Chapter 36

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Tobias POV

    I shut the door behind them and I let out a long sigh, "Finally they are gone." I must have annoyed Tris with my comment, "Hey those are my friends you're talking about." I sigh as I walk over and place my arms around her, "I know they are, I just wanted to spend some time with you." I look down at her and see a little smirk on her face, "You do have a point." I kiss her and I feel her smiling, I pull back and chuckle. She gets out of my arms and walks over to the fridge, pulling out some cake. I quickly run over to her as she hands me a fork, "Cake tonight! What's the special occasion?" She smiles, "Tobias you are always eating cake so I don't know why you think it's a special occasion." I laugh as she kisses my cheek, "You have a good point, but I still think there is one tonight."

    She nods, "Well you didn't get into a fight tonight so that's something to celebrate!" I chuckle as I take my first bite, Dauntless cake is always amazing. "That is something to celebrate, if I knew I would get cake for not fighting I would have stopped a long time ago!" I take another bite as I look up at her, she's rolling her eyes. I laugh, "Come on Tris, it's Dauntless cake!" I raise it up as if I'm advertising it, she laughs and takes another bite, "One of the best things at Dauntless!" I shake my head, "I'm second place? Well... it is Dauntless cake... so it's a bittersweet moment!" She laughs and kisses my cheek, "Well if you put it that way..." I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around her, "You're way better than Dauntless cake, if it was between you and the cake, I would pick you. No hesitation." She smiles big at that and wraps her arms around my neck, "What an honor, Four picking me over Dauntless cake... it's a miracle!"

    I lean in and kiss her, starting off with slow and then it starts getting more passionate. We haven't been intimate in a few days so it's nice to have the chance to love each other. I pick her up and start leading her to the bedroom, it's like when we're together all the pain and confusion fades away and we're left with love. And that's what happens, it's only us and our love.


    I hold her in my arms, both of us out of breath. She looks up at me, "I love you Tobias, I really love you." I smile and kiss her forehead, "I love you too Tris, always." She smiles and lays her head on my chest, everything so quiet and peaceful. I can't explain how lucky I truly am, to have my girlfriend back. I look up at the ceiling, "Tris... can I ask you something?" I feel her nod, I continue "Do you miss the factions?" She looks up at me and I look at her. She looks very confused, not really sure what to say. So I start, "The factions, do you miss them?" She stays quiet for a moment, "I'm not sure if I do or not, I mean that's all I've known for as long as I've been alive. Though at the same time I hate how people were categorized for one thing. People are much more than that... and then with all the problems with Jeanine... it wasn't good."

    I nod, "Do you miss the Bureau." I feel her tense up in my arms, "What brought this up Tobias?" I shrugs, "Just seeing you with Elena I suppose..." It's quiet for a few minutes, and by that I know my answer. "It's okay if you do Tris... I mean you lived there and made a life there." She nods and places her hand on my chest, "But I made a life here too... and that's the one I want to focus on." I smile as I put my hand on top of hers, "I'm just worried about you... you stay here all the time... I can tell you're sad. You need to get out, I know it's hard because of all the change but it's better than staying here all alone while I'm gone." She nods and next thing I hear is her starting to cry, I rub her back "What's the matter love?"

    She shakes her head, "It's all just so much, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be emotional about this, I just... this isn't my Chicago anymore and it's hard for me to accept that. It's hard to accept my parents are gone and so are my friends. Caleb and Christina are angry and I don't know what to do with myself. At the Bureau I had my job, I had my friends... but I didn't have you. Now I have you... but I don't have a job or friends. I don't know... I'm just so lost Tobias and it scares me." I hold her tight, trying to put all her pieces together. "Tris... I want us to start counseling, to help you sort out everything. I know it's hard but I can't lose you mentally, I just got you back physically." She nods and looks up at me, I wipe away her tears.

    "If it means a lot then we can figure out something with the Bureau, I just want happy." I say as she lays her head down on my chest again, it's quiet for a few moments so I think she's starting to fall asleep. I start feeling drowsy so I start to let myself drift off. "You do make me happy Tobias." I hear and I fall asleep with a smile on my face.




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