Chapter 2

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Tris POV

    Tobias looks so overwhelmed, maybe if we were alone this would be easier for him. But since we're around everyone he can't really talk to me. It was so much easier the last time. Amar says the food is going to be awhile so I ask Tobias if he wants to go for a walk, he agrees and we go.

    We walk down the main hallway for a bit in silence, he keeps staring at me. Some color is returning to his face but he's still pale. I reach for his hand, I can tell by his face it relaxes him. "I missed you so much Tobias..." He nods, I can tell he's still upset with me. We walk for a little bit more then sit down on a bench. I look at him, "So no one uses this building anymore?" he shakes his head, I can't help but feel worse... I don't want him upset with me. "I heard that you're doing great at your job in the government, how is that going?" He just stares forward, not saying a word. He closes his eyes, I sigh as I wait.

    "Why did you leave me Tris......" he says quietly.

    I look at him, I can feel my throat tighten up. "The Bureau took me away Tobias....I didn't have a choice."

    "Do you know all of the shit I've been through the past year in a half...." I can see his hands are balled up in fists.

    "I came back Tobias.... I came back to visit you. I couldn't be away from you for too long... I didn't want to leave Tobias..." I touch his shoulder. He shifts and looks the other way. I can hear him struggling not to cry. I rub his back and look down... all this pain I caused him... he never deserved it.

    "Tobias look at me please.... Talk to me about this..." I shake his shoulder, even though I can't bare seeing him in pain I need to help him feel better. If we talk it out maybe he'll feel better. He turns around suddenly and kisses me passionately, pulling me into his arms. I place my hand on his cheek, holding him close to me. I still love him... I never stopped. I misses his arms around me, I missed his kisses, I missed him loving me. I can't help but smile as we pull back, he's smiling too. I rest my head on his chest and let him hold me.

    All of a sudden Bruno comes running down the hallway, I get up quickly. Oh god not now, let's not do this here.

Tobias POV

    I can't help but smile as an idiot after I kiss her. For a second everything felt back to normal, like none of this stuff ever happened. I hold her tight in my arms, god how I missed this so much. Just as I'm about to talk Tris gets up really fast, I hear footsteps coming closer to us. I look over and see it's one of the guys from the Bureau. I stay seated but look over at Tris, why does she look so nervous?

    I look over at the guy, he doesn't look to happy. I raise my eyebrow at him, does he have a problem or something? He looks away from me and back at Tris, "The food is coming down right now.... So Amar wants you back." I look over and Tris and she nods, her cheeks are red.

    I step in front of her, blocking her off from him. "Thanks for the notice kid. Now if you'll excuse us, we were talking."

    I can see anger in his eyes, He steps to the left and extends his hand, "Tris let me walk you back." I look down at his hand and back at him. No... it's not anger in his eyes... it's jealousy. I feel anger fill me again, I look back at Tris, "Don't tell me you got with this pansy when you were gone." She won't meet my eyes, I feel a stab in my heart. "Don't tell me you actually moved on from me." I feel more pain with each word.

    She manages to look at me, "I didn't move on but yes I've gone out..... Tobias they told me I wasn't going to come back... they told me I wouldn't be with you again." I feel the rage inside me, I look at the guy and I pounce at him, hitting him in the jaw and knocking him down. I hear Tris cry out but instead going over and beating him up I stand tall. Amar runs over, "What are you doing Four?" I look over at him, fighting every urge to go over and fight him. "You knew she was alive the whole time and that she was moving on.... And you never once told me. You knew how much I love her and you didn't have the courage to tell me she was going out with other guys."

    The guy sits up, rubbing his jaw. I can see his blood and I smile, he deserved it. "She wasn't going to see you again Four, she deserves to be happy."

    "Bruno shut up right now." Amar hisses.

    Bruno shrugs, "I'm just saying she deserved to be happy and she knew I could make her happy."

    That's it, I had enough. I throw myself at Bruno, aiming for his jaw again but Amar steps in between us. I fight against him while Tris is telling me to calm down. I just need to hit him one more time. One more time.


A/N; OH NO! Tobias found out about Tris & Bruno..... And she wasn't the one who told him..... How is this going to affect them?

And thank you all for starting the sequel! I'm working really hard on making this as good as the last one!


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