Chapter 26

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Tris POV

    I look at Tobias and he's just standing there, looking blankly at the wall. We came here so he could let me go, so I could continue my work here. I look back at David and he's just smiling at me, he knows I should come back as well. After everything I've done for the Bureau, I should want to go back... but I don't. I grab Tobias' hand, "I want to stay in Chicago." The second I say that I see shock cross David's face, I hear Tobias softly gasp. I keep my eyes on David, shock still fresh on his face. "Tris, you can't be serious..." I nod, "I am, I need to be back in Chicago. I am happy with the work I've done here and all the information I was able to provide. My heart is in Chicago." I look over at Tobias and smile.

    He smiles back and squeezes my hand, still shocked of what I'm saying. David clears his throat, "Tris you would have to start over again, here you have power." I shake my head, "I don't need power, I belong in Chicago. Thank you for the experience here but I'm finished here." Tobias and I start walking out when I hear David, "Tris..." I look back and see he's standing up now, "How about if you can work here still but live in Chicago. That's fair. We don't want to lose you Tris, you're important to us." I sigh, "I don't know David... I'll get back to you shortly. For right now, I chose Tobias."

    We start walking out again when I hear David yell, "TRIS YOU'RE DIVERGENT.... YOU'RE PURE... TRIS...." I start running out of there with Tobias, as we're passing Abeni she gives me a strange look. I shrug it off as I keep running, hearing David yelling in the background. We quickly find Amar and stop to catch our breath. "How did seeing David go?" He curiously asks, I shake my head, "It's David, so how a usual meeting goes." Amar laughs, "He started yelling didn't he?" I laugh and nod, we talk for a few minutes but Tobias stays silent. I tell Amar we will be on our way and he tells me to keep in touch, of course I agree. As we're leaving I look back at the Bureau, remembering all the times I had there.

David POV

    No... I can't let her go. She's the only pure one to come out of Chicago. I don't remember what happened before that because Abeni told me about the memory serum. The only thing I do remember is that Tris was pure, the only pure. There's equality because of her but being pure is still something really special. Her genes were so fascinating and extraordinary, I need her back here.

    I stop yelling as I realize they are gone, I walk outside my office and see Abeni filing some paper work. She looks up at me, "Everything okay sir?" I shake my head, "Oh my sweet Abeni... the time has come to bring Tris Prior back to the Bureau." I hear her sign, "So Scarce Seize is a go?"

    I look at the door which they ran out of, thinking of how much she means to this movement and to the Bureau. "Scarce Seize is a go."


A/N; Do any of you guys like Doctor Who? If I wrote a story with the 10th Doctor & an original character would anyone read it? Comment below


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