Chapter 41

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Tobias POV

    I wake up and something feels off. I quickly sit up and look around, Tris is gone again. I jump out of bed and quickly fall to the floor. I shake my head and start moving my body parts one by one. They all feel stiff and difficult to move, I get up and try to ignore it. I start walking but I have to lean on the wall for support wherever I go, I don't have my full strength. I make my way to the living room to where Abeni was sleeping and the couch is empty too. I can feel my heart start racing as I realize something is wrong. Tris wouldn't leave me like that, she would have said something.

    That's when I remember Abeni said that David wanted a war... he would take Tris in a heartbeat. I make my way to the phone and see that I have one voicemail, I decide to play it before I call anyone. Four loud beeps play, "Citizens of Chicago, we are under a stage Four lockdown at the moment. I urge all citizens to stay indoors. More information to come soon." Then the dial tone, I groan, this is the last thing I need right now.

Tris POV

    I wake up and something feels off. I quickly sit up and look around, Tobias is no where in sight. I'm in a bright white room again.... I must be in the Bureau. I yell as loud as I possibly can, I have gained some of my strength back. David has come back again, his greed has overtaken him and he turned back into the horrible person he always was. I am so naïve to think just because he had the memory serum that he could be a completely new person.

    All of a sudden two men charge into the room and yank me out of bed, I yelp as I hit the cold hard floor. That's when the pain begins and I feel pain on my sides, they are kicking me. I try to get up but every time I did that I would get kicked back down. I finally manage to get up and I throw a few punches, all of a sudden I feel something hard against my head and everything goes black.


    I wake back up and my head is pounding, I look down and lift my shirt up to reveal bruises on my torso. I look around and see the room is clear again, I yell out "David come out now! Stop being a coward and come out!" I look over and hear the door open, David slowly walks towards me with a smile on his face. "Beatrice! You missed us already?" He laughs as anger boils within me. "You brought me here." I manage to say, it's taking everything within me not to attack him right now. He clasps his hands together, "Oh no Tris I didn't even touch you, I had my loyalists do that for me." He motions towards the door and in come Bruno and Abeni.

    I can't help but feel pain. Bruno is was one of my best friends here and Abeni was the one who told me all of this was going to go down. Bruno has a straight face while Abeni won't even make eye contact with me. David clears his throat so I look back at him, "Chicago is a failing city Tris, I told you once and I told you again, it's too damaged to continue. I might as well tell you since you're going to die here. I'm going to be releasing memory serum within Chicago, relocate everyone and start new in Chicago." He starts walking away and he looks back and smiles at me, "Oh, and when I mean by relocate I mean take them all out of the city and kill them all so they don't taint my beautiful city with their imperfectness."

    That's when I lose it, I get up and run towards him.


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