Chapter 4

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Tris POV

After dinner everyone is still chatting, surprised how I'm all of a sudden alive. I know when I hang out with them privately later they will be asking me so many questions. Everyone is cleaning up the table and the mess we made when I go over to Amar who's just standing there. "So what's going to happen now?" He shrugs, "To be honest Tris... I don't even know. Like I said before, you weren't ever supposed to come back." I look over at everyone, "I think I hurt them more by coming back Amar... Tobias is mad at me, I know Christina and Caleb are hurt because I was gone all that time.... Bruno is mad because I'm not with him...."

Amar shrugs, "There's always going to be people who are offended. There's no way to please everyone. I would like to imagine that if Tori survived then she would have been mad at George for faking his death. But I knew sooner or later she would come around. Just like with your friends and Four, they will come around." I nod, maybe he had a point.

"There's no going back though right? Like the Bureau won't erase their memories and bring me back to them?" I say slowly, I don't want to say it too loud and give them ideas. He shakes his head, "No I believe you're actually free Tris." I turn to him, "So they let me free because of Tobias.... But they wouldn't listen to me when I asked them respectfully." Amar starts laughing, I can't help but laugh with him. Everyone looks at us, I can't help but feel Tobias's glare on me. Amar looks at me, "That's the Bureau I guess Tris. Never fair about anything." We smile at each other. I completely agree with him on that.

We're about to leave the cafeteria when Amar stops us, "You really think I was going to let you all leave DAUNTLESS without some desert?" I smile, Amar is always full of tricks and surprises. We all go back and sit down and all of a sudden Amar wheels out this huge chocolate cake. I look over at Tobias, expecting to see him smiling like crazy. He loves chocolate cake, but when I look I don't see any expression change.

Amar starts handing us cake, I tell him to give me two pieces. I walk over to Tobias who's already sitting down and I sit right next to him. "I saw you weren't in line so I decided to get you a piece, it's your favorite Dauntless cake." I try to sound casual but inside I'm so nervous. He doesn't look at me, "I'm not hungry Beatrice." I wince, he never uses my actual name. I put the cake in his lap, "Please for me Tobias..." He looks at it for a moment then starts eating it. I smile just a little and eat my cake too. Since the cake is huge we can have as much as we want, Tobias eats about six pieces of cake.... I know he's going to feel sick later.

We're leaving the compound, I stay as close to Tobias as I can. He still won't talk to me but he's allowing me to stay close to him. Amar steps in front of us, "Tris I don't know what the Bureau is going to do, so we're all going to go back there and let you all catch up and stuff. I'll stop by in two days to let you know what they say." I nod, he gives me a hug and nods at Tobias. I go over and give Elena a hug, telling her that I'll talk to her in a few days to make sure she goes over the work we done. I wave at Bruno, I know he's still mad at me.

All three of them leave so it's just me, Tobias, Caleb and Christina. Caleb smiles at me, "How about you guys come to my apartment and we can talk about everything there. I think I still have some ice cream so it will be good to have after the cake!" I smile, I really did miss my brother. Tobias speaks up, "Yeah we'll meet you guys there." Caleb smiles and hugs me, walking back to Christina and they get in there car and leave. So it's just me and Tobias.


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