Chapter 46

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Tobias POV

    I yell out in pain as I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. I stumble back looking at my arm seeing blood gush out of me down my shirt. Damn this hurts a lot more than what I thought it would. I stand back up straight and shake my head, looking for Tris. She's standing in front of me about 20 feet away, she's just staring at me. No emotion on her face. She looks down for a moment so I follow her and see blood on her shirt, "TRIS!" I yell as I start running to her, she slowly loses strength and starts going down.

    I quickly get to her and pull her in my arms, "Tris... baby. Stay with me. Everything is okay." I don't even realize Christina and Caleb came into the room until I hear Christina's scream. I don't look back at them, all I can focus on is Tris. Amar is applying pressure to my wound and I push him away, "HELP TRIS AMAR, SHE NEEDS HELP!" I look down at Tris and she's just looking at me, "Tris baby, it's going to be okay. It's going to be fine." I look down at her and see she has two gunshot wounds. I feel Amar's belt tighten around my shoulder, then I look and see he put a big piece of cloth so the blood can soak into that.

    I look over at Bruno and Abeni, I pull out my gun and point it at them. "Traitors!" I see Abeni's eyes go big as she backs away. Coward. I aim my gun towards her first when she cries, "Four wait!" I yell back, "It's all your fault! We trusted you! The both of you!" She shakes her head, "I'm undercover, I stopped the memory serum being release and if David was going to kill her I would have stopped it. That's why I pushed her. Bruno is under a serum, like the one Jeanine used to control everyone. He doesn't know what's happening now, look at his face, he hasn't reacted." I look at him and his face is completely expressionless. He doesn't know what's going on.

    I yell and throw my communicator and focus back on Tris, still looking up at me. Barely breathing. "SEND HELP NOW, SEND SOMEONE!" I look down at her and stroke her cheek, "Tris please stay with me, don't leave me again. I can't do that. I need you." I can feel the tears roll down my cheeks, she slightly smiles and puts her hand on top of mine. She's freezing cold. "Tobias I love you." She whispers, no tears or anything. I nod, "Don't do that Tris, no goodbyes." She shakes her head, "Tobias please...." I kiss her, I kiss her as if it's my last time. I pull away, "Tris I love you too, I love you so much. You're my everything; my best friend, my rock, my life. I want to grow old with you, start a family with you, create a future with you. Please... don't leave me."

    Her eyes take longer to open, "Tobias be strong, be brave." I can't help but hold her closer to me, it can't end like this. It just can't. We just go back together, everything was getting back on track, I can't lose her. I just start rambling on telling her how much she means to me and how I want to be with her... all of the things I should have said before this. I look over at David who is bleeding out on the floor, I didn't even notice that we shot him.

    Tris makes me look back at her, "I love you Tobias, promise me you'll be strong." I shake my head and she makes a face, "Tobias promise me." I can barely hear her. "I promise Tris, but everything will be okay. Just keep your eyes open and talk to me, the medics should be here any moment." She nods, "I destroyed all of my samples and ruined all of the papers. David has nothing to go on." She smiles and leans towards me, I close the gap between us and kiss her. Kissing her, trying to let her feel all the love I have for her. She pulls back and takes a deep breath, "Tris it's okay, stay with me."

Tris POV

    Tobias keeps talking to me but it's all starting to get hazy. I touch his cheek and wipe off his tears, he shouldn't be scared because I'm not. I destroyed everything so there's no way to replicate my genes, David still doesn't win. All of a sudden my mom appears behind Tobias, "Mom?" She smiles and crouches down beside me, "It's okay Beatrice, you did it." I hold her hand, "Am I done yet?" She nods, "Everything is complete my dear child. It's time." I smile as I look at Tobias again, "I love you Tobias Eaton." I whisper, I hear him say it back as my eyes feel heavier.

    This is it. I'm not scared anymore. I have done what I was supposed to do, I saved the city from David... twice. I told Tobias I loved him. I made peace with my friends. I made a difference in the Bureau.

Can I be forgiven for all I've done to get here?

I want to be.

I can.

I believe it.


A/N; And this was on chapter 46


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