couldn't believe you were gone.

"You ready to go see her?" Andy pulled away and wiped his son's face.

Sebastian nodded grimly, staring at the photo album in his hands.

"I'll drive." Andy wrapped an arm around Sebastian's shoulders and steered him from the now empty room.

He glanced back as they entered the hallway. He tried not to see the outline of the lifeless frame of your body, tried to keep the happy memories inside of him.

Mackenzie was waiting for them in the car. She had her arms wrapped around the top of her knees. Her feet were on the seat, a move you would have never tolerated; the thought made Sebastian chuckle solemnly.

She looked up when Andy opened the front door, tears swam in her eyes that were mirror images of your own.

Mackenzie had wanted to be up there with her little brother, but she realized it was his time to be alone.

The call came when he was out with some of his friends; something you had made him do since you insisted he spent too much time in the hospital with you.

He had never gotten to say goodbye.

"How are you doing?" Mackenzie asked, unraveling herself.

"Is that a trick question?" Sebastian snapped, staring out the window.

"I miss her just as much as you do." Mackenzie retorted.

Sebastian stared down at the box in his hands. "I know."

He didn't speak for the rest of the ride to the cemetery.

(Y/N) Hurley

(Y/B/D)- April 30, 2056

Loving Mother, May she rest in peace

"Remember that one time, when mom came to your soccer game and fought with the ref because he didn't call a foul when that Billy kid pushed you?" Mackenzie asked as they stared down at the headstone.

Sebastian nodded. "She pulled the ref's whistle off and started blowing it. Said she could be a better ref than he ever could."

"She made that kid cry." Andy chuckled. "Remember when Mackenzie let you color on her autographed picture of Sebastian Stan and we had to cover it up?"

"I still can't believe she was his date to the Oscars." Mackenzie shook her head. "I remember when she kicked dad out of the house for being team Iron Man." She wrapped her arms around herself.

"That was not funny, I had to live with Pete for a week, his house is insane." Andy groaned. "And that plastic shield hurt."

Sebastian knelt in front of the grave. "She never missed a single game, cheered too loud during my decathlon meets-"

"She called them your nerd parties," Andy reminisced.

"She was the best." Mackenzie agreed.

Andy ran a hand through his graying hair. "You know, she's probably going to haunt us."

"No, she was an angel. She's somewhere free, flying away." Sebastian shook his head.

"It feels weird, leaving this empty." Mackenzie gestured to the trampled grass.

Sebastian jumped to his feet. "I'll be right back."

He jogged back to the car and grabbed a bouquet of flowers from the box.

"Can I, can I have a minute alone?" He asked when he got back.

Mackenzie and Andy made eye contact before nodding and walking a few feet away.

Sebastian resumed his position, sitting in front of the grave marker.

"You deserve so much more than a bouquet of re-gifted flowers," he said quietly. "You deserve the whole world. You were always there to catch me when I fell. You snuck me ice cream when I was sick, you taught me how to play Welcome to the Black Parade on the piano. You knew what I needed when nobody else did. So thank you mom."

He set the supermarket flowers onto the ground.

"You got to see the person I have become. You're an angel mom, so spread your wings and fly away." Sebastian wiped the tears from his eyes and rejoined his sister and dad.

"You ever feel like she's watching us?" Andy looked up at the sky.

"Nah, knowing her, she's enjoying the fact that she can eat and sleep as much as she wants without gaining weight." Mackenzie said.

Andy wrapped his arms around his kids' shoulders. "I love you," he whispered, to no one in particular.

"Happy Mother's Day mom," Sebastian glanced up at the sky.   

Hey! Make sure to cherish and enjoy your mother's while they are still here, you never know when they're going to be taken away from you. 

On that note, just cherish the people around you.

This was for all the kids who lost a mom or don't have theirs anymore, you all are loved and important.

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