Chapter 10

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Tris POV

    I wake up and automatically feel Tobias arms around me, I feel so safe here. I decide not to get up so just in case he wakes up he doesn't freak out that I'm gone. I know I haven't checked my phone or anything so maybe Amar texted me telling me to come back. I'll put that off for a little longer, right now I just want to spend much needed time with Tobias. I have a feeling something is off with him but maybe he is still adjusting.

    He slowly starts moving around, stretching to get more comfortable. I kiss him lightly and feel a smile grow on his face, he wraps his arms around me again deepening the kiss. His tongue slowly gliding across my bottom lip asking for entrance, and I allow it. After our little session he holds me in his arms, "You know I can get used to waking up like that." He softly laughs and I can't help but smile, not only am I happy but his voice when he wakes up is really sexy. I kiss him again, "I wouldn't mind that if it happened more often." I wink at him and he leans in to kiss me, right before his lips meet mine I jump out of bed and walk towards the bathroom laughing.

    "Tris stop being such a tease, it's not very Amity of you to do that!" I roll my eyes and I hear him. "Amity..." I mutter to myself, I still don't fully forgive them for giving me too much of their serum. I remember it all and just how out of it I was. I remember Tobias being annoyed with me, which is kind of funny now because how he handled the situation. My smile slowly starts to fade as I start to shower, there is no Amity, no factions.

    I'm knocked out of my trance by Tobias knocking on the door, I finish my shower and quickly get out, just then to realize I didn't have a change on clothes. I walk out in my towel and start going through Tobias drawers to see if I can find anything, I knew Amar should have dropped off some of my stuff. Tobias comes over and his eyes get all wide, I lightly chuckle and keep trying to find clothes. Tobias wraps his arms around me and softly starts kissing my neck, I kiss him back and let both of us get lost in our love.

    Afterwards we're laying in bed, it's already in the afternoon so we spent a lot of time loving each other. (A/N Yes they've done it before, I don't think I'll actually write about it just out of respect to my younger readers. But anything I say they are loving each other or if they randomly end up in bed together you know they did the deed!) Tobias kisses me and smiles, "I love you Tris, so damn much." I can't help but smile and place a hand on his cheek, "I love you too Tobias, you're the only man I ever loved." I feel him tense up but quickly recover, he gets up and puts on some briefs, "So what would you like to do today love?" I ponder for a moment but then smile, "Let's go to the Ferris Wheel!"

    After Tobias went to the store and bought me some clothes he comes back and I finally change. It's almost five so I know we will only have a few hours to be there before it gets dark, but little time is better than no time. I'm still getting used to Tobias driving a car, so much has changed since I left. I close my eyes for most of the ride, I don't want to see all the change that has happened. I feel overwhelmed just by thinking of it.

    We finally arrive at the Ferris Wheel, one of the symbols for our love. We walk there hand in hand towards the memories.


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