Chapter 39

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Tris POV

    Tobias and I just got done eating, after I came back from Caleb and Christina's place he's been there for me. He knows how hard it was for me to go there and be vulnerable, so it means a lot to just have him there for me emotionally. I'm sitting on the couch going through my phone when all of a sudden I hear music being played. I look up and see Tobias standing in front of me smiling, "May I have this dance Beatrice Prior?" I laugh and stand up, "As long as you don't call me that again." He chuckles and pulls me in his arms, "It does feel weird saying it, but we're not in factions anymore so I guess we have to use our actual names." I gasp, "What? I have to call you Tobias all the time now? I like the sound of Four every now and then." He laughs and kisses my forehead, "Four and Six... Dauntless legends... I guess we can break the rules every now and then!"

    I feel at peace while we're dancing, smiling and making small talk with each other. "Do you remember this song?" He asks as I tune him out to really listen to the song. I look up at him and raise my eyebrow, it really does sound familiar but I can't pinpoint it right now. He chuckles and kisses my forehead, "How do you not remember it and I do? Well I don't exactly remember it either but it's the song on the video on your phone." I smile big and kiss him, "You picked out our song!" He kisses me back and twirls me around, "Like I said I may not remember it fully, but it kind of comes back to mind. Then I saw the video on your phone so I wanted to play it again. Hopefully I remember this time dancing with you!" I laugh and lay my head on his chest, "Tobias thank you..." I look up at him and he stands there with me. "I know how hard it has been since I've been back, and I know with all my problems it made it more difficult... but you stayed with me and that means the world." He kisses my forehead, "No matter what... I won't leave you."

    He kisses me and it slowly starts turning into something more and that's when we hear a frantic knock on the door. I pull back and look in the direction of the door, "Who is it now? You don't have anyone coming over right?" He shakes his head, "I swear if it's the Bureau I'm kicking them out." I chuckle as I hear the knock again, it sounds urgent. When I open it I see Abeni standing there, looking as if she's seen a ghost. I'm about to ask her what's wrong when she starts crying. I look at Tobias and he's just as confused as I am, she walks in and collapses on the couch. I sit down next to her, trying to help her calm down. Once she does she just sits there in silence. Tobias leans against the wall, watching us. She looks back up at me and she looks like she will burst into tears again. "War.... War is coming Beatrice."

    She starts crying again and I look at Tobias who is alarmed. She explains to us saying that David is going to start war against the damaged and it's going to be bad. When she finishes she gets up starting to leave but I stop her. She can't go back, not when a war is about to break out. I have her stay the night so we can figure out what to do in the morning. Once she falls asleep I go into mind and Tobias' room, both of us too nervous to face what's happening. We both agree to deal with it in the morning, we shortly fall asleep.

Abeni POV

Hours Later.

    It's now or never. I listen to hear them both snoring. I look over at the clock and it is 7 am. I pull out my phone and send 'Checkmate'. I put away the phone and slowly make my way towards the master bed room. Once I make it I quietly open the door, if I am caught they will kill me. I slowly inch my way over to Four's side of the bed, he has to be the first one. I go into my bag and grab my kit, I pull out the syringe and take a deep breath. One shot with this. I stick it in a vein in his arm and he doesn't even move, I squeeze down watching the liquid drain into him. That was easy. I put the used syringe in a box and move over to Tris, I pray this goes as smoothly as it did with Four. When I put the needle in her arm she moves a little but stops, Four must be more used to this.

    I step back after I'm done and watch as the next part of the plan is put into effect.


A/N; And this.... Is where everything goes down


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