Chapter 22

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Tris POV

I jolt up and muffle my scream with a pillow. What a horrible nightmare. Tobias decided he needed to let me go so he broke up with me. I sigh as I lay back down in the bed, back to sweet reality. That's when it hits me, I'm in the bed alone. Alone. Where's Tobias? I feel a sharp pain in my chest as I realize that what I had wasn't a nightmare, it actually happened. Tobias broke up with me.

I try to hold back the tears but it's all so much, I cry into the pillow as quietly as I possibly can. All of a sudden I feel the room closing in on me, I can't breathe anymore. I get up and run out to the deck, taking a breath of fresh air. Is that how Tobias felt during his fear landscape? I shake off the thought and try to focus on breathing. I try not to think but that's unsuccessful, all I can hear is that he's letting me go.

None of this shouldn't be happening, I can't accept any of this. I lost everything; I lost my friends, my family, my old life, Tobias. I lost Tobias. My legs give out and I fall to the floor, quietly crying so I don't wake him up. He shouldn't have to deal with me anymore, I hurt him even more by coming back. With time he could have moved on and became happy, but I had to come back and break his heart and his trust in me. Maybe it all would have been easier if I never came back.

All of a sudden three mask men jump onto the deck, my first instinct is to run. I open the door and run through Tobias' room but then I feel a pair of arms around me, and a hand covering my mouth. I kick them and try screaming but it's no use. As I'm trying to escape I realize I'm knocking over stuff, I hope Tobias hears me. I just got back, I can't die again. I break free from the intruder's grasp and start punching back, I'm not going down without a fight. The thought was very short lived because as I'm throwing another punch I feel a needle go into my neck and everything start to fade.

'Tobias..... I love you.' Are my last thoughts.


Tobias POV

I wake up and cover my face with a pillow. All of this happened, that was real. My heart feels heavy as I remember our argument last night. I don't want to but I have to let her go, she has a future there and needs to complete whatever she was working on. I love her enough not to keep her trapped here. Maybe she was happy over there, and that Bruno made her better. I feel a sharp pain in my heart thinking it, that Tris would be happier with someone else. Four and Six, that's how it was always supposed to be. They say when you love someone so much, you have to let them go if it will benefit them. It will benefit her to go and finish her work. It hurts so bad but for her I will be willing to do it all.

I get up, might as well make this an early trip instead of spending the day together and make it hurt worse when I take her. I walk over to her door and start knocking on it, "Beatrice come on, we should get going." Nothing at all. I knock again, "Beatrice... open the door." Still nothing. She's probably upset with last night and then with me calling her Beatrice, it's different to me but it kind of keeps me safe. "Tris, I'm sorry... just open the door and we can talk." Nothing. Now that's odd, it's too quiet.

I decide to open the door, slowly because I'm not sure what I'm going to find. "Tris? Everything okay?" I go in and look first towards the bed, nothing. I check the bathroom, nothing. The closet, nothing. "TRIS???" I yell as I start searching the room and the deck, looking at every possible place. Nothing. I sit on the bed, she's gone again. She's gone. She's gone. How could she be gone again, I just got her back. I feel a sharp pain in my heart, how can all of this be happening? I lived in pain for over a year, and then to have Tris back in my life... to experience pure happiness. Yeah we had our troubles but we could have worked past them. Now she's gone again, who knows when and if she'll ever come back.

I can't help myself I just start crying, I can't keep being strong. This isn't me, I don't get emotional or even cry... but when it comes to Tris and losing her, I can't stop. I felt so weak and helpless during all of this, this isn't the Four everyone knows... this is... I don't even know anymore. I grab hold to a pillow to muffle my yells, I just want all of this to be over now. To go back to where I had Tris in my life and we were happy. I cry until I can't anymore, letting myself feel the pain.

I look up and throw the pillow across the room, "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME AGAIN TRIS? WHY? I NEED YOU TRIS." I yell, then I realize the pillow didn't knock anything down. The chair, the items on the table, all of them are already down. I get up and look around, a few other things are knocked down. How could that have happened? I sit and ponder and then it hits me. She didn't leave me... she was taken.


A/N; Happy Pi Day!!! And guess what! My birthday is next week so I'm pretty excited! 20 years old!


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