Chapter 18

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Tobias POV

    After I calmed Tris down I asked if she wanted to talk about it, she said she would talk about it later with me, that she didn't want to talk or even think about it just yet. I respected her wishes because I didn't want to push her any more than she needed to be. We sat and watched movies together, I just wanted to get her mind off of things. I go to the fridge and realize we have nothing to drink, I go into the closet and see I have nothing in storage. She's just laying on the couch, staring at the wall, looking at nothing.

    I sit next to her, "Tris...." She doesn't budge at all, I kiss her forehead and sit on the floor in front of her. "I'm going to go get some groceries and pick us up some food for tonight. You're probably tired from everything so we should make it easy for us tonight. Anything in particular you want to eat?" She shrugs and yawns, "Tobias... you know I love you right?" I smile and softly kiss her, "And I love you Tris." She wraps her arms around me and pulls me to her, I lay on the couch next to her and pull her close to me. Slowly she starts falling asleep and once I realize she's out I slowly get up. Giving her one last kiss before I leave to go get the groceries.

Tris POV

    I'm listening to people talk, I can barely hear them but I know they are talking. I guess this is what happens when you keep drifting in and out of sleep. I decide it's time to wake up, this dream is pretty useless to me. I stretch and yawn, slowly coming back to reality. I stop mid yawn, I still hear the voices. Tobias said he was leaving to the store, I don't think I've been asleep that long. I quickly and sit up and open my eyes, trying to see who the voices belong to. The second I realize who it is, I start screaming.


A/N; DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!! CLIFFHANGER (I do those so often) who do you think Tris is seeing? Comment below! Also if you want to be featured as a character now is the time to speak up! I think it's a good time now to start adding new characters so comment a description and name below and somehow I'll add you in!


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