Alternative Chapter 50

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Tobias POV

I jump up out of my seat as I start shaking my head, I just had the worst nightmare possible. I look over and see Amar next to me, he motions his head to the door and I see the Doctor standing there. "Beatrice Prior?"

We all stand up at the same time, we're the only ones in the waiting room so I guess that makes it easier. We walk over to the Doctor and he starts making eye contact with each one of us, "It was a long and difficult process, but I am glad to report that Beatrice is now in a stable condition. We can go over details later with immediate family but I am happy to report she will be fine." He has a big smile on his face as he walks out the room, it takes a second for all of us to process it and then Caleb lets out a long awaited sigh. We all hug each other and start cheering, Tris is going to be okay, and everything will be okay.

"Can I get Beatrice Prior's significant other to come with me outside the room?" I hear someone say as I turn around and see a nurse standing by the door. I raise my eyebrow and look at Amar who just nods his head at me. So I decide to follow the nurse out to the hallway and we walk a little bit away from the room but then she stands in front of me with her arms cross. "When were you and Beatrice Prior last sexually active?" I choke on air as I realize the question, "Wait what? Why do you need to know this?" She raises her eyebrow and gives me a serious look, something tells me this is pretty serious.

"Yesterday... before Abeni came over and all of this went down." I say slowly, I can feel my cheeks start getting hot. It's the Abengation in me. She nods and looks down at a clipboard she has. "When were you both first sexually active?" I feel myself get red again, "Um... the first time or when she came back." The nurse is making direct eye contact with me so it makes things a lot more awkward. "When she came back." I think about it for a few moments, "She came back about a month ago, yeah, a month ago." She nods again and looks down at the clipboard, "Interesting." I raise my eyebrow, "Why does it matter?" She places a hand on my shoulder, "Beatrice is one month pregnant, well we assume it's been a month. As of right now she hasn't miscarried or anything because the tests still show she's pregnant."

Shock overtakes me. Tris is pregnant? Did she know? How could I not see the signs? After the shock sets in, anger sets in. I want David dead. If the shots didn't kill him I'll make sure to finish the job. He not only put Tris at risk but also our child, he's a dead man walking. After the shock and anger set in, happiness comes. Tris and I are going to have a child together, a child to symbolize our love towards each other. I can't help but smile as I think about a little us running around. I just need Tris to get better, if she's better than the baby should be too. It's so weird I experienced all of these emotions in a matter of minutes, it's all happening so fast.

"Can I see her? Please? Please let me see her, even if she's not awake." I ask the nurse, she looks down the hallway and back at me then we start walking. She leads me outside the door and she just stands there, "Two minutes. That's the best I can do right now." I nod, "Thank you." I quickly go in and shut the door behind me. I feel like I'm going to be sick. The first thing I see is Tris laying on the hospital bed. She is so pale, so weak... this is not the Tris I know. I slowly walk towards her, grabbing her hand. Her hands are cold, her chest slowly moving up and down. I pull up a chair next to her and just hold her hand tight.

"Tris... oh my Tris..." I put her hand on my cheek, I didn't even notice my cheeks were wet. I do some sort of laugh cry, finally feeling some sense of relief. "You're alive... You're alive Tris!" I kiss her hand and hold it tight. "A family... Did you know Tris? Did you know you were pregnant?" It's quiet for a few moments, I wonder if she could hear me. "I love you Tris, I love you so much. We're going to start a family together and we'll be happy. I don't care what happens as long as I'm with you." I smile really big, "A little us running around, made out of pure love for each other. Just imagine it... how amazing it's going to be."

I hear a knock on the door, I look back and see the nurse waving me over. I nod and turn back to Tris, I lay her hand back down and get up. I softly kiss her lips and fix her hair, "So much has happened in this past month. Shock, anger, confusion.... But also love, hope, and happiness. All of this has been worth it. The future is now bright, we just had to get past the aftermath."


A/N; So I lied guys, THIS was the original ending to this book but I wanted to scare all of you. But a lot of you really liked the fake ending so I'll give you all a choice. The next book could be a continuation of this chapter or it could be about Tris and Tobias in heaven watching over Caleb and Christina! I was thinking about writing a book about both but that's still undecided. Please comment below and let me know what you guys would like!


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