Chapter 49

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Tobias POV

    I sit outside the room, leaning against the wall while I try not to let guilt consume me. At first I can hear everyone crying, then it changed to everyone talking quietly, which then led to complete silence. The only thing I can think about is how bad I want Tris to be okay, I just want to hold her and make sure everything is okay. It feels like it's been days since we've heard any update but in reality it's been a few hours.

    I can't stand to go back inside the room, I can't face everyone again. To see the look on everyone's face... I promised to keep her safe. There's so much I could have done differently; I could have shot David sooner, maybe said something different, or at least got to her sooner. I groan as I fight tears back, how could this happen? We were supposed to live a happy life, since she came back everything was supposed to be easier after it. I hear someone clear their throat and I look up and see the Doctor waiting outside the room, I quickly get up and walk inside the room, keeping my head down.

    I sit down away from everyone, I can't make eye contact with anyone. I raise my head to look at the Doctor, he's looking around at everyone. I want to keep looking down but I need to hear what the Doctor has to say. We're the only ones in the waiting room so he doesn't have to pull us away separately. "Beatrice Prior." He says slowly as we watch him in curiosity. I watch his facial expressions but I can't tell anything by it.

    "I am sorry everyone, we couldn't save her. Her injuries were too severe and she lost too much blood. We did everything possible to save her but her body was just too weak to handle all of it. Beatrice Prior was pronounced dead at 5:46 pm. I'm terribly sorry." He walks out the room as I hear Christina scream. I look back at everyone and see them starting to cry, all I can do is stand still and stare at them.

    I lost her. I lost her again. I can't do this, I just can't do this anymore. I look at everyone crying, Caleb and Christina are holding each other, Bruno and Elena too. Amar and Abeni are looking at each other, silent tears streaming down their faces. I grab my chest, it's getting harder to breathe now. It feels like all the air has disappeared and that the world is ending. I look over at Caleb and when he makes eye contact with me I can see that something clicked in him, that something is different. He lost a spark that used to be in his eyes. He starts charging for me again when Amar stops him, I see him yelling but everything has just gone mute to me. I know what I must do.

    I walk quickly over to Amar and grab the hand gun out of his hostler, I run to the other side of the room looking at everyone. They all became frozen. I look at Caleb specifically, "I'm sorry, please know that Caleb. I wish I could reverse the roles, I really wish I could. Anything to have her back..." I put the gun to my head and that's when everyone looks away. Amar starts charging at me to stop me, "Tris please forgive me, I love you."

    I hear a loud bang and everything goes black.


A/N; Now you all may cry and be angry! But enjoy this picture and decide for yourself! Please comment below exactly what you're feeling and if you cried! I would appreciate it because it helps me as a writer!

A/N; Now you all may cry and be angry! But enjoy this picture and decide for yourself! Please comment below exactly what you're feeling and if you cried! I would appreciate it because it helps me as a writer!

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