f o u r t y e i g h t

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I picked up the phone and sighed. "Hey, mom. What's up?"

Before I could get a single word in edgewise, she scolded me for not telling her that Michael and I were dating, and invited him over for dinner tonight. She then said she had to go and prepare for dinner and hung up on me.

"Wow...alright. Thanks mom."

Michael then came waltzing into the room. I glared at him. "Hey, Josie...what's wrong with your face?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, why don't you send me a text and ask?"

"What are you even talking about?" Michael sat down next to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. "What's bothering you?"

I promptly slapped him across the face. "Ah, sorry. My hand slipped." I bit my lip. "My mom invited us over for dinner tonight, so we're going."

"Awesome. I'd love to meet your parents." Michael leaned in for a kiss but I slipped away, grabbing a pile of clothing. 

"I'm going to shower now."

I got into the bathroom and turned on the shower to the hottest setting. As I stood under the water, I felt all of my anger dissipate, and I smiled. "Hey, Josie! Have you seen my cellphone?" 

And with that, all of the anger came back. "Maybe you should ask one of your girl friends, huh, Mikey?"

"I am asking one of--wait, Josie...you're my only girlfriend. What are you going on about?"

"Leave me alone Michael, I'm trying to shower!"

"Josie, I'm coming into the bathroom and we're going to talk about this." 

"Stop it!"

He opened the door and was immediately hit with a wall of steam. "Shit, Jos, this is as hot as hell in here. Now, what the hell are you talking about with this whole 'one of your girlfriends' bullshit?"

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself, turning off the water. "You know exactly what I mean, Michael. Don't even joke around with me. Who is it? Chelsea?"

"Who is what?" Michael ran his hand through his hair. "I have no clue what you mean, Josie!"

I scoffed and walked back into the bedroom, changing into the clothing I had brought. "Just...let's get through this dinner, and then we'll talk, okay?"

Michael nodded and left the room. "I love you, Josie."

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