Chapter 45

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Tobias POV


    I look and see Tris against the wall, she looks like she's been through a lot. Even though she looks that way I can still see the determination in her eyes. She looks so tired, mentally and physically, as if she's fighting something within her too. All of a sudden she's pulled up and I snap out of it and realize David put a gun to her head. I quickly raise my gun and aim at David, my heart accelerating so fast it might jump out of me. He yells, "DOWN, GUNS DOWN." I look at Amar and press my hand on the communicator, "Stand down." Elena is probably watching us through the camera and last thing I need is Caleb and Christina coming in here, so I killed two birds with one stone.

    Amar and I put our guns down and I keep my eyes on David, "Put the gun down David, you don't need to do this. You don't need to hurt her." He shakes his head, "No, don't tell me what to do. You have no authority here, just because you were a Dauntless bigshot doesn't mean you're anything here." I take a deep breath, "David I'm not ordering you around, let's just try to do this without violence. Tris has done nothing wrong, no point in killing her."

    He shakes his head again and tightens his grip around his gun. My hand automatically goes to my gun, I don't rise it, I just need it there just in case David loses it. I can't get emotional right now, I need to focus on keeping Tris alive. I can't lose her again, I just can't. "Tris is no use to me anymore, I already took notes about her and extracted some samples from her... I can make a pure human. Genetically pure like her." I shake my head and slowly take a step towards David, "You need her alive, you can't be sure the samples will work. What happens if they were lost or misplaced, what happens then?"

    I look over at Tris and see her slightly smiling, why is she so happy? She looks at me and for a moment I forget everything, all I want is to hold her in my arms and keep her safe. We've both been through enough the past few years, just a few minutes of peace with her. She nods and looks over at David, I take my focus on her and focus back on David. "Chicago is a failing city, I haven't told people yet but I know how to fix it. I can release the memory serum and change the world, for the better. I'm confident that the samples will work. What's the point of Tris when she doesn't want to comply with us? She's better dead than alive to me, she doesn't share the same vision that I do."

    I look behind him and see Abeni slowly getting closer to David, I raise my eyebrow and watch her out the corner of my eye. I still can't believe her and Bruno are on David's side. We let her into our house last night, welcomed her as a guest and let her stay for safety. Then you would think Bruno would have more respect for Tris, considering the feelings he has towards her. After this I'm going to kill him... okay not kill him but hurt him very bad. How could they both go against us? I go back and forth between focusing on David and Tris, I don't even care what he's saying anymore, all I care is Tris being safe.

    Then everything happened so fast, all of a sudden I see Abeni push Tris and David is going down. That's when I hear 3 gunshots so I fire back.


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