Chapter 42

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Tobias POV

    I park the car and run over to the government building, I have to get to Johanna. If anyone knows what's going on it's definitely her. I push the button in the elevator which will take me to her office, my heart is racing faster as the seconds go by. What's happening to Tris? Why does David have her? He better not be harming her or he'll have to answer to me. Once the elevator doors open I run out, making my way to her office. I don't even bother to knock I just barge in, Johanna looks up at me surprised and then gets up running towards me to hug me.

    "Tobias thank goodness you're safe, everything is falling apart right now." She cries out as I hug her back. I pull away, "Johanna they have Tris... they must have taken her sometime through the night. I woke up and she was gone." She shakes her head and runs back to the computer, I hear a lot of mouse clicks "I'm trying to locate her to see if she's in the city, if she isn't showing up then she is out of boundaries which means she is in the Bureau." We wait for a few moments and then it says that she isn't in city limits. My heart sinks as it's confirmed that the Bureau has her, even though she loved working there I know they did bad tests on her about her pureness.

    I clench my fists thinking David has her there, the last time they were alone together it resulted in her getting shot. I'm not having that happen again. I can't lose her again. I look at Johanna, "I need to get there, I need to get there now." She shakes her head, she looks so helpless "Tobias we are on lockdown. There is no cars going out nor coming in. We're all trapped here." That statement alone scares me, why are we all trapped here while David is about to start a war. I shove a chair out my way and storm out the office. I know it's not Johanna's fault and she didn't deserve that, but I have to find a way out.

    I run into my office and slam my door, I have to find a way. Tris is there all alone and I can't even imagine what she's going through. I shake off the thought as I dial Amar's number, if anyone can get me over there I know it's him. "Four are you and Tris okay? Where are you both?" I feel a twinge of pain when he mentions her name but I have to focus. "The Bureau, they have her. David has her. Chicago is on a lockdown so no one is allowed to go anywhere. I need to get to her though, we need to get to her." It's quiet for a moment, "Amar tell me you can get me over there. I know David has her, there's no other explanation on why she isn't here." It's quiet again, "I don't know what security you all have but this is what I'll do."

    We come up with a plan and I quickly call Caleb and Christina, they would be angry if I didn't tell them and most likely they would want to join. That gives us numbers against David. After I tell them the details I race home to get a few things and I race to meet Amar at the pickup point. I'm going to save Tris.


A/N; Sorry for the late update! I went back to my home (I live in a different state because of college) and we don't have wifi here. But I'll be able to update tomorrow!


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