Chapter 37

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David POV

I look out towards the horizon, I just can't let her go. She was the best thing to happen to the Bureau and I need her back for more testing. I know I can figure out the cause of being 100% pure and spread it throughout the damage. Even though they are fighting towards an equality between the pure and the damaged, I have to make things right. I can't remember my past, but I can ensure the future of the Bureau. I have to thank the journal I kept before the memory serum was released because if I didn't find that then all of the work I have done would have been lost.

I sit down and page Abeni to come into the room, if there is anyone I trust it's her. She quickly comes in, paperwork in her hand. "You paged sir?" I nod, "Abeni you know how much you mean to me? You are my most trusted friend and I know I can always count on you." She nods, "Of course sir, after all you have done for me it's the least I can do." I smile, "I do need you to do something for me, and I don't know how you'll take it." She raises her eyebrow, "Sir?" I nod, "I need you to go to Chicago, I have a task for you and you're the only one I trust to complete it."

She smiles, "Just one question, you say you don't know how I'll take it but the ultimate deciding factor is, do you think this is the best way to go about the situation? Whatever it may be." I nod quickly, "The only way everything can work out." She slightly nods, "Then I'll do it sir, I trust you enough to take the chance." I get up and start walking her to the door, "We'll talk about it in a few days, if you could do me a favor and get that Bruno boy up here. I need to have a word with him." She nods and starts walking to her desk but trips. I quickly go over to help her up, "Abeni it's the third time this week... and it's only Tuesday." She laughs, "At least once per day sir, you know it's like a ritual." I can't help but laugh as she gets up.

I go back into my office waiting for Bruno to show up, after 10 minutes he does. "Take a seat please." He slowly does, "What do you want David? I was busy working." I wave my hand as if I'm trying to make it as it was nothing, "Bruno you have been doing a great job with working, a few minutes of your precious time won't kill you." He chuckles, "I have more decades to live David, so I'm not afraid of what will kill me at the moment." I force a laugh back, "I actually brought you here today to talk to you about something."

He sits up in his chair, "And what exactly would it be?" I take a deep breath, "As you know Tris Prior has left the Bureau to go back to Chicago." He stiffens up by the sound of her name, I know I can easily affect him by reminding him of the girl who left. "What about her?" He says a little angrily. I smile, "I feel a pain as well with her choosing Chicago, all of the hard work she left behind. All of the good friends she made... she left us without giving it a second thought." I look down at Bruno's hands to see they are clenched, this is easier than I thought. I continue, "But I think I found a way to bring her back to the Bureau, I will just need a little help doing that." He sits there, debating for a few moments when he looks back at me, "What do you need me to do?"


A/N; DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN!!!!!! Oh no Bruno is officially helping David! What do you think David wants from him? Only 12 chapters left in this book!


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