28. Jet Pack Blues Pt. One (Andy Hurley)

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"(Y/N), leave me alone!" Andy stalked into the house, throwing the door open so hard it almost broke.

"Babe, we need to talk about this." You followed him and closed the front door gently.

Andy paced the living room, angrily running his hands through his hair. "(Y/N), please leave it alone."

You walked towards him slowly, your hands out in front of you. "Please tell me why you're upset."

You and Andy were having a nice date, walking around the city. Well it was nice until Andy got a phone call; his whole demeanor changed and he demanded you two go home immediately, no explanation as to why he was all of a sudden so mad.

"I don't want to hurt you." He said quietly, confusing you.

Andy would never hurt you.


"(Y/N)!" He shouted, making you jump. "Stop pushing me. I don't want to talk about it."

You stood in front of him. "You're not gonna hurt me Andy. But you're scaring me, why are you so upset?"

"Why do you keep being so nosy?" Andy balled his fists.

"I'm not being nosy. I'm worried about you." You protested. "I care about you."

"Well I wish you wouldn't care so much about me." Andy snapped. "I wish you would leave me alone and mind your own goddamn business." He spat, making you flinch.

"You don't mean that." You shook your head, holding back tears.

"Leave me alone." Andy turned. "I mean it."

You grabbed his arm. "Andy-"

Andy reared his hand back and slapped you across the face. The force of the blow sent you to your knees, cradling your face.

He looked down at you in horror as you stared at him with watery eyes.

Andy's hands began to shake as he looked from his hands to your red cheek and back again.

"Babe." You said quietly, trying to calm him down.

He took a step forward and you involuntarily recoiled, shielding your face.

"I'm- I'm sorry." He looked at his hands again and ran out if the front door, leaving you alone in the dark house.

You pulled your knees to your chest, rested your aching cheek on your leg and cried.

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