Chapter 50

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Caleb POV

    It's a rainy and depressing day in Chicago, it suits the mood I guess. I stand there with Christina as we look over Beatrice and Tobias' graves. It's an odd feeling, I never thought I would lose her again. When she came back I thought all of the bad things were over... sadly they were just beginning. Even though we didn't get much time with Tris, the moments we had together were unforgettable. Tobias on the other hand... I do respect him but he took the coward's way out. He couldn't protect Tris like he promised us, but while they were together he did make her happy so I'm trying to look at the positive side.

    I wipe my eyes as Christina squeezes my hand. There will be one thing that I completely regret... we didn't get to tell Tris that Christina was pregnant and that she would become an aunt. I imagined she would be overly exciting, hugging Christina tightly and imagining the future. If it's a girl I'm going to name it after her, I know for a fact Christina would like that as much as I do. Tris changed the world, even though she didn't believe it at times she honestly did. She was one of the most selfless person I have ever met, always sacrificing things for the greater good. I hope our child could become just like her, she was an amazing person.

    I touch their grave stone one more time and take a deep breath, trying to suppress a sob. I always imagined the four of us growing old together, creating more memories and traditions. I know Tris and Tobias would have been great parents, and they would always be there for each other. I know I haven't been the best brother to Beatrice but in the end I changed my ways. I know they'll be looking over us for our whole lives. They are the protectors, they are Dauntless.

    We start walking away and I look up at the sky and it starts raining. The sky is dark and gloomy as if it's crying over the loss of two rare people. I squint my eyes as I see something in the sky, what could possibly be out during this weather? Three ravens. I close my eyes as I feel a soft breeze around me, I know they are both here with us right now.

    It's a sad day in Chicago. Rainy, gloomy, depressing and dark. The only thing I can focus on is that Tris and Tobias are happy in heaven now looking down on all of us. They we're both here to serve a purpose and now that they completed their duties they are finally back home in no more pain. They will be with us through every step of the rest of our lives, being the protectors that they are. When I see birds flying I'll think of her, when I smell Dauntless cake I'll think of him. All of their sacrifices will never be forgotten, they are the heroes of Chicago. They are the protectors.


A/N; This is it! Final Chapter! I was going to upload this Thursday but I decided to upload it today and upload an Alternative Ending on Thursday so everyone doesn't kill me! Please follow me so you can get updates for my upcoming books!


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