Chapter 16

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Tris POV

    I'm looking out into the city and seeing all of the change that is happening. So much looks the same but at the same time everything is different. I try not to focus on that, I can't focus on that. If Tobias notices me getting overwhelmed he's going to want to talk about it and with everything going on today I just can't do it. I close my eyes and imagine everything back to normal, the factions and being in Dauntless. I look over at the trains and just focus on that, at least that's one thing that's the same.

    I look over at Tobias and see him looking at me, I can see he's relieved. There's still pain in his eyes but it must have been good for him to get everything off his chest. "So where do we go from here?" I ask. He grabs my hand, "We'll take it day by day, and see where everything takes us." I nod and he squeezes my hand, "We don't have to figure it all out today, we made really good progress today Tris." I nod and lay my head on his chest, listening to his breaths. He's breathing peacefully so I assume he's looking back at the city.

    I focus on his breaths and then all of a sudden he stumbles for a second and starts wheezing. I sit up and look at him, patting his back as if he's choking on something. He regains his breath and shakes his head, "Sorry I was caught off guard..." I raise my eyebrow at him, did I talk out loud again? "Something came to my mind and I forgot all about it." He explains, I take in a deep breath, what next do we need to talk about?

    "What are you going to do with the Bureau... when do you find out what they are going to do?" It catches me off guard but I regain my composure. I shrug, "I guess I won't know until I meet with Amar..." He looks down, "You don't think they will take you away from me again....." I can hear how scared he is in his voice, I place my hand in his and kiss his cheek, "I won't let them do it... I won't... I can't be away from you anymore. I won't put you through it, I don't care what I have to go through. I'm staying with you."

    He smiles and kisses me, "That's my first jumper."


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