f i f t y f i v e

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"That was a good night," I said, rubbing more of the face mask onto Michael's face. "Don't you think so?"

Michael smiled. "Very good. I'm glad you had a good time. Happy birthday, love."

I laughed. "You're so green now. Like a little alien."

"Hey, I'm not little!" Michael pouted. "Can I do your face?"

I nodded, handing Michael the tube of the mask. "Please don't get it in my eyes."

He began rubbing my face with the cream, and I soon matched the colour of his skin. "We're both aliens now!" He smirked and went to kiss my cheek, but then rethought it. "I love you, Josie."

I smiled at him. "I love you too, Michael." I leaned forwards and kissed him, climbing onto his lap. "Your cheeks are going to be so soft and smooth...you'll glow after this."

Michael laughed. "You glow all the time. You're beautiful."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why all the sudden romance, Mr. Clifford?"

He shrugged and smirked at me. "I'm not allowed to be romantic because I'm punk rock?" I laughed. Michael frowned at me and then shook his head. "I'll have you know I can be very romantic when I want to be."

"Sure thing, Mr. Punk Rock."

Suddenly, Michael began pawing at his face. "I can't move my face, Josie. What did you do to me?"

I laughed. "It's drying, Michael, just a few more minutes and then I'll wash it off."

"And then we can make out?"

I laughed. "And then we can make out."

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